IGA Food Store 807 Ridge Road Bakeri Breakfast Cocoaq tins ....... IGA Catsup, >2 for..... -27c, Sugar* Brown. or Confec- 2 1-Il. ps. .i3 Old Fashioned, S alsid Dressing2 c pite 15C;quart, Club House Root Beer and Gingerale, 3 qts. (plus deposit).2 c IGA Food Store. J. SCHNBIDIIR, Pro>. 807 RIDGE ROAD Phone Wiluiette 3550 Ridge Avenue, Wilnette Phone Wilmtte 288 BEEF, best cuts, lb.2 6tIi and 7th riba,2c grga1 oa V5L1J11 IUrcn lji Tvviimette DY Dr. Edward S. Ames of the Universi- ty chircb of Disciples of Christ, in Chicago, and burial was Monday at Indianapolis, Imd., .Mr. Clifford -was born 'in Rush c ounty, Ind., and lived in that state until 'after bis marriage, when he went to the West coast for a nuniber of years. Aboût 1896 the family came. to Chicago, and, while living in ýWilmette. made their home at 801' Lake avenue., Mr. Clifford was a rers*entative of the Boston .Woven Hoeand Rubber company, and al- tbougb flot as active in business. as in former years was working for the company up until the timûe'of bis death. He was probably, best known in. the.village for bis service to the First Congregational church of which be was ,a deacon for many years, at th e time of bis death holding the honor- ary office of life deacon. He also belonged to the Wilmette Masonic Iodge, No. 931, and was a form1er member of the Hamilton club and the North.S bore Golf club. He is survived by a son, Ernest L. Clifford of Detroit and New York, and three grandchildren. BOOK TO BE PUBLISHED Mrs. Cbase W. Love (Adelaide), 422 Cumnor road, Kenilwortb, bas re- ceived word7-from ber publishers that ber niew book of poems, "The Siender Singing Tree," will be out in October. Don Cbisholm and Carl Hammer of Duluth visited John Robinson of 500 Fifth street ýlast~ week. A KNOCKOUT CAMERA FREEI chose of only C 4 roils of Agfa 120 film. Bring this ad along ."WHEFREAS, this board has receive<l notice of the untirnely death of LIL- LIAN D. 14ORTHAM. and 'WHEREAS, Lilliani D. Northam has been an earnest, faithful and highly re- spected citizen of this commnunity since. childhood, and ha. renderedunsa service to the Village of Wilmette anld to the peoffle of this community for more than seventeen years last past, a service which ha" beefi an Inspiration to ail who had the privilege 0of know- ing, her and the. resuits of lher untiring efforts on behalf of those ln sorrow and distres., and 40WHEREAs, it is thé desire of this board, both on behalf of its rnembers and of- the people of this village, ro makeé public recognition of that great service, ..N0WP THEREFORE,- be ih resolved that the President and Board of Trust- ees of the Village of Wilmette do herýe- by express their earnest appréciation -and thanks, as well as the appreciation and thanks of the people of this village, for the unusual ;service rendered- by Lillian D. Northani, for hier exemplary character and earnest and faithful citi- zenship), and for the inspiration which lier life' has, been to, ail who had. the privilege of knowing lier. "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution ibe asread ul6fl theV min- utes of this. board, and that a copy thereof be sent to the members of her bereaved family as a slight tokeîi of the love and esteem in which she was held by the people of this village during lier lifetime, as wefl as a token of the- spirit in which the memory o! -her life wili be held. for ail tume.", HAS GUESTS Mrs. William T. Hapeman of 1008 Ashland avenue, bas as ber guests, for several weeks, ber sister, Mrs. J.. F. Bertalot of Freeport, NI., and bier niece, Mrs. Thelma Hommedew of Mount Carroll, Ill. .Mrs. Hapeman returned last week froni a visit with, Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Becker of Youngstown, Ohio. She left Wil- mette june 6, and was joined by Mr, Hapemnan, wbo arrived in Youngs- town July 1, for a short visit. Carnie Neal Augustine of Ricbm'd Va. arive Tbrsdy of last week to visit Katherine Klotz of 550 Ridge road, Kenilworth., andi also wîth a list of reacing mate- rial which discusses motion pictures and their effect upon children. Parents. interested in cboosing movies' for. their cbildren are in- structed to call Mrs. Robert G.* Hal- liwell, president of tbe Wilmette* Bet- ter Films group, Wilmette, 126, or kMrs.,G..S. Roberts, co-chairman, i- mette 1441. Discussion of thé ways in wbicb tbe Wilmette'Better Films group can be of the utmost, service in advising par- ents as to movies for their children, featured the mneeting beld Monday night. of, this week at the home-of. Mrs. Robert G. Halliwell, 1133 >Lake avenue.-In the absence of Mre. Hal1li- well, Mrs. G.. S. Roberts. presided. ,t was, brought out at the meeting that the cooperation wbich the bet- ter films group bas been getting from the managers of the two. local thea- ters ,promises to be eventualy of value to the cbildren of -the village. The Wilmnette Better Filmns gro.up states that, in line with the modern deniand for movies that are a con- structive literature, twenty mothers, have been meeting -each înontb, at the home of cthe president,> Mrs. Rkobert G. Halliwell, to, scan- the list of the local, theaters.' offerings., The ý.Wil- mette Better Films g 1roup. adds that these tbeaters are sincerely endeavor-_ ing to book only 'theý best, of the movie industry's offeri ngs. TO VISIT HERE Mvrs. Everett B. Wilson, wbo for- nierly lived on Greenleaf avenue, Wiliiette, and mioved last falH to Waslinigtoi, 1). C., %will arrive Friday to visit lier daugliter, Mlrs. Robert Ely of Freeport. Mr. and Mrs. Ely have' taken the Jierbert:.J,. Leach bouse at '030 Wasbington avenue, Wjlinette, foi the sumnter., Miss 1eeîWilson is accompanying. ber inother. west. ENTERTAINS DELEGATES Miss Blanche Gay of 929 Twelftb street entertained Friday evç-ning in bonor of Miss Edith Stougbton, Mrs. Hope Dyer, Mrs. Ilazel Nolin. and j Tiie Bibl. and Works of M"r Baker Eddy and al ather authorized IChristian Science Literaturefiay b. r.ad, borrowed or puchased et S the Reading Rooni. THIE 1UUI 1 CORDUALLY INVITUR TO ATTEND THE I CH~ÇUEG s-MVIoe AND VMINT TUB RADNO IDO t -PRICES BELOW COS7' ' Unique Style. ShoP. lin C.tnd AVe.. OtLh lîvtbib~~rg FuUyAsad B~.. na pseS poel