Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1933, p. 50

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Books for Little Folks Craig-We look about us. Baker-Four littie rabbits. Craig-Out of doors TeeterS--Early Journeys ln science. Ball-1'imothy Crunchit. *BrYant Gordan--Gordan. Byifgton-Doll land stoirlei. Dearborn-Aleck 'and his frienda.' Flack--Aék Mr. Bear. Elackt-H-umpty Dumpety. Plack-Jack and the beain stalk. Flack-LIttle tin soldier. June-Lirttie Sandinan. Field-yelîow shop. Pield-Pocket handkerchief park. *Field-A. B. C.1 b6ok* Joan-A-meliara*nne là town Standard Color Classicu Candy land. Little Black Samnbo. WèeeWllIie Wl ukie. Three little kittens. Hienny Penny. Threè bea& Peter rabblt. Pleture Books Littie chick that wouId iiot go 'to bed. Three béars.: Three littie piga., Painted plg, One and one are two. Picture of ýsblps Picture book of travel. Mother Goose. Rimskittle book. Poetry Fyleman-Fairy flute. « Fyleman-nairies and chineys. Fyleran-Fait7y grèen. De la Mare-Down-a down Derry. De la Mare-Peacoek pie. H~utchinson-chimney corner poems. Mlne--Now we are six. Mlne-When we were very young. Mllne-Fourteen songs f rom "-When w were very young.Y Edgar--Treasury >of verse for lutIle **Stevenson-Horne book of verse. Stevenson, Robent Louis-CýhiId's den o0f verses. Riley-Best loved poonis. Field-Poems. Good Storles, for the In-Between Hutchinson-Circus 'cornes to town. Lorenzini-ÈJnoüchio..1. Washburn-e-Letters fo Channy. Latiniore- Little Pear. Bellý-Sick a bedzSalIy. De la Mare-Dog of Flanders. Shermnan-Up stairs, downstr. gar- to 1rîgeport last Thursday morning. ,T]he ýOvérhauling work will be vom- pleted next week, it is expected. Mean- while, only one Sikorsky, which was purchased direct from the Sikorsky factory, -is being, used to carry passe n- gers from the PaI-Waukee -concession at the fair., JKIpllng-Land and sea tales. Conrad-Sea tales Cris-Bet ee in Paris. B!hols--ktniyghts of Charlemagne. Bacheller-Great moments in the life of Washington. Hansl-Miniute sketches of great ýcom-ý Posèe. Sherman-Up stairs-down statrs. Fulton-ýDavy Jones' locker. Itenity-Cat of Bubastes. Jordan-'ruckaway lbouse. Liondon - Duteb courage and other storles. who both equaled. the world's record top the record enroliment of the 1931 . of:9.4 i i the 100 yards last week,scol promises to be one of the thrillers of Four prominent football coaches will the meet. In the M0 meters, Charles conduct the football phase of the school. Hornbostel of Indiana, Big Ben East- They are Dick Hanley, Northwestern; man of Stanford, Bill Cunningham of Howard Jones, Southein California; Kansas, and Bih 1Bonithron of Prince- Hunk Adson, Notre Dame, and. Ber- ton, will P'robably drive, each: other -te nie Biermfan, Minnesota'. a newý world's. record. Cunninghamn Coaches Dutch Lonb.org, N orthwest- will also meet' Gene Venzke, ,the erni and ýPiggY Lambert, Purdue, wil ~Pennsylvania mile sensation, and, a teach the basketball course. Coach Tom new world's 1,500 meter- record is Robinson,, Northwestern, wi Il handle mnore than' probable. Qlympic stars swimrning. and K. L. Wilson, North-' and national champions will meet »il western athletic director, will give a brilliant -fields. in, the hurdies, 40<) course in athletic administration. meters, shot, discus, javelin and pole Ili addit ion to conducting the ir coach- vault. Walter Marty, George Spitz and Harold Osborni the only three. ing courseJonces and Hanley will have men. in'the world-who have cleared 6. charge of lbeir respective squads. for feet 8 inches in thé high jump, arc the East-West* football game to be held allentered. at Soldiers'-.Field in 'connection with the World's Fair the night of August :The junior chamipionships were to 124. The two squads will train at North- be staged Thursday afternoon. *the 1I eter ad wll.*, n iimiitrt If Y0à Are Settlit women's championships Friday, af- Morgan-BOY eleetrician. ternoon, ftie senior caoonhp f Baxter-Electro-craft S Gibson-Electrical amusemente. Amnerica Friday night, and the naý- Selixer-Anerican boy's' book of eîéc- tio>nal detattulof and riclay champion- trlcfty. ships on Saturday.afternoon. Collins-Boy's book of rmode] firplanes. Colllns--Boy's: book of experiments. Collns-Book of electricltyI Cormack-Museum cornes to life. Loomis-Field book of conimon rocks SP rt tien à and minerais. Lutz-Field book of insects. Morse-Following the Bee line. Wihu11ette Recreatioti board play- (Science Sertes) PathwaYs in Science. grotuîd events during the next week Early journeys in Science, have been atnnounicecl aI the recrea- Il You Like to ]Rend About Boys anîl lion office as follows: Girls of Other Lanlds Tuls Evening, june 291 Lattimore-Little. Pear (Chinese boy>. 7:15 p. m, Girls' playground ball.. Klner---Children of China., Skyrocýkets V-S. , BroWnje.~ Village Mawdsley-Ohildren of Italy. Gen James-Green Willow. 7:15 p. m . Girls' playgrouncd bal!. Perkins-Japanese .twlns. ypcasvs .P .Village Green. Perkins-Prensh twin. Frlday, Juie. 30 Perkins-Durech twins. 7:15 p. mi. Men's playground bail. X. Perkns-Siss wins ofC. vS. M. Y. P. D. Village Green. Perkins-Puwlss twins. f7 :15 p. mi. Men's playground bal, Fllnemore--London, (Peeps; at many Fasy Pitching league. Christian ee- lands3). tists vw. Unknowns. Village Green. Finnemnore-France. - 7:,15 p.,ni. Men's playgronnd bal. FinnmÔr-Inia ~Easy Pitching leâgue. -Hoffmann FlIor- Finnemore-China and Japan. liste vs. N.,S. Special Brewsers. Village Filnenoe-]England and ScÔland. Green. Pranck-Vaga bondi ne tbrough chang- Wedn.esday, itily -,, 5 Ing Germany. 7:15 p. in.. Men's playground bail. Henty-Cat of Bubastes (Egypt). I-[rd. Pitching league. Rinky Dinks vs. Washburne-Letters to Channy. Honffmpann Florists. Village Green. (Channy's mother' tQok a tnip.around 7:15 p. m. Men's playground bal. t1he world.) , Hard Pitchinz le1pzue.Wihpffni-ý...î.i ...o~... a.u 5AaL.t as aUç*iiiators11 aât the coaching school.. Stan ford to Meet Pur Pie October 14 Whe, I Sanford university's football team meets N'orthwestern at .Soldiers' Field October, 14 it wihll 6e the second time that a 'Wildcat cheveu lhas. met a Pacific coas 't team. Two years:,ago i Northwestern met and defeaîed. U. C.Ç L. A. 19 to 0. The gaine with *. tanford is the first of a two game* series, the second of wyhichl wih I be played at Paho Alto the fol lowing year. The Stanford game next faîl is one of seven' home attractions. for the Pur- pie. Onlv one ganie wilI be played away, that being the Ohio contest at Colum- bus, Oct. 28. Five gaines will be played at Dyche stadjuni and two at Soldiersp Field. The schedule. f ollows:- - Septeinber. 30-Iowa at Soldiers' Fleld. October 14-Stan.ford ai Soldiers' Field. O.etober 2l-iditiia at:Evanston. Ocetober 28-Ohin at Columbus.. November 4-Minnesota ai Evanston. Noveinber li-Illnois at Evanston. Noveniber,.18-NotrE D-tne afEvan'ston. N>veber 5-IMivhigan at E4'vanston.. Mrs. Allen H. Keffer of Detroit hias been. the- guest (if Mrs. Frank -C, - - -..I;, 41l -.ici l 'it uO , .DIu, VV1) o av enIu . D iii an d G~ eorge 1<osv M rs S a niu e G . G o imeand e fnco- Gene and Dick, left last Saturday to returned fron oreluirst iSiy,55Gelaf vce leoe motor, to Michigan to visit Mrs. week, for their sufmer vacation.. arc leaving juIy 1, for Trout La-ke, * Fuessle's inother for a week.'-0 Wis., for a two înonths' vacation. -o0- Mrs. J. M. Moorehead~ wife of the -- Eleanor Steen is another Wilmette ex-minister to Sweden, 'is the gusàr.adMs. yM rrto 1 girl' who left Monday for Camp Na- of her sister, Mrs. Ira C. Darling ot Woobn vneaeeîrann .T gawickak Delafield, Wis. 256 Keiîilworth. avienuei Kenilworti. Jouri iad famuly, of Nee nali, Wis. -k'ea gherman. Garland.

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