Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1933, p. 36

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Are for Track Meei During the sixth week of the play -round thé track meet wiiI be helc Anyone who passes the Village Greeî piayground in the mornings will set many of the. chlidren practicing foi the track meet., Somne will be, pracý ticing the dash whileothers practice the broad jump or the bail throw. The following...is a list of thi events:* *,~yard dash-Boys under 8, girls under 8, boys -8 and,9, girls 8 and 9. 50-yard dash-Boys 10 and Il, girl 10 and 11,,boys 12 and 13, girls 12 and 13, boys 14- and 15,gil 14 and 15., Standing broad jutnp-Boys 10 and 119 girls 10 and il. Running broad jumüp-Boys 12,and 13, girls 12.and 13, bys14. and 15, girls 14 and .15. 'Piaygro .und bal throw- Boys 10 and 11, girls 10 and 11, boys 12 and 13, girls 12 and 13, boys. 14 and 15, girls 14 and 15. 75-yard dash-Boys 10 and 11, girls 10 and 11, boys 12 and 13, girls 12 and 13, boys 14 and 15, girls 14 and 15. Running high jump-Boys 10 and 11, girls 10 and 11, boys 12 and 13,. girls 12 and 13, boys 14 and 15, girls 14 and 15. 1Ribbons wili be awarded for the above activities-one set of ribbons for each event. A set consists of : a bitte ribbon for first place, a red ribbon for second place, and a white ribbon for third place.-Hope Miller», Village Green. Riley, Former N. U. Star, Praises Rockne Tuesday, j une 20, Jack Riley, a, star on Northwestern's football teaMf a few years. ago.. told us. about the Oiympic gaines and >about .Knute Rockne, the former coach of the Notre Dame football teain. Riley said that Rockne was famous for neyer letting his men give up. He was a smart man antd always tried to outsmart the nther teams. 5.à Uu'4 Lou, 1 go 111 and 4~ve lots of fun. carn a modal.-Virgi.nia mepart LIST PRIZE EVEr Ribbons WilI Be Awarded -for Second and Third Places ini ground Contests Firýt, Play-1 During the playground season there "will be several special events. Rib- e bons will be awarded as follows: rblue ribbon for Arst place; .red for second, and- white for third..->- i :,The 'ribbons are awarded for -the foliowing events: poster nîaking- seniors,. juniors, interinedia.tes;. sand nioceling. . seniors, intermedia tes, juniors; dol show-juior girl. s, in- termediate girls; pet show - large. ddogs, smnafil dgs, cats, rahbits, feath-i ered pets, misceilaneous; territory-' intermediate. boys, intermiediate girls.1 junior boys,ý junior girls; tennis- Lsenior boys, senior girls.- Marion. M iller,, Village Green.- Rules Are Listed for Poster Mttking Contest The Village Green children are very busy. making posters. AIl sizes and colors ,are being made. Rules f or poster xnaking are as foliows :'c 1. Posters 'shouid be made by theS children advertising the activities, and n judging is based upon originaiity, de- U sign, color schemes, and neatness asv well as the value of the poster. 2.a Posters must be made on the play-, b grouncj. 3. Ideas may be obtained0 froin magazines, books, ads, etc. 4. Regulation paper is obtained from the piaygrounds. 5. Naine and age of contestant. and naine of play- ground must be written on the. back ' of the postèr.-Hilda Voeller, Village Green. Swim Lessons Off ered bc r bi to Playground Children ar Last Friday we went to the beach SP at 1 o'clock. Very soon we are going C. to have sand modeling and I am go- h i ing in that. Mr. Stone is going to ir give lessons ini swimming. Last year ge we were iearning bow to swim. Misgal] rattinan park CHILDREN MAKE CHAIRS The first thing the children are do- tUCTOR ing is making chairs. They are paint- Lad the play- ing thern too. Sometimes they make re every day posters. Somethn.e they make bas- I wiii try to kets, The children .play with the Lundy, Vatt-, sand. They, make thiýngs with the sand.-Patsy Symons, Village. Green. A nnual Pet Show 1Scheduled JuIy 7 The annual pet show will be heid at Vattmnan park at 7 o'clock the, e.veming ofJuly 7. Any pet May bc brought. Ribbons will* be awarded the, winners. The prizes >are dided into, groups, a -set, being awarded for each group. The groups are as fol- lows: cats, dogs, rabbits, feathered pets, and: miscellaneous 'pets.. As yet the judges. ha 'vefnot been selected. Pets will be. judged on the filowing points. L.Physical, appear- ance (neither, too, fat for too 'thin). 2. Ability to du tricks. 3. Pets must belong to.person showing, them. 4. Dogs must be muzzled. 5. ýPets must be deaàn and in good condition. 6. Animais Must not show fear of their masters. Now is the time to get your pets in gobd condition for the pet show.- -VivianMilier, Village Green, Girls in Handeraft Class Make Crepe Paper Hats We began the older girls' hand- craft Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Segsworth came to teach us how to: ruüake crepe paper hats.* She taught us how to crochet. Some of us were very slow in learning but before the afternoon was over we could crochet )y ourselves. There is a great variety of colors, but 'many of the hats arc white. They are *very attractive vhen they are done. -Blanche Kreusch, Village Green. Village Green Is Locale of Many Exciting Sports Village Green park is one of the 'est parks in Wjimette. It has a big playground, basebaîl diamonds nd places for other delighiful ;ports. It has a littie house where :hildren can make such. things 'as lats, chairsý and other articles.. T he nstructor is Miss Skidmore. We are retting. a new water fountain and we LIl thank the Village council for get- . ing it for us.-Virginia Von Ebers, *we naa Mrs Iknow which jthink I likeë Many Children' 7 Write Articles Ailthe for Junior Life e Ail'thechildren are busy writing JUNIOR LWËe articles.ý They get great enjoyment out of seeing their articles in the WIMErr'E LIÉE. Some of the ruies for wriiing JUNioR LiFE are: L. Ail stories' must be. ready, for collectioný Friday morning at il o'clock. 2. Every playground activity, bail gaine, pet show and. item of interest should be reportèd accurateiy for, the paper. 3. We shouid. try to write sto ries to conform with newspaper style: (A) Who, what, when, where, and why should be related in the first sefitence. Neyer, leave one. of these importan.àt " W's" until 1the second paragraph. 4. A good reporter regards it as a breach. of ethics if he misspells a îîame and .a terrible "bonier" if lie mnisspells a word. \Ve shouid obtain ail the facts. of the story. and hiow to speil a naine. 5. An. award, of a frec ticket tw the' Wilmette theater is given. to ýthe authors of the twenty, best stories in each week's issue. If we wouid folow~ ail these ruies, we wouid sureiy have great success in writing ail our JUNIOR LIrE articles. -Bessie Costo, Village Green Chikiren Enjoy Splashing in Pool at Vattman Park At Vattinan park there is a pond. Every mrorning the janitor starts to* ]et thé water run into the pond ; then the .chiildren put on their bathing suits and wade in the pond.. We liké to splash in the water. Lots of çhul- dren have tin cans. They 611l them wîth Water,.and. throw't.heni at the other children in, the pool. It is fun to play in the pond.-Harriette Jonies, Vattman park.>, Employ- Orange Crates Vattrnan Park cat their lunch in- th e kCHER THIIS YEA&R Park. They bring their sandwiches we have a new teacher. and something to drink. Then they Miss Riggle. Last year settie dQwn in the shade and enjoy Fançkboner* I1 Ion't thernselves.- Sonie of the bosrot teacher I like better. I weenies.ý I amn urys al.enoys them just the satne. ourselves. - S hfrièy jant. earon, --Jean Fremont Vatt Parsork.

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