IAoJwe bAItJW s>I.Jra Dy inU U3 Lin netka Garden club. Inside the house will be found a number of the ex- hibits, including the one displaying the exhibitor's own flower-decorated, dressing table, complete, perhaps, with its chair and a small rug. Tbis class has, to: date, been Most pop- ular 'with entrants., In the angle formed by the two wîngs- of the garage will. be arranged, paved terrace gardens, nine..by ten feet,. for which'two artists, Lindsay Suter of Evanston, and Walter Tre- vette of Chicago, are painting inter- esting backgrounds, varied according to the type of garden to be displayed. Lois. and Marjory Truesdale, 'Bar- bara and Nancy Bastien are among the girls assisting Mrs. Charles Strong's "6carts" committee, and members of -the club have been as- signed to the various gay carts which wvill, with'the Sicilian poény cart and thestrolling Spanish singers, be quite. in Iteeping wth the Latin atmosphère of the Kellogg place. Mrs. Arthur Sullivan bas charge of thse cart from which cut flowers will be vended by the girls, and Mrs. Bruce )4acLeish has a cart of potted plants. Mrs. Godfrey Atkin is arranging the bal- loon cart; Mrs. Alvin Bastien, the ice cream cart, and Mrs. John R. Cochran, the iced drinks cart. The entire John Magie family, in- cluding Betty and Peggy, has enter- ed exhibits, and among the scores of others who have shown their interest in the show by filin g entries with thse general chairman rs. Robert Gard- ner, are Mrs. William G. 1-libbard, *Mrs. Gordon Pirie, Mrs. Godfrey At- kin, and Mrs. Hugh Foresinan. Soap Wrappers Add Table Silver to Arden S bore In a recent statement of the work accomplisheci this year by the Wil-* mette board of Arden Shore nD mention was made of thse purchase which the board was able to make * with the many soap wrappers donat-1 Photo by PaUl. Stone-Ruayhior. Ltd. miss, Betty -Pearson, datghter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pearson, 2009 Thornwtood a4venue, bPèa the bride of Henry George Ronald W/site, son of Major and Mrs. H. Hl. R. Whsite of London, En gland, and Lougheske Casie, County Donegal, Irelançi, at the home of her parents Saturday evening, lune, 24. Mr. and Mrs. White are on a wedding trip i Canada, and aI 1er Augusi 1, wilt bc ai home isear EI/shorn, Wis., wvhere they are building a home. Dubbs Homep la Locale for Moonlight Frolic Announcements suggesting the in- f orniality and fun of the lawn and beacb part> in store for members of the Wil- mette Baptist church and their friends disclose that the Carbon P. Dubbs home ai 1004 Michigan avenue wiIl be the setting for a barn dance and f rolic to- night (Thursday) "after the chores, are done.'" Fiddlers will be there to play for moonlight dancing. Corn pop- niny oer oal onthe .heach. taf pull- Koehne Photo Mrs. Ripley Kiel is t/se former Charlotte Greist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Lezwis 1r. Greist of Lake Forest. H-er marriage Io Ripley Kiel, sont of Mr. and Mrs. Julius H. Kiel of Wilnziette, took place Saturday, June 24, at thse Deerpath finn, Lake Forest. Upon eeturnisig from t/sein wedding trip, Mr. and Mn:. Kiel zvill make thein honte at 911 Greenwood avenue. Winnifred Mickeg to Wed William von Meding Friday The marriage of Miss Winnîfred TIhorndike Mickey, daughter of juidge and Mrs. Daniel Mickey, 1523 Waln'ut avenue, to William von Meding of 4226 Greenview avenue, Chicago, son of Mrs. Hans von Meding, will take place 1Fri- day afternoon, July 7, at 4 o'cloc.k. The wedding wvill be at St. Augustine's, Episcopal church with the rector, the Dr. Hubert Carleton officiating. A sup- per for menibers of the familles: will be served at the Mickey residence after the ceremony. Miss Mickey bas c.hosen as-her ma- esses in the Hall of R<eligion at A Century of Progress exposition dur- ing.the current E piscopal exhibit. St. Augustine's cburch in Wilmette, The Church of the Holy Comforter in ]Çenilworth, Christ church, Winnetka, and the:.Cburch of St. -Elisabeth in Glencoe are represented. by members of t.heir respective guilds who will re- ceivé visitors* fromn 10 in the ,morning until i :30,ý and,, in the aftlernoo n, from 1:30 until 5. The pres.idents of the gnilds, Mrs. William. Edmônds in Wimette, Mrs., Armand Peycke In. Kenilworth, Mrs. Ralph Sargent in Winnetka, and Mrs. Elwood G. Glass. in Glencoe, are hostess'chairmen for the organizations, tbey represent. -St Augustine's .cburcb bas. for its days July 15, 16, and 17. Miss. Laura Davy and Mrs.. Julian -Tbompson will bie hostesses the first, morning. That Saturday'afternoon Mrs. Clarence M.- Pubîman and Mrs. Royal Smith will' -serve. Sunday morning Mrs. H., R. Hall and Mrs. Harry J3odge will act aàs hostesses and Sunday after- noon Mrs. Ralph jennings and Mrs. Natha.niel Webb will welcome visi- tors. On Monday morning. Mrs. S. Bigelow Haley and Mrs. Anthony Nosek will be hostesses. The after- noon of the sanie day Mrs. George ýE. West and Mrs. William Page are to be on duty. The Church of the. Holy Com - forter in Kenilworth will be repre- sented j521y 18, 20'and 21. Mrs. Rob- ert McNeil Burns and Mrs. Albert E. Riddle will be hostesses the morning of the first day. Mrs. Leland H1. Dan- forth and Mrs. Ira C. Darling' will be there that afternoon. Mrs. Herbert Lundahl and Mrs. Alex Joslin are to. be in. charge the following Thursday rnorning, with Mrs. Douglas Flood and Mrs. William J. Taylor relieving, them in the, afternoon. On the> final day Mrs. Stanley Knight and Mrs. Armand>.Peycke will be hostesses in the morning. Miss Aimeé Drake and Mrs. James A. Carruthers wilI of- ficiate in the afternoon. St. Elisa- beth's days are July 8, 9, 10 and il, with the following hostesses: Postpone Club' s Picnic On accoimnt of the illness of Mrs. B. L. Davis, the annual picnc of thse Wihuctte Garden club, which was to have been held- at. Fairways on July 7, has been indefinitely eostponed. orchestra, wiII 1 ohzb announces. corne. ilf club ivill haveHaeW o n dig 'mal dinner danceHaeW de W ddn 8, at 7:30. "'Earl Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Peterson, 227 g pianist, and his Raleigb road, Kenilworth, celebrate(t for dancing, thse their fifth anniversary.with a dinner andi uests will be wel- bridge for thirt.v-two f riends on Friday evèning, june 30, P. M. Davis, and Mrs. C. A. Mair. Mrs. Cooper is seeing A Centuty of Progress' while here. Mrs. Fanckboner also had as ber dinner guests last Fri- day, ber cousins, Mn. and Mrs. G. Shields of Louisville,, Ky., and Mr. and. Mrs. W. G. Shields 0f colon, SOutis Anierica. L à 's .5 *45