* The second sutrmer beach class, or- ganized by the WiIniette Health center and made Possible through the services donated by Miss Betsy Shapker, wili open Monday, july 24. Fifteen children will1 be ,registered- in the group for a perîod of live .weeks, an ii betae to the ,beach every morning -except Sunday, f rom 9 until Il. 945 o'clock, along with Miss ,Shapker's regular beach Classes. The first .class' directed. by Miss . Shapker this summer Éloses. with the. opening of the second. Ail those Who would .1ike, to join, the group 'should make application at the office of the Health center, Wvbere quali- fications wvili be considered and the children Who most need the advantages of: outdoor- life wvili be accepted. Aill children musthave the written permis- sion of their parents to'becomie a mem - ber of the class. Neatness, cleanliness and, courtesy are stresse(l àlong with directi 'on in play and swimming. and. boys and girls; arè ur-ged to arr-ive at the . Health cerner each 'dav between 8:30 and 8-~45 ù'clock, with clean hands and faces andu arn their comnpany manners. Froni the cen- t.r thev are taken to the lake by bus. Batbing suits are provided for those w~ho do hlot hav-e-theirý oWn. lniasmuch as the registration-is 'linii-ý ted to fifteen. it is suggested that, appli- cations be'nmade as soon as possible. TAKEN BY DEATH M rs. Frances G. Cam,1pheli of El Paso, Ill., passed awavy Tuesday eve- nir.g at the age of 86 years. Funerai services wiIl.be beld in El Paso today (Tbursdayý). Mrs. Camnpbell, who a resident of"El Paso for 65 years, was the wvidow of George H. Campbell, one of, its founders. She is survived l)y bier daughiter, Mrs. J. R. McKin- ney of'El Paso and by a son. Hugb Stuart ,Campbeli of 1209' Green'wood avenue, Wiimette, of the Christian' Science Committee ont Publications, for.Illinois. Mrs..Canipb.ell> a visitor in Wiltnette numerous times, bas mianyý friends bere. RENOVATE STATION nier on Saturclay, July 8, at the Edge- water Beach hotel, given by Tommy Burns of New Orleans, whose other guests of honor were Mr. and, Mrs. Sam"Perry of Birmingham, Ala., whoý are close friends of Mrs. McGregor. Mrs. G. G. Schumacher of Chicago e.ntertai.ned twelve guests. at luncheon, Friday in honor of Mrs. McGregor, and on ýSaturday Mrs. William Cald- weil of Park Ridge gave a din ner in their honor, inviting., thé following- guests,* Mr' and Mrs. Byron Coons, Miss HIenrietta. Underwood of Chica- go and Lake Forest, and Harold Richardson.M. and Mrs. Liii also en1ttertaîned. for: themn at the dinner dance at. the Vista, del Lago. Woman is Injured When Automobiles Crash Here A serious autom obile accid en t oc- curred last Wednlesday mnorning. at, Fourtb* street and, Centrai avenue, wben Peter .Gerlicheim, 1154 Cen- tral avernueý driving east on that thoouhfaestruck the car of Ed- Ward Meier, 910 Elmwood avenue, who was going south on Fourth, street, and, according to reports, fail- ed to stop for the tbrough street- «.Mrs. Helen Gerlecheini, traveling with lier husband, received a severe cut over the left eye, and may have sus- taiiied internaI injuries. She was taken to the Evanston hospitai for K-ray examination of the cbest. Botb cars were damaged, the Gerlicheini miachine bJeing thrown on its sîde. It wvas towed to a garage. left by plane for to chiose. will be away for Round tri 38 rail fare $- L moat popular Résort ln ioda. Fishing. bathing, ng, sportyi golf courue od. Ainerican plan. 7%e cottagueuhcmi with bath, nng wtr. Insid. tolleta. oduced rates, write today to Thae safety of your eyesight depends upon the skill and precision of those who design and make your spectacles Aimer cue !Cnpany P.RESCRIPTION OPTICIANS 164;5, oRRiNGTONAVE.. EVANSTON CHICAGO STOR§ES: 105 N. WA13ASH AVE. * 8 S. LA SALLE ST. 78 E. JACKSON ULVD. S~ut&- Çlotàza 2~a~4 oenh ummaa~ *L. H. MCOTIL1Ick. G. A. P. D., Booki Island Il... 1413 a 179 W. Jacksons DIva., Chicago, li. à Phone wabaeh SM0 * Pieu.. moud Iookieta descriptiveef CoIooea" B ok *Island ail-expensetors *Na...------------------------------------ Add-»------------------- Phon ----------- 417 Lihulen Ave.- 40Grec It Bay bai KETiILOETIKProducp t f theMaa »Or C06. 230 Park Av&, - 1 Il- 1.-ýVAxb