Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jul 1933, p. 30

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The. Wlmette library has a special collection of these navets on cisplay in the smait red, laquer bookcase Among them one witI find the foi- lowing: Aldrih-A; Lantern iùi Her Hand.& A atewy of Pioneer days frein poverty s d naortun, to prosperity. Con- tludby White Birdiyring, the. story 0ftethird g eneration..,1, -. A aesKuttr-The Rebet Gencra- A urvey of, thre. generatons of wom- en la a Dutcb fanili n 'Iyden, eauh r«veituir, againat, thetyranny ofI ls mon 161IL Barnes-Years of Grace. Tii. changes that lafty pears wrought lia a Chicago famiiy. Bentley-Inheiltance. One hundrel years covorlng six gen- érations 0of the Yorkshire Oiroyds, w.aVlng Milil owners. with the textile 'idustry abackground. ]Beredford-Otd People. The tlrut volume of a triiogy followlig the lAves of the Hilingstons, and En- glis fa11eof onganad bhomWbe Buck--Good ]Eartti. A .storjy of Chines. peasant lite OUed* wth the. years of poverty, famine and wealth. Contlnued bY Sons whlch fol- A0wa the careeru et. the three. sons. Bittr-Way of AUil Fesh. Mx generatIons .bltterly rglated et the Ponttfex family. Was based on the author's lite. Couperus-Book of Sinail SouIs. Begun wlth Sinaîl Sous-continued by The. Later Life and Dr. Adrian this series follows the. fortunes and disin- tegra ton et the Van Lowes, an eid Mide clame Dutch' tarnily. Dane-The Babyons. À. rpmantle .atudy oft. the declining BabYons of Babyon Court, Devonshire. Dane.-Bro>ze tages. An English theatricai novel based on the Plantagenets Icovering. the years XDavis-Opening of a Door. A matriarch of a Canadian tamlily lu Chicago. 'De la Roche--Jaina. The turbulent Whlteoaks lve and qizarrel lin Ontarlo, their destiniles are continued Iu Whiteoakso f Jalua and FAnchls Fortune. DuMaurier-Loving Spirit.. A Cernlsh aib1p~Iding famniiy cardies on n each generation the uspirit ef thea fndmother IHOME BAIK Peraonai Attention toA Opposite Villageé VILLAGE OF WILNBTTE OIMIANCE NO. 1748 AN ORDINANCE making ap- propriations for the fiscal year beglnning the 18th day of April, 1933, and ending the l7th day of April, 1934, of the Village of Wilmiette, Cook County, Illinois. ee it ordained by thePresideýnt and *Board of Trustees of the Village of Wil- metCook CountY, Illinoli, as fol- lows: SECTION L. That the following sumns, or se much thereot as may be authorized, by Iaw,1 be and the samne are hcreby sp- Propriated for the foliowing purposes, for the 'Village of Wlimette, Cook County, Illinois, for thé,fiscal year be- ginning the lSth day of April, 19à33 and ending, the l7th day ot April, 1934, of said Village:- General. Cerporate Water Fund 1. Salaries and labor (a) One meter clerk .........$1,890 (b> One .meter reader and extras. ,....... 1,260 (c) One clerk..1,350 Wd One laboreir -1,512 (e> One*laborer.. 1,-404' (f) 3% Village col- lector's salary 720 (g) % 4.Superintendent of public works' siary ......... 640 (h 6Village man- agers salary.. 834 (1);,One toreman., 600 Total ..... .. $ 10,200.00 2. Powetr and light. - 2,300.00 3. Materials and nieters, . 1,900.00 4. Equipment ...... .. 800.00 5. Stationery and office supplies ....1,000.00 6. Water supply (Evanston). 35,600.00 7. Auto account . 270.00. 8. Mteter repairs and main- tenance .... 500.00 9. Water supply (Wilmtette) 13,265.00 10. Emergency repaira .to. wa- ter mains.........500.00* * Total.. ..... .....$66,335.00 Streets aud Alieys i. Construction, repairs and, materials............8 2,000.00 2Labor ........... ........2,00.00 3. Supervision, 1,000.00, 4. New Equipuient .... 600.00> Total, .Streets and Aileys$ 6,100.00 1. Constructioni, repairs and labor .$ 100.00 2. Material .. ... 100.00 Total, Side'walks .. . 200.00 Street and Ailey Cieailng 1. Labor ...... .. 2,500.00 Z. Suervison500.00 3. Cutting weeds. ..... 0ô.00 4. Supplies ... 400.00 CERY , TotaStorm SGrae UO0 (ER PmI gStation....;48.0 <25 Odora 1. Salaries and ?'bor,..... 1,620&00 Eau 2à. Gan, 011 and repairs fer WML 'SM cars..................,. 0 3. supplies .......... ...90 0 6. Christmias decorations.. 7. Incidentais............. Total, Village H~all ..... . 1. Salariesulisrsio (a) %ilg manager's »alar......84,166 (b) % Village collector's salary........ 2,880 (c> One clerk .... 1,566 (d) One elerk accountant ..1,566 (e'One clerk ..,2 1,188 (.f)>One cierk . ... - 960, (g> Extra help, 6. months .... 674 Total...... 2. Office supplies, and statinery.............. 3. Incidentalas...... ...... Total, Generai Administration.......S Village Board 1. Printing and advertising.. 2. IncidentaI ýexpense . .. 3. Annual audit ........... 4. Election expenses.... 5. .Undetermined liabllity (for extra legal expense, spe-. cial cases, and payment of ludgments or inifor- seen labilittes against the Village> .......... 6. New municipal code ... 1,1 00.00 700.00 14,800.00 500.00 1,00.00 800.00 5 A00o00 Total, Village Board.... $ 11,600.00 Village Clerk 1. Salary ...........8 :0 2. Incidentais . . . .100 Total, Village Clerk.. 700.00 Village Treasurer 1. Salaries: (a) Salary ot treasurer.$ 1,200.00ý (b> Salary oeeassistant, $1,000; 2nd assista.nt, $800.........1,800.00 2. Incidentais and supplies.. 2,050.00 (Bond. of treasureri $1,750; supplies, $300) Total, Village Treasurer 5,050.00 1- Saiary ..... ......... .8 3,240.00 2, Secia atornes' ees ... 31000.00 3. Court eosts aud incidentals, 200.00 Total, Village Attorney $.6,440.00 Mealth Departmeut, 1. Salaries: (a) Health comissffioner at $100 per month; (b> Clerk st $90,peër4 menth ............. $ 2,280.,005 2..Supplies and laboatory- 300.00JO 3. Health Conter............. 1,320.00 4. Office' supplies, treatment aud examination oft achool children....... .......... 800.00.1 3. RadiesU i 4.Sple........ .......... 200.00 A 5- uto maintenance ...... 0.0 7New equîpmerit .......... 0.0 Total, Police Department....36950 Fîre Departuaent ISalaries, including chiot 3. Superson .......... 00.00 4. Inelaenta1is .... ..... 200.00 Total Collection and Dis- posai of Ashes and Rubblah ..... .$ 15,100.00 Planning and Spningf 1. Publlshing ordinances, ln- cidentai expenses. and membership to 'Interclty Building Association ...$ 500-00 Total, Planning snd .Zoning . .... ... 500.00 Intei'est enu Tax 'Amtelpation Warrants 1. Interest on $100,000 tax anticipation war rants ..$6.000.00 Total, Intereat on Tax Anticipation Warrants . ..... 00.0 TOTAL Géneral Corperate. Purpose. .$233,085.00 SPECIAL FUNIIS Garbage 1. For -disposai of garbage .. .$ 8,200.00, 2. Léabor C incinerator>.......2490.00 3. Power,, llght, water, 'phone 5e5.00, 4. Coal and miscellaneous ..1600.00 5. Buildings And grund .. 100400 6.,Salarlies:, Portion superin- tendent of public works' salary..............500.00 Total, Garbage....... $ 13,415.00 Publie Benefits 1- For thei paynient of in- staihuents of public bene- lits assessed against the Village............... 0,075 t. For nterstj. due on in- 0'I75 stalyents of public bene-' lits assesSea againat the. V illa e . . . ..... ..... . ., 6 7 Total, Publie Benefits ... S 16,772.22 Bonded Debt 1For payrnent of principal on general obligation bonds due during fiscal year ...... .. $ 7,000.00 2. For Interest .due..during fiscal year on ganeral obligation, bonds.. .....2,497.50 Total, Bonded Debt...$ 9,497.50 Firmen*. Pensionea Fn 1. For payment of pensions and sundry expenses..... 5.00 .PolicemnasPension Funn lFor payxnent ot pensions -and sundry expenses... . $,41.00 .Play1rbomnd and Recreation 1.Frsalaries of staffas sistants, officiais and office supplies.....$ 5050 2. lagrondexpenses 315.00ý 3., Recréation supplies ... 225:00 4. Maintenance 1500 5.M iscel laneous . ....0 Total, PlaYground and Recreation.. 1,5.0 1. ~ ~ ubi FriaefltLibrary 105.0 Of fee pblielibrary. .. $ 6,550.90 'L For books_...... .3000 3. For Petiodicals........30,00 4: For biding 100.00 5. For heat, light 'sd"water 700.00 6. For repairs ......... 8:' For telephone .40.0. Fo inirn- 400 NICHOLAS P. MILLER, Village Clerk. Approved the Sth day et JulY, 1933.>' C. P. DUBES, President.. Published the Oth day of July, 1933. NICHIOLAS P. MILLIER, , I I

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