Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jul 1933, p. 28

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I .1moa .&.ajv .WinIs a.IMu doeitUrn n aU aavertfluementu ruîior Dedlnefo Ise to -Cliied advertimme;té wlU b. c wl LMETTIS LIFPE or all three. papera;. Wedneuday 9 P. M. for WJNTATALK and Thursday 6 P. M. for GLCNCOE ý XW9.- Telephonesi: WlImette 4300. Winnetka »00,. Greonleaf 430o or Sheldrako 5«87. 8LOB? ANDD OUNO BOY'S BROWN RANGER BICYCLE, lost from bicycle stand at Teatro0 dcl 1Lago.June 27. Rewar& No questions asked. Winnetka 1904. 3Là9-ltp 18 * UINE S SE VIM Rats, Roaches, etc. P. J. UEDECLHOPEN, EXTERMINAT- lng ,eniglneer. ý Ph., Winnetka. 591 or Northbroôlk 128. 16éLTN25-tfc BOILER CLEANING done by vacuum jsYstem. Reas. AlsioJ oilibUrner service. Estimates f ree. HeaingSericeCo.Winr. 375. Hea~1wg erilee Go 80 CLOCK UPAIMINQ OLOCIC EXPERT, CIHIME, HA*L4 1 antique dlock repairing. Learned trade in Europe. <Fonurly with Tiffany and FIeld'a.) W]II oeil. Free esthate. David Jobansson. Phone Diversey 2041, 2OLTN9-ltp an ORESMA^KSNG ORING. wofrk.. rnt 1ams in pots, 'Phiox. Oman NurserY on MILWAUKEE AVE. Rt. 21,'3 mi. No. or Glencoe-Dundee Rd. Open evetihige and Bundays. 28LTN6-4tp 30 iNofftuUcTION WANTED- TUTORING' BY YAIXý ulder graduate. Telephone Winnetka 1279. 8OLTN9-ltp LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES. Confidentiai serivice, legal rates. MOTOR LOAN COR State Bank BIdg., Evaniton.: Gré. 3200, 6$LTN36-tte es SITlUATION WANTED-F £»^LE TRAINED HELP No Charge -to -Empfloyer Efficient Service for'North Shore Hlomes We, Investigate Réferences SPECIAL NURSE DEPT. Pau'Iine's Emp. Agencies 421 Foiirth St., Wiimette Wilmette 2171, Winnetka 2662. Q8LTN3-tfc RELIABLE EXPERIENCED GIRL wants cleaning or caring for chlldren mornings. Rets. Ph. Glencoe 1004. 68L,9-1tp NOTICE Reinhart's Emipi. Agency WE SPECIALIZEIN TM Iîaîa (IDMt REeINED COLLEGE GIRLý DESIRtES housework ln a home where she wiIli be treated as one of the fa miiy, rather than a servanht. Cali Miss Smith, Wil- mette 1447. 68LT-ltp NOTC Reinhart's Empi1. Ag-enicyl Caîl us for experienced help. Cook, general maid, second nurse, and couple. Ail references on file. Reinharts'sEnipI. Agency 748 Elm Street Wi nnetka 3S:;99 withtools. Local referencE mette 5381, ask for S waxi EXPERIENCED WH ,wants housecleaning, win Ing, gardening, or any odd rets. Phone Wilmette 3254. 1jobs. N. Si.- HOUSEPAINTING, INSIDE OR OUT- aide, S hrâ. $3.'Yard work and gener- al work in homes, 8 hrs. $2. Rugs cleaned on 3'our own floor $1 *up. Mai- colm & Sons. Mh Wilmette 5381. 69L9-ltp 76 BIT. -WTOç.-MAL« AND FEMALE Rcinhart's Emp. Agenicy We are connected with the PAULINE'S AGENCY in :Evanston oniy. Can furnish the best of help. Caîl us for an interview ; private in- terviewlng room.. JReinhart's Emp.. Agcéy.f 7 748' Elm St. Winnetka 3399 Opposite North Shore station 70LTN9-lte EXPE-ýRIESNCED RELIABLE WHITE couple, A-i1 cook and chauffeur, pri- vate servants' quartera preferred, or chauffeur alone. North Shore experi- ence. Write A-173, box 40, Wilmette, Ili. 70LTN9-Itp Rcinhart's Emp. Agency WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH-GRADE dornestic help, ail nationalities. No charge to employer; efficient service for North Shore homes. Referencea lnvestigated. UNDER STATE SUPERVISION. Reinhart's Emp. Agency 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 WANT'ED -EXP maid for gênera cluded. Ph. Wilxn work lau' Be 46h,-7v 'ndry',un- $15 general hsewk. 4 openInga, . maîl familles. PAULINE'S P.AEC Opposite 'L' ,Termfinai Wilmiette, 71LTN9-lte WHITE GIRL TO COOK ANDSE E dinners, 4 nights a week, $5. Ph. Ken- _77-ALT1S -It LARGE, AIRýY FRON ROOM, OR large room and sleeping porch, gar. space ertas.Baet aide Wil. mee153. 182L7'1N9-ltp 1 COMFORTABLE RMl. FOR RENT, very reamonable. Phone WlImette,16:13. ýýiCEY FURISHED 82LITN9-OLt rooCELY FURbathEd sQUET. OOLe tlrom, itheat andshowerlnforen-a tlea.Na rpi Winnetka.210 Phone Winntlca92010 FORh RENT-1 O R 2 FU.RN. ROOMS'9,. east aide, private kitchen and gara4ge if desired. Caîl Wilmette 965-R after 3 P. M. if no answer cail Kenilworth 86. 82LTN9-lte 'COOL, ,PLEASANTROM IF OR -L AD Y or gentleman. Three biocks to Elm Street stations, Winnetka. PhoneWin- netka 415. 82LTN9-ltp TWO ROOMS FURNjýýjIHED OR UN- furnlshed, private bath.* Garage space availk4,e. Near transporntation. '1226 Maple Ave., Wiimette 2806. .82LTN9-Itc 1.NICE LARGE ROOM7Ï;OR ONE OR: two, close to transportation. East aide Winnetka. Reasonable. Ph. Winriet- ka 3690. 82L9ltp FOR RENT-AG ROOM IN EAST aide home, near a.i tranisportation, and within walking distance of lake. Ligbt housekeeping privilegesi. 731 Tenth atreet, Wiimette,. 111. 82LTN!ýtfpýý ¶ t 8~ t 't g apartrnents, 3 Gr 4 roomas. Albo singie room.' Humphrey bidg., Eim and Chestnut Sts., Winnetka 98 or Win- netlka 3328. 92LTN6-tfc 1RU, KlTCHENE1iE MOtERN .011 lieat; frigidaire'; 1 block froim sta- GARNETT & Co. GLENCOE 113 92LTN1.tfc 1, 2 AND 5 ROOM APRMNS near lake between Kenilworth and Wilmette. Spanlsh Court Properties,. 930 Spanish Ct.. Wilmette 432. or ail 8.15e TeL Uni. .ilmt, atte. AA re al hoine apphi- or'I.4368. WK5. ý z061e askfoI U8LTNS4stp Reinhart's Empi. Agency 718S Elm Street Winnetka 33j9 YOUN'G OMAN. TO MAKE A- poôintments1 over telephone. Salar.. Alo educated YOung iMan..with car. ala' lcomision. Phone Wilmeètte 3602,7SLTN9-1tc ing at this home, you willi agree it is a bargain at $15,000.'For aIl cash, will take lesà.- Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. 1571 Sherman Ave. .univeraity .2600 AKING, T.ý io affe a 1 r good used car. efore 5. P, -M. les u ý à LOANs

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