24c MAYO NNAISE, OLD MONK., Our-most popm ular drei,-ng f ()t............. 39c. 5'zlb. con June 29te July 1- Vi-bbl. sack VINEGAR Pure cideir quality for mil Uses. O. 15c j S EE DRE DS fresh calv.' Lb.2999 PICNIC SUPPLIES' ___ WAX PAPER. 5W sheets. LILY CUPS. Plg. of 12.~A I DIXIE CliPs. Plcg. of S. LUNCH PLATES. Pkg. of 12. PAERTWES PAPER NAPKINS. Pkg. of 50. The. 10e bar. PAER Tbobent SWEET GHERKINS. 6 o.ja.3 Very bsorent.for 15e 1C, Pki. of 10 oo E h25e OLIVES. Baby Stuart tuffd qumens. Large tell boule.......... ...........e..,h 25c PICKLES. Choice, nmedium izsre sweet cucuoeber ....................t25 TUNA FISH. Ocea, Beauty, white.7j neat flakes ........ Large No. icona 27c . POTATO CHIPS., Always crisp, fresh2 large J and wholesone'.............2 pkgs. 2 5 c ROOT BEER. APPLESAUCE. Baby Stuart. Made of choice fruit.................... 3 No. 229 cana 9 BAKED BEANS. Rieliu. Genuine oven 3 No. 2 25c beked ............................. Cans MALTED MILK. Kraft's Chocolat39 Serve hot or ýcold................... lb . c GRAPEFRUIT AND ORANGE. semns...... .......No. 2 C., 22c hll in tne atternoon, and dancing in the evening will feature the Fourth of JuIy, activities sponsored by Peter J. Huer-ter Post No. 669, American Le- gion, and its auxiliary. The parade will start aât.10 o'ciock in the miorningat Hfoffmnan hall, Ridge and Washinigton,:and proceed as fol-- lows:- north on Ridge road to Lake ave nue, wcst on Lake avenue to Har- yvard street, south on Harvard street' to Central avenue, east'on Central ave- nue.to Ridge road, south on Ridge road to Wilmette avenue, and biack to Hoif- man hall. Druni Corps in Parade The lime of mnarch will include Peter J. Huierter Post No. 669 and auxiliary.. the Ridge.,road business mnen,. the Old Gross Point band, the doil buggy pa- rade, school children, and a Legion auxiliary drum and bugle* corps f romn Chicago. Foliowing the parade, members of Peter J. Huerter Legion post and aux- i,iary, with their f riends and families, will enjoy a picnic luncheon on the grounds of Hoffman hall. Concession stands will be operated, and it is plaît- ncd to provide entertainment for every- one. Free balloons will be distributed, to the childrcn, it 18 announced. Dance in Kvening Th ateoon of games and.entr tainmient will' be followed by an evening of dancing at Hoffman hall, with miusic provided by Joe Schneider's orchestra.' Joe Conrad, Mike Kloepfer, Phil Hillinger, Tony Feike and Paul Con- ...A comr.mwathe .Peter J. Huerter Le-. of the followi ng: Mrs. johnift îscner,, Mrs. Anna Meler, Mrs. Hazel Schild- gen, Mrs. Paul Conrad, Mrs. Pe-te May. and Mrs.. Joe Conrad. Wilmette Golf ClblHas .Men's Ouest Day Friday Men's Guest Day will be observed at the Wihnette Golf club Friday, lune 39. Each meruber will be en-, Kathryn Benson, 210 Melrose ave- nue, is Ieaving Kenilworth Friday of this week to visit a classmnate at Briarcliff schaol, Peggy Nolley, at ber parents' suminer homne at Vir- ginia Beach, Va. She expects ta be. gpoethree weeks. 4 * 4~J 'I ci'