618 Davi Jm.t Fm t pfF OP ««77fRESTORES 0F, MILKICS GOING UP! PET, BORDEN* anod CARNATIO0N for C». EA PR LIBBY'S TA LITY NY. H4ERKIMER COUNTY. SNÀPPYIC D S Ib .~9e Min'ced Ham23 Spiced Hiam and23 Bologna Sausage lb CALIFORNIA BARTLE1T Rs NO. 21/j CAN Miss Josephine Patterson of Lake Forest, who spends many hours in the air, earning credit toward a trans- port pilot's license, bas moved ber Laird planefrorn Sky Harbor to Pal..- Waukee . . . Jeffrey Sbedd of the. Ridgeview apartments in Evaniston bas1 moved b is S tinson plane to tbe hangar at Sky Harbor1 airport Pal-Waukee waved .goodb~ -o--J4ohn Porter ofCliicago, wben be was whisked to Kansas City, Mo., in b is Stinson-on Sunday of last week,,. Capt. Ralph Hall,. fieid mnanager at Curtiss airport, recently. spent a mere bour and 45 minutes fiying to St. Louis to transact some business. ...Another featber graces the fly- ing cap of Cliff Condit, Pal-Waukee operations manager iwhô bais justi been granted bis rating, qualifying bim to.pilot an'autogiro . . This isi té let the homne folks know that Mr, and Mrs. Williams and two cbildren., of Milan, Mich., were treated quite royally atc Curtiss airport. wbere the> parked their ship while viewing A Century of Progress ... Two Iowans, Berkeley Smith and Mr. Larkin, both 's of Cedar Rapids, left their plane atb Curtiss airport one Saturday and found Chicago so interesting theyl didn't fly away until -tbe followingc Tuesday . . . Chester Faust recently ý zoomed forth from Pal- Waukee and. 'soared north to give Detroit resjdents I a look at bis red and black Stinson r plane-and, incidentally to transact ai Miss Margaret J., KelIey of Chii- cago, wbo bas bad ber first two les- sons, is the first member of the Air- Ette club to start flying. Several other members will -start fiying witb- in, the next week. This new fiying c lub for yo ung women is sponsored. by the .Nortb Shore airways, which bave charge of aIl fiyinig opération, at ICurtiss-Reynolds airport, where ,cluibroom facilities:are offiered. Club members will bhave the- privi- lege of tbe.regular course of instruc- tion given. ail students of the North Shore airways. D-wigbt Morrow, chef instructor, is -supervising the course. The latest model Travelaire Trainers %will be useéd, it- is stated. Persons de. siring> further information about the Air-Ette club are requested to phone Glenview 373, WaIly Franklin Opens Glider, Soari ng School Wally Franklin bas opened a glider and soaring sdi-oct at- 5kv -Harbor airport, it was announ-ced iast week. The present holder of tbe world's spot anding record, Franklin, is now busy experinienting witb outboard marine motors. for bis soaring ma- chine, which is featured by an inter- changeable nose., The soaring ma- chine can be used witb or without a notor. Franklin received wide recOg- nition in aviation circles when lie remained aloft in a glider for eigbt and one-half bours. For That Coot Refr.shipg DrinkJ Juicy Ca&hforula LEMONS 5 5eoz J TEN9DER NATIVE mhort 6 T-Dom Steaks Iib.22e !ng a. living, evîtlentiy doesn't believe in mixing business and pleasure .. . Anyway, Siegfried, now on vacation, - 15 getting away from the "'big tirne" by -lying a tiny Aeronica which lie keeps at Curtiss airport . .. George Leach bas brougbt bis Great. Lakes plane to Pal-Waukee fIor storage. While bis Whirlwind Powered. Com. niandaire, whicb whisked him froni Utica, N. Y., reposes in the hangar at Curtiss airport, -H. B. Wright will spend severai weeks visiting in~ the Chicago area. The Walgreen Sikorsky, wbich was taken to the factory at Bridgeport, Conn., for re-building, was put- into operation at Pal-Waukee aîirport' Sunday. I-vor Sikorsky, designer of the plane, was a passenger when the sbip wýas fowni from Bridgeport -to Pal-Waukee on Wedtnesdav of last week.'Mr. Sikorsky brougbt with him from the Sikorsky factory 1a pilot wbo will- fly the plane wben it is sed for passenger -service.: ast sumfmer. Lvimcpa airportF. her Warner Mono- IFIX YANCEYs AUTOGIRO rsday of last week. The service department at Curtiss ,one of tbe leading airport bas just completed extensive - SLparticipated in big repairs to the 'rotor blades on the the Cord cup derby autogiro of Capt Lewis A. (Lon) ýYancey, trans-Atlantic filer.