Brisk Activities Mark Calendar of Play Seasori The program for the playground season proves to be a1 very eventful One. Events for each week lhavebeeri planned as follows: First week-Registratioîî, organiiza-* tion Of programn, formation of teams low organized gaines,. story, telling, preparation of, grounds., Second week-Pet _show.. Start playground bail schedule for.senior girls -and boys and kickball for junior girs Third week-Poster fmaking con- tests, training for track'tmeet, village- wide pet show. Fourth week-Original doll week, int ermediates and junior girlsonly. Seniors may participate, but no points given. Playground -track mee t prac- ti 'ce,., Handcraft with paste.. Local territory contests. Fifth week=Sandcraft conteste' (local), basket weaving and raffia work, track finals. Sixth week-Concentratè on raffia -ok.Start dramatic work.. Pick sand modeling,,teams. Seventh week-Concentrate on handcraft. Eight week (closing week)-Final exhibit of handcraft., Prize awards. Playground picnics. Final reports. -Bessie Costo, Village Green. Girls of Yattman Park Take Hike on Bicycles The girl of Vattman Park play- ground had a bilce hike' Thursday of. last week. WVe first went to the Glen.. view forest preserve and ate Our lunches; then we went to Dam No. 2 in the forest preserve. On the way home we got caught in the ramf and we stopped under a tree that *as by a house. The woman there Jet. us stay in the garage until it stopped' raining. We got home at 4 o'clock. Miss Riggle, the girls' playground director, accompanied us and a good time was had by all-Dorothy Davis, Vattman Park. PLAYGROUND NEWS For Week Starting Monday, Jurne 26, la Summarized by Reporter from Village Green The news at the Village Green playgrouind froniMonaJune.26, to Friday of the sanie week is listed below:- Monday morning-Miss Skidmore starts her second week, at Village Green with a bang!l Monday aftér- nooni-Seniior boys and girls practice rfor their gaines to be- played the next morning. Tuesday. morning - Good news l Both >senior teains from Village Green win f romf the teanis of Vatt- man park. Tuesday atfernoon - Celebration is held. at the Village Green. Wednesdaymorning -josephine Costo is appoined editor-in-chief of, .Village Green JuN ioR.LIPE articles. Wedniesday aftert'oon-Trhis reporter takes-a dip in thl, lkke to cool ber fiery brain. Thursday morning - Both junior teains froin the Village Green win froin Vattinan park. Thursday af-c ternoon-Everyone is a "busy bee"î finishing posters, crepe-paper hats, chairs, etc.V Friday morning - Gentral confu-c sion: Postermaking in one corner,a wýriting JUNIOR LIFE articles ini an-Ç other, makîng baskets in the third, t and general handicraft in the last. Practice and territory gaines outside. Friday afternoon - Beach day l A vacation for' everyone concemned.-c Hope Miller, Village Green. Vattman Drops Kickball Game After Hard Fight We played a kickball garne with Village Green at Vattinan' park Thursday,, June 29. We'fought >a hard game, but Village Green-won,.34 te 15. Our line-up was as follows: Dor- is White, pitcher; Dorothy Butler, catcher; Peggy Butler, first base; Mary Francis McCullum, right short- stop; Harriette Jones, third 'base; Dixon the Parrot Seeks Blue Ribbon Vattinan park will hpld its annual pet show Friday evening, July 7, at 7:30 o'cloc-k. Among the..interesting pets to be entered this'year is Dixon, a beautiful green and lyellow parrot. Wheni Dixon entered the show last year under, the feathered pets' di- vision, he obtained the' blue ribbon, which,, though it isfddmy s1l be seen fastened to the top of his cage. Although silent in the presence of strangers, he keeps the home ofi his mistress lively with his loud! chatter. and. may often be heard1 through theý open door of his home on Washington 'avenue. We hope Dixon will win a rize this year, for he is a beautiful, birdi and a great favorite. There was al-- ways a crowd around, his cage lastt year.-Dofris jean, Hairgis,, Vattinan park. Vattrnan Ohlldren Look for Treasure Saturdays Every Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, the childrén at Vattinan park have a treasure hunt. The children are first organized into ten groups, with some older and some younger children. They are started off with about two minutes' lapse between çach group. We ail got along nicely at a recen! treasure hunt, 'until we got to the bushes at L.ake a 'nd Park avenues.(I [Finally one of the girls found the clew. She couic! fot get it back where she found it, so she gave it to Hap. He counted twenty and then read it to the rest of us. We al had a lot of exercise and fun. The prize was a roll of lime drops to everyone on the winn-ing teain. We alIIhad a lot of fun and'were, glad to have a fountain to satisfy our thirst. --Sh 'irley :Jane Pearson, Vattmars park. Junior Girls of Village Green Conquer Vattman P i Girls of Village Green Win. First Basebail Conflict Monday, june 26, the Village. Green ,girls' had their ýfirst gaine of. the playground season. They- played against Vattinan park. The girls play basebaîl this year, and the games prove tobe very exciting.. The game en ded with the score:. Village Green Il, Vattinan park 8. Village Green scored no runs in the first and second inninlgs, but scored ore in the third, two in the fourth two . in the fifth,. none in the sixth, and, six in the. seventh. Vattman park scored one run in the first, no 'ne in the second1 and third, one'*in. the fourth, one in the fifth, four in the sixth a -nd -one in the seventh. The lineups were as followýs: Village Gyreen - catcher, Dorothv Neuses; pitcher, Blanche Kreusch'- first base, Pearl Mountain ; second base, Hilda Voeller; third base, Mar- cia Smith; short stop, Marion Miller; ,rîght field, Stella Koeller; center field, Dorothy Dittmar; left fi.eld:, Beatrice' Steffens, and short 'stop, Mary Ann Miller. Vattman park--catcher, Adelaide. Koenen'; pitcher, Bessie Bouchikas,; first 'base, Dorothy Davis; second base, Betty Todd; third base. Gladys White; short' stop, Bunny Schreiher; [eft fiield, jean MacDonald; center feld, Alîcea Wagner; right field, Virginia Marsh, and short stop, B.ett- ;ey Buttler. - Josephine Costo, Vil- age Green.' Mary Winner Hughes to Organize Book Club Miss Mary Winner Hughes, the children's librarian at the Wilmette public library,. WiIl organize a, book club at the Village Green playground july 11. When* we heard this we were ail very interested, for' Miss Hlughes is' always welcorne at. the Vilage Green. She comes everv r ler. iAis 5aburthe pei The posters must, aIl be fini the end of'ý the w'eek-Joce Village, Green; en are J ed my show. k1 ied by h, - 'a - swiAM&'a %%P v ~vam anu~ On the swings and te'eter-tawt- We had sixty-nine cbildren go to -Virginia LU'ndy, Vattman park PLANS DOLL FURNITURE the beach recently. We had lots of Miss Riggle told us to bring shoe fun. We hop>e to havé that many this HOPES.'FOR VICTORY boxs and cigar boxes and we coûld weelc. The water at the beach was 66 are goïn to havé a game of make doil furniture. I am» going to degrees. The air was 72.' We have all with the Village Green. I1 make-a davenport, dresser, chair, lots of fun at the playgrpund. 'We. we will Win the gaine. We -bec!, bassinet, doil buËÉy andmany play kickball, bas.ebaîl anid, some more ce at 10 o'ciock, every morriing. other things.-1Èetty Sullivan, Vatt- things.-Dorothy Ortegal, Village- >gy Ann Butler, Vattinan Park. man park. Green.