Anyone who so desires rnay. make use of tbis' funeral home. It was created for the usne of those we serve. Our Morturnry is BquipPed ith a Pipe- Orteil UNDERTAKE "The House of Personal Serie 1118 GRtEENLEAF AvïE. WILMETrE 654 554 CENTER ST. WIN>NETKA. 404 The Oldest EstablissÉd Undertakers on the Immediate Nvorth Shore Superior Ambulance Service Licensed Lady A ssistanàt PICKING UP PENNIES and missing the DOLLARS You may be-tooý close to yoùr affairs to fi nd the bigger economnies that turni red figures into ,black. The prevailing low summer prices on1 fuel afford an excellent opportunity to effeet a substa ntial saving-just Phone Wilmette 4200 for fuel that satis fies. COAL HEA71 COSTS LESSI. lVihetteCaû 1301 LAKE AVENUE Material Yard PHONE WILMETTE 4200 PHONE WINNETKA 3020 Sih'er PHIL H. BRAUN CARL L. BRAUN ROBT. F. DOEt"EL Products 1,: I il... *1' 'If i. g 4, l'il "j IE~i 'I" Imist on the c uw chi eu