Harb augh Resiý 'ns Township, No In.crease ,in.,Tax Levy at High School,-Board Decides-1 Board of.E duca t ion Relies Upon Sale of Tax Warrants to Operaete in New Year In the face of a steady increase in its student body, and, -the obvious dangers f rom 'inflation, New Trier Township High School district Wil not increase: its tax levy for 1933. At its regular July. meeting heid last Thursdày the Nemw Trier. board of education certified to a new tax levy of $735,000. This is the same amount that was levied last year and the year before, although during. this pe- riod the number of pupils served bas increased about one hunclred each year., Special significance attaches to this action because of the continued delinquencies in tax paymnents, thtts necsstatngthe board of education continuîng to provide funds for cur- rent operations through the sale of tax anticipation warrants. These de- Iays have prompted attorneys to sa% that probably tbey will not render opinions, as to iegality of warrants issued in excess of 50 per cent of the tax lëvy. Such a réduction in in- corne would endanger the opération of the school. The amount of un- paid taxes owed the high school dis- trict is practically the samne as the levy. Thus, if arrears were appreci- ably .made up, there would be no need for a tax Ievy. Meanwhiie.. thé school offiiais exp>lainthat the inter- est Cost o n tax anticipation warrants is about $25,00 each year. This amount, if saved' would defray al the added costs of the increase of students each year. practically ail cases payment has been made -for. sucli supplies with tax- warrants. New cotracts have not been made with teachers., When they return'to teach in th e fali it will be .with the understanding that1 their jobs are contingent upon the ability. of. the. board çf education' to find nwfunds with which to operate. The -student congestion continues 'à difficult problemn. There bas beeh no work on theý new. buildings for con siderably more, than a ýyear. Meetings with architects and con- tractors have been held recently with a view to finding some solution to' the probiem. Thus far nothing bas been deflnitely accomplisbed. Funds to do any work on the build- ings.would not come from operating receipts, but from the sale of the un- sold remainder of the building bond issue authorized nearly three years ago. At this time the market for any public securities within Cook county bas been so depressed be- cause of tax defaults that the board of education decines to pay the pen- alty which would result through sale under sucb conditions. Harry C, Kinne Visits Friend Harry C. Kinne Harry C. Kinne and son Harry C. Kinne, Jr., of Watertown,- N. Y. ,,1 vis ited Harry C. Kinne, and Harry,' C. Kinne, Jr, as well asthe rest of the Kinne family this week. The Wilniette Kiinne family and the Watertown Kinne family 'are not related, but tbey have much in common, especially in comncidence. Both tesno Citizens.,Leéague ,.to Hold Session TOday President: Frederic 0. Mason of the New Trier Citizens' league has called a"meeting of that body for this nooni, (Thursdày) to, discuss the resignation of George R. Harbaugh, township assessor. In à letter directed totthe Citizens' league, Max W. Zabel, secretary, calîs attention to the situation wbich, .with the assessor's resignation, "ýin- volves a.-radical rise -in tbe assess- ment rate of personal property under orders of Mr. Jacobs, county as- sessor.", "The différences of opin- ion betwee n Mr. Jacobs. and Mr. Harbaugh; township assessor, who bas taken the part of the Ne w Trier citizens, are so irreconcilable thàt Mr. Harbaugh bas resigneci," the let- ter states. 1Tbe league wiil also cfiscuss "the question of compensation of the township collector witha view to- ward arriving at a harmonious set- tlement as between the Board of Auditors (township) and the collec- tor," *Mr. Zabel states. The meeting will be held at the LaSalle hotel at 12:15 o'clock. Vilmage At the meeting of the Village board. Tuesday night a resolution was intro- duced by Trustee Harry C. Kinne setting forth that the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee railroad, bas occupied Greenleaf avenue and Elec- tric place since January 5, 1898, with-r out paying' compensation to the Vil- lage;' that an order was recently en- tered in the District court of the .JACOBS TAKES RECORD BOOKS New, Trier Offic iaI Disagrees, With Gounty Aue .oron Basis Of Valuations New. trier township is'now with- outa. local t ax assessor. George R. Harbaugh,. assessor since 1919, refusing to accede to the de- mands of County Assessor Jacobs for a personal property assessment which he looks upon as sheer confiscation, resigned. from- bis office in a recent letter to the 'Board of Town'Auditors. AIl books and records of the local office have been removed by Jacobs ta his. Chicago office, whzcla la now the only contact with tax officiais Ieft to New Trier residents. J&eOI. RuIm The action of Mr. Harbaugh gives full rein to Jacobs in bis expressed determination to get "'an assessment that is not a joke" from New Trier township, and make the "millionaires" pay. In bis letter dated Wednesday,. july. 12, addressed to Mrs. Margaret Pierson, township clerk, Mr. Hr baugh requested that his resignation the, offcemin'. 191, 'serving hmu nrst term in,,1919, and bas been reelected at each succeeding",1ection as hlm terms exKpired. kItihd been known for mre time that. Mr. Harbaugh, in bis endeavor to make an equitable distribution of the New Trier assessmeuit, had in- curred the displeasure of County As- No Contracts for Teacliers Clasifie The school now faces a gteadily Editori&s rnountiftg list of prices of everything junior1 it buys, due to the inflation. As much as possible advantage bas been ReIroat, taken to contract for fuel and -other Society sýupplies at pre-inflation ,prices. Inm Ci v ..... . ... . .32- ýr Linos.. tion lage . *14 pages ...-. tions at the waterworks, but this does In a statement to WiLxlZTTULilo not 'indicate infectious qualities, lie Mr. Harbaugh further -tuiphasized explains. The tests are made weekly, the points upon which lie dissented and Dr. Seifert states that if any in- fromn the views of County Assessor fectious conditions arise. the public Jacobs when.he said: "It was in the will be at once notified., (Continued. on' Page 5)