PRINTING PLANT' ON 1T1E NORIR SHORE, The most modern trained personnel equipm ent, -a admeticu,0 in ail production LLOYD HOLLISTER INC,- as the your most important and pérplexitng ýVERY ofien in business and social activities it becomes necessary to 'gýet. out some printiflg." To.tbe average busineiss man, 1-'ting o0u t some printing" is a myserou ite, involving supposédly blackr.arts and ,as- sistance from unkno wn gods. There is notbing to this belief. "Get- ti:ng out printing" should be bandled in a commonsense, business-like mariner. Printers 1232 CENTRAL AVENUE ~ss es has definitely established logical firm to handle andsov printing prublem periences accompan.ying prin ted advertis- ing production is to tell Lloyd Flollister Inc.s capable personnel what, they, want .and the job wiII be 'rduced t their entire satisfaction. ,Such a reputation is indeed enviable *.and this organization is proud of its position in the printing field. it, like other firms, is constantly look- ing for niew business.. and it wants 1-o serve o ètii Publishers wILMETrE, ILLINOIS bous c'are proce WILMETTE., I'LLINOIS