Suburban Towns I E XH IB IT DESIGNS 'Provides Facts on Two New Houses Show Uptrend in NrthSoreRa y ae oad on Townshzip Govern ment B ri ng -Sp ur t in Building Activity testants§flouse Plans Shown et Mar. A "'kit"~ on township. goverfiment W l et Record Wom sse Vo te lnrstheauiesof Permits for two new residences and Substantial increases in both April shall F ieId Store Wost ised bysun the inisaue of fr1_a numb 1er of other smaller uli and *May of new buildingin the Chi- Mrs., Guy A. Tawnecy of Urbana fo9uidn cagosuiburban regio--two,.monthg cet-i f h best dçsigris chairman of the league's dearment *obsweisudnWlmt hte of cntinued avne-give togsiWbmitted in the recent "Yardstick of efficiency in. government, shouldmnb nig ue 4 hese perits indication that tlle upturn bhas corne House Comuptition" conducted *by prove of great value 'throughout the 1authorized construction workwhci ànd'that. building is indeed beginning, the -North, Shore Real Estate board state now that the bhaspse h yetmtd wh otattlo according, .to statstcs eompiled 'by are on ehibitioni on the e ct eilaue ( o s iI 8) m 'ig $8,80. ,For the ýcorresponldirg'.period Straus Securities corporatio n l oio a sh l ie d & c o.s i a i r t u nit t e e e d m la st'th etht total w as oly $2,600. A rladvanced the mon t 1 tlt do*xtown store. In addition, scl h u siorfa a d nng t w si n of the new residenices, a f rame- $33,5, a nrs fa bou 3,000 niodels of the first,. second, and third organization. brck veneer structure, is to be built ovrMarch. May cornes: across with prize winncrs are shown. The matérial which Mrs. Tawney for R. A. Simon, 1312 Howard street, avery fine figure that recalîs better Rbr S. Arnold won the first ihas assembled consists of a study Chicago, at 2038 Beechwood avenue. tirnes-$16,5 11-aganof erî prix-Oe tii $1,O00. Emnanuel V. Buchs- outline, together wÎthý analyses of It st ot $10,000. A V. Bocci: is 8600Over April. This, increase in baurnwas>secontd and'White & Web- the functions of, township govern- the architect. May of 2ô6 per centý is particuîarîybe hid ment as now set up. .Eighty-ýflveý of The other new residence w.il1 be heartening when one sets opposite to UDuring and since the, depression the counities of Illinois have township. rected at 2035 Highland avenue for ithe. fact that in both 1932 and 19,31 reident property valueshv ee oernrent, and the government of S. A. Scully. at 'an estimated cost of: building took a terrific slump in May varioel utd n eiod .cf Cook county partakes of the charac- $6,800. h t is to bc of, brick veneer even after very good gains had been 'uncertain velue' bas been reached," ter of* botb towniship organization1 construction. L Simon. is the arthi- muade in April. The April gain. of this si rsdn rhrLeo h and of county government withou( tect. yealr seemed at first little to crow North Shore Real Estate board. "AsI township organization, se that it ýis: Ten other permits were issued be-. about, because it was seasonal and a uliseveteblcàry the of 'considerable- importance to the sides the two for the new homes. >'he '-the usual slunip .n May was atitie- situation the North Shiore Real Es-ctîeso tesat okow whether permits for the srîaller jobs authorized pated; but May bas given us a de- tate board of suburban Chicago thefor nsc id s sae- tie following building, construction, in lightful surprise that makes us feel ssored a compétition for 'the quate to present needs. . the Village: that happier days for the buildin~g ideal average Amnerican home' as 'a Modern thought tends te classîfy porch addition at the F. W. Burpee industry are. really here again. yardýstick of value' te set up a fgre the township -as an unnecessary gov- residenice, 1 29' Dupee place (estimated The records of the individual coin- by which bomne values could bc eias-enetîuihligta uc cost, $250) ; new door opening in the munities are thus far erratic. Auror.a e - tions could bc redistributed between Nelson Laundry building., 1222 Central and Waukegan show gains in March "In the cost pr cubic foot figure counties and cities with greater ef-avne(sitd o,$10;tw April and May, Cicero, Elnhurst and shown with eacrhdesign labor is fig- fectiveness and an appreciable sav- caveneg(atrag ed ot. $100); two- Hammond reported gains in both ured at one dollar per hour for g fThirdeprd yH.S Hcsfr in o mne. igretihspprtThr street (estmated cost, $155) April and May. The other townis are trades and sixty cents pér heur for e of threae by H.cS. ikssionfor hrmdln tteHryW up one month, down again and up common labor; therefore, to figurel nerlufte tt a omsinprhrmdln tteHryW 1ý "ka '; Grigsby residence, 247 Maple avenue may be drawn that thje advances are United States the cubic foot cost fig- gie o aisn bewneevn(smtdcs,$10;toargae not yet strongly localized in any of lire must be adjusted te meetlocal cute u ercut raî a enuoeJhnA.Sian s, $25) W ashmgo the fifty.four towns reporting to the labor prices and conditions." adsvncute ne onbpavetinue(sat ed.C. lont, $12); fram Straus survey but general throu',j. ___________ organization, and show an average additiopncrat enth e sE.C. arsn esdcs,. out he etir régon.per capita cost of $1.84 for the former $853)7; Speer aeueoreAdma uncs, ont tht entire region. ~~~as against an average per cap ta c tost $8 0 ; fa e g ra e or A a i ra n Inteicess otdb op r '5,nnetka ermits c 38 o telte.700 Illinois road (estimatcd cost, ing May with April, Evanston is far for $3.83 for thle ljatyten nlss$0;prh diinadecouea ahead of ail com petitors. Its new per-$ 2 7 5 f r M o t n t e q al el n , n l s s $ 0 ; p r h ad i o ,a d e c o u e a , mitt alose cf Ap ri $43,8a0ston's gan ~Bidn nWnekfr~h e-presenited in the "kit" is contained in the J. ]D. Stinson reside 'nce,' 1601 Spen- niis to t a l . 77,850 or $43 ,85 g amore th aan ex cerp t fro m th e rep o rt nm ad e te ice r v n e ( s i i tc s , $ 5 ) Ë uil ingin inn tka for ýhi h p r- . a enu (esirn ted cos ,. 25f more' than the total permits of 'Gary, mit$ were granted between May.27 'and the Illinois commission on tax .ation, alteration for Mrs. E. D., Yarianl at $41,625, the second comui iëue ue2, mutdt $2,725 and includ- and expenditure bhy Griffenhagen and 1039 Linden aeu (estimated cost, Gar l ada Hi h1a~ ark wh eh asassociates in w hich it is stated that $50), and an im ple mnent shed for B. T . $37,006 and Hammond with $35,961.etw gagsan thee diin h expensiveness cf local govemn- I-ammond, 809 Hibbard road (esti- Having considered the four leadlers: residences. Granted on June 27 aise mient can be attributed in no small nuated cost, $50). the survey shows no other striking was a peri o h rcin ftemauete the adherence te ancient totals. three-story residence at 725 Plut street, form5 despite their obvious unfitness "i Wilmette, Kenjlworth and Win-. wnd by the Winnetka Congregational for the administration of public func- K4eniijworth's Building netka show marlçed -gains !n "aWchrh.Tispyry 5t hePpSe tions under modern conditions. In Enjoys Decided Spurt-. 1933, over the corresponding month site for the place cf worship which the township governinent, ne changes in Permits, auth-orizing thf construc- ln 1932, while Glencot shows a reduc- clurch contemplates erecting. With the the past two and one-lialf centuriestinctw nwrsdncsthtoa lettingcf the contract for this largear iembl.'onhpgvr en estimated cpst of whichi is $37y500, structure in the future, the building in Illinois is ajmiost identical.with th'e were issued in Kenilworth' in tht Ne e$dnc eas records of tht village wilî ecperience s ystem set up .iin New York, in 1691. montb ending June 24. One cf the a big spurt. lttw homes, a. two-story brick venter Glercoe Permit Lut Aniong those cottributing tee $2,- Mrs. Margret Pierson residenc e with attached two-çar gar- June building in Giencoe la on the 725 June bui lding was a.ont-car garage wi - Ris, eal ,hi ge, is te bc buiît for W. G. Olsçn upward trend with the granting cf a cesting$î pt p y .J. a 525 'eeniwUrthaveMue. e1 wi putup '. ~rs Mrgaret S. irç lias re- ' côst $181»0.,A two a-nd a balfstory pertatJne 16, te C HA fmpi1 1$-s te t n S ltz hilit a oendtr eoe -assopiated' witji the b1,k ieneer hom»e wfth, attache 29 4 9 P y n ep s t e t . ,E v a n s to n ., te eree çt a p n e .c a r p r i v t e g r a g e c o s t i ng $ 3 5 09 a i n o t h r r k r g fi e o i t r lc c r g r g s t e b i residence on Sheidan road. The buse, 1018 A sf tre 1 et. Realty Ing.,iat 9,30 Sanish i t ror C a rik tucur ,i sim, at Thto ho,st A1. M t~t * * n . - t ~ p I 1. t o . aenphill at 139 1Tudor-place at a Thelaget adiio t a esdece Mrs Pe'onlias an ,excelent cost o e 5fl.Oeoh' emtfoôr $2050 an -wllbc octe, a 100and thre iprovement xeis>onsible for backgrou~nd for a su.cçessfiul.carter'builing onsrcionwo- r i ' S eridan road.Biling forthe mnh'h tfth 2 2ýaçmde 'relesae'sric n h, ot dy )- - -' coribi' ' eran, attachied garage' at tht, Pbilip '2.Ttre inpiibue dth a $50 addition te the residencçe at 1503 offic S. 'Sie assisttd 'Sanbomn Hale Denoyer home, 643 Abibotsford road. 22arage mae a builn'botalofnd e Edgewood lane, and J. R. Walshî Bald- -for two years in bis excellent record The job is te cost $400. Win added a porch recorded at $125 toofta olcin frNwTie_________ '625- in Glencot for June.ttbuea 46Abr vne. townkship and assisted in special thehoue t 196 sbry vene. assessment work in tht Village of TO HEAR JENS JENSEN SELLFIRE ORKSGlencot. She bas served New.Trier Mrs. 0. G. Litteil, 322 Wcodstock SELFIE ORSlers,- rockets, fountains1, bombs, sal- township for ten years as its clerk. avenue, will be hostess on Friday, Tht Century Fireworks company utes, wheels and safety assertments Sire is thus basically equipped te* July 7, at tea and a -joint meeting cf. in "No Man's Land"' between Wil- for tht Fourth of July. Tht cern- atere particularly residents and prop- tht Kenilworth Garden club and the mette and. Kenilworth is offering for pany is Iocated in tht blue stands erties in Wilmettt, Rlenilworth, Win- Kenilworth junior Ga i>re club. Jens sl rar akrs o llkindu, spark- oppst h eto dl Lg.nta and Glencoe. Jensen wilI gîve a, talk on lilacs.