Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1933, p. 36

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GENERAL. WILMTTELIFE or &Il thre papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. for wiNNETKA4 TALK and Thurmday 5 P. M. for. GLENCO E . " '1eepbones: Wilwette, 4300. Wlnlietka 2000., Qreenlèaf 430)0 or Shedrake 5U]7. a L@UTAND POUND LOST-WIRE HAIRED , FOX TER- rier. white wlth brown and black spots. AÀn.swersto nme of SandY. Reward. Phone WImet102 3LTN1O-?itp LOST-WIRE HAIIRE» TERRIER. license number Keniivrorth 57. Wil the man who phoned last >.Friday please phone agaln, Kenilworth' 4710. BlâTN1-ltp LOST- BLACK ÂD WHITE KIT- ton with coliar and bell on. Findor pleaso return to 835,Maple Ave., Win- netka. Reward. Phone Winnetka 1061. àL10-ltp -COLI) ELGIN 15-JEWEL. WRIST- watchb .Ious Em St.busiess4istrict Thursday, Juiy 6. RewaÊrd. Win- *netka 1201. 3LTN1-ltp BROWN PEKINGESE, MALE.. AN- meors name "Chubby," Iost ýMonday. Reward. 711 Sherdan Rd., Winnetka 1538.3LTN10-ltp -RE.DDISH: BROWN MALE, Dachs;hund puppy, misslng since Juiy lOthi. Reward. Ph. University 1416. 3LTNIO-ltp LOST-SMALL TAILLESS BLACK dog., Reward. Phone Kenilworth 1483. S1-t 14.^ *O@KB e0 INSTRUCTION TUTO0RING IN RHETORIC, MATHE- matica, eiemonitary cherlstry by ex- perfenced tutor0f high schooi subJects. Reasonabie' rates.. Cal Glencoe .104. 34 LAUNDUT EXPERT LÀUNDRESS WA NTS8 laundry work to doAn own home. Wili cail and deliver. Phone Wiimette, 1361. 34LTNS-4tp ¶ 8 AINTINU AND BECORATINO Paint, Paper 5 Rms. $34.50 SANITAS ANI) CAeVASING WORK j reas, 1Rm. wallpaper, cleaned. 76c; * bathm. eaatuei.6 $ô; kitoh.n painted, $5; ceiling caicimined, $81 up; 5 RM. FLOORS WASHED, SCRUBBED, VÂRNISHED OR 1VAXED, 88; EX- TERIOR WORK - WINDOWS, 35c AND UP; PORCHES, $10. REPS. FREE ESTIMÂTES. MATERIALS FURNISHED. CALL WILMETTE 1258., 42LTN10-Itp Paint or Paper 5 Rms., $32 .CEILING CALCIMINED $1 UP; Bedrmi. enam. $5; kitchen painted$6 GREATLY APPRECIATE YOUR CALL, ANY AMOUNT. IN NEED 0OF WORK LEWIS. WINNETKA 2511. 42L1-ltp WE BUT SINGLE VOLU-MES or entire librarieès PIANO TUNINO Frank Rusengren's OLD BOOK SHOP jEPR IN TNN 3 P 174 Shrma Av~ h. reeiea 98'O right or grand; .also repair work 14-ÂI.1NIOltP guaranteed. 16 yrs. Steinway, N. Y. t R. C. Thomas, Park Ridge 699-R.. le nusINEPU SERVICE I__________45LTN8-4tpý R<ats, Roaches, etc. P. J. UEDELHOFEN, EXTERMINÂT- Ing engineer.. Ph. Winnetka 591 or Northbrook, 128. 16LTN425-tic TREES trimmed or ehopped-re ALFRED MNARCH4ETTI, 53 SEWIýNe mAcHINE REPAIRING IMPORTANT SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SHOP E-stablighed more than fifty years ago, in Evanston,, la now located at. 1008 Oakwood Ave., Wilmeêtte.- Also re- Pairiing of al Electricai homne appli- ances. Tel. Uni. 2200' or Wii. 4368. L. E. Blunt. 53LTN40-tfc Reinhart's Etipi. Agency 748, Elni Street 1Winnetka 3399 GOVENES-EXCPTINAL ABIL- ity,. teaches German, French,. and English.' Also excellent musician. Mrs. Nerz, 1937 North Centrai Park, Chicago, Ph. Albany 2389. 68LTN1O-ltp CO.MPETENT, EXP., COL., 114 YRS. ýcoilege. Gen. wk. Exc. cook. Con- scientious worker. Capable home mgr. Plia n meals eiconomnically. Plain sewing.- Ref. Winnotkaý 3089. 68LTN1O-ltpý NORWEGINZ, .30, WANTS COOKING, first floor. 5 yrs. expýerience. Refs. iReinhart's Emipi. Agency 748 Elm Street Winnetlka 3399 J 68LTN10-1tc EXP. AND RIELIABLE.WRITE'WOM-1 Ian wlishes day work -of any kind. ILaundryr or cleaning, 83 a day. Âiso caterlngi, 40e an hour.' Refs. furn. If deulred. Cali Wiimette 2719. 48LTN46-tfp E ÉÉR 1E NCED WHITE GIlàl wants any kind of work Tuesdays and Thursdays. Very reasonable. A-sk for Neilie. Winnetka 3238. 68LTýN1o-1tp WELI+ EDUCATED,.REBINED WO- man wanits position as housekeeper, or lentes.P.PrRde 817-M.95WMAN ýPAST 30 WITH GOOD Cortland Ave., Park Ridge, 111. style sense. Good position. Business 6SL1O-ltp experionce unnecessary (not store MIOTHER AND DÂUGHTER,, COOK work or door to door>. Give address, and. second. Experienced. Mother and phone. Write A-176, box 40, also trained nurse. Wîsh position to- Milmette, 111. 71LTNIO-lxc gether. Very rea.sonable. Winnetka GIRL 18-25 YRS. UPSTÂIRS WORK, 1066. 6SLTN,10-ltp care smnall baby,,aftternoons.. Must be EXPR.£I~ERX WIT' W MA e ean, energetic. Home night-S. H. wilshes .position, light housework, Nld.tanp inek û9 cooking. or care,. of children. Good .'T -t ref. Mrs. Pailmer, phone Lincoln 359». EXPER. GENERÂL MAID; WHITE, 6SLTN1ÇO-ltp no iaundry, references. $24.00 per SERVING, CLEANING BY DY; nonth. 2 adults and snaii baby. care of chiidren days. and evenings. Sni os.PooWnek 73 Neat, experienced white girl. Winnet- îl7LT:ý10-Itp ka ' .558. 6SL1O-ltp i NEAT WHITE MAID FOR GENEFeAL CAPABLE, EXPERIENCED WOlMIAN housework; good cook and laufidres desires Position a$ housekeeper or N .refs. Fmiy4 rite. age,: general housework. Cali Winnetka wgst A-175, BoX.40, Wilmiette. 3558. 68LTNIO-ltp71LTN10-lte REFINE 1D GIRL WISHES POSITIO .N WRITE >G I R L FOR ' GENERAL as ýnurse -or second maid; referencee. housework., care of baby. No laun- Telephone Greenleaf 4455, dry.' No work Thurs., Sunday, or 684TN10-ltp) Holidays. $3. Cail before iioon WVil- m rette 3561. 71LTN10-1tc de~~- -- ------- Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Eim Street Winnetk#t 3399 70L4TN10-1te EXP. AND RELIABLE COLORED couple wWshes, work; womian as. cook and, maid; -man as butier. 1North shore reference. Cali HHighland Parkt 5583.7OLTN1-ltp GERMÂN, NORWEGIAN, SWEDISH, Danish, and FSigiish couples want positions. First -class refs. Aiso have tirst eiasà colored couples. Ail references investlgated. L"NDER STATE SUPERIVISI-ON Reinhart's Empi. Agency' ,48 Elim Street Winnetka 3399 71 NL ATDFML PAULI NE'YS WILMETTE 825 WEEK FOR ýAi COOK, WHITE under 40. $20 week for Al. cook, N. Shore retfs. M~ wek for coook. St, Charles home. 75 general positionis Up to $15 week.. 'Nurse for 2 children $15 week. Couelig ep. only $10O0 month. Paiuline's Empi. Agencv Opposite -L" Terminai, Wilmnette 41L.TN10ltc *1 748 El» Street WRITEiGI-RL FOR work. Good cook and 1 refs. Phone Wllmette ridress. N. S. I4i1 28. 68LTN10-1 tp Opposite "Là"' Teri S.8 yrs.' Jreferences $100 o h. p only FNCY nette 2171 al LTNIO-ite ences. $5 a week. Ph. Winnetka 2416. 71LTNîO-lte VHITE MAID FOR GENERÂL housework. No washing. Referencef4. Phone Wiinta 470. 71L10-ltp VANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- ciral, housework. 86 PeIr week. Phono Wi.nnetka 2875.. 7iliTNIO-îtc supervis In'ess giU e-ibpI 'I ONAL adults de- iion and ,y of Pro- h1073, for 30L1-ltp PBRVISIO-N . ý 1 1 . Drice 1

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