nere sopietime Thursday night or Fn- day inorning. At any rate, Washington park police officers found ber looking the place over about 10 o'clock Friday morning, and flot being quite satisfied wvith ber replies to questions, turned ber over to the'Village police. To the Village guardians of erring and reckless bumanity, Miss Lee oi tively refused to talk. Even. after being9 properly introduced, she declined to, emerge f rom'bebind ber mask of, reti- cence. So they just bundled MissLee into a police car and carted ber down to the, juvenile detention homàe. 'There she also held ber t ongue, except to Say that. she was 1.9 yearsold, whichwas enougb- to preclude ber entrance, into that baven.* That meant that the offi- cers, Patrolman Popple and Sergeant Shaefgen, had to tote bher back to Wil- mette, whicb tbe:y did. On a generous impulse Oficer Popple took ber to bis home and provided ber with a good dinner, which loosened ber tongue, and she told her story, se>ing she bad an uncle living in Rogers Park. Commun- ication with this uncle being establisbed, the officers found that the young woman, bad been sought for several days. Her parents were notified and in the eýarlyo hours of. Saturday tbey arrived here to take tbe wanderer back borne.ý Mrs. L. A., Pindali and dauglbter are here fo9r a mnonth' s visit with Mrs. R E. Fitzgerald, 640 'Abbotsford road, Kenilwcorth. Tbey are f rom Parsons, Kas. Last week Mrs. Fitzgerald bad 'as ber guests Miss Nellie Cook and Miss Caroline Barrows of Los Angeles. Mrs. Leon T. Ellis, 207 Cumberland, avenue, Kenilworth, witb ber boys, Bob and Grant, Ieft- to visit ber sister, Mrs. Plumer", in Boston. She and' bier sister's, family wiIl spend a partI of their time a t Hyannisport, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. W. Marshall Brancb, 704 Rogers avenue, Kenilworth, bave moved to Waiden road, Winnetka. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Cherry, Mrs. Brancb's parents,. will. occupy the Rogers avenue house. rant on. the way home. Elizabeth Kelly, 412 Cumnnor road. Ienilworth, returned Wednesday f rom a week's visit to Cincinnati, where she attended. a bouse Party. She brougbt home three Vassar f rien4s, JeanRicb- ardson ýof Cincinnati, Mý4ry Beneto Brooklyn, and Helen ýIdeli of Boston, who-will be witb ber for a week. Mrs. J. W. P. Hu ghes. from Topekca. Kas., is visiting ber daugbter, Mrs. Cecil W. ..Mereditb, 616 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth. Monday she and ber grand- son, Tom Mered 'ith ' went to Epwortb, Heights,. Micb., wbere the Merediths have,,aý cottage for- the -surmner. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith wilI join tbemf Au- gust 1. -o- Mr. andMrs. A. L. Scbapiro and two daugbters, Yetive and Vera Ruth, 814 Sheridan road, bave returned from a ten-clay stay, in Minnesota. They first visited relatives in the Twin C't ies and then spent several clays at Rreezy Point lodge, Breezy Point, Minn. Mrs. Walter Bew, formerly Editb Chandlier of Kenilworth, wbo is now living ini Atlantic City, bas been visitingt old f riends on the north shore. She is now in 'Freemont, Ill., witb ber parents, the Charles Cbandlers. Mrs. Carolyn Ellsworth, 327 Cuin- nor road, Kenilworth, will occupy the Louis D. Jones house, 325 Richmondl roacl, Kenilwortb, for two weeks coin- mencing july 24, wbile the Jones fam- ily is away. 0o IThe Misses Elva and Eleanor Stearns of Boston left last week after a ten-day visit. with Janet McIlraitb of 1127 Chestnut avenue, wbo entertained: at an evening bridge. for ber guests. -o- Mr.. and Mrs. Wallace Bebnke, WaI- lace, Jr., and. Gordon, of Wilmnette, left. Friday for Lexington, Ill., wbcre tbey, wiIl visit the Harold Haywards, f or- merly of Wilmette. 5ALt:L**r ai o iage ii5AuIIÇII eon Wednesday of last weelc in bonor of Mrs. A. J. Maloney of Merian, Pa.,, formerly of Kenilwortb. Mrs. O'Brien and Mrs. Maloney were. sorority. sis- ters, and were in eacb others bridai, parties. * -o- Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Denoyer,. 643 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, have bad as their guest, Byron Saze fromf Med- ford, Wis., (Mr. Denoyer's nepbew). At the present time Mrs. Denoyer's brother, wife and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence P. Bilborn, from Rochester, N.Y., are withtbemi. The Kenilworth ýEvçning Bridge club was entertained at dinner at the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pease, 320 Leicester, road,: Kenilwortb,. on Tuesday evening, july ý18. Mr. and MLrs. Warren Pease, Jr., f rom Birming- bam," Micbi. arrived Tuesday for a visit witb bis parents. 0o Mr,. and Mrs. Thomas Cox of Des Moines, Iowa, will arrive about july 26,. to visit the Rigler family, 706 Cum- mings avenue, Kenilwortb. Tbey are on their way to the Detroit lakes in Min- nesota and wili take Robert Rigler with. them. 0o Walter Cherry, 517 Sheridan road, ,Keniwortb, entertained the board of directors of the Cherry Burreli company Saturday at a beefsteak picnic. on bis beach. The guests remained over night and Sunday played golf at Skokie Coun' try club. --o-- .Mr. and Mrs. John Law Wilds of 244 Oxford road, Kenilworth, enter- tained twenty-twro young people inform- ally at tea Sunday in bontor of six students of in South Carolina. -o- Mrs. F. O.Davis of Washington, D. C., was a guest recently. of Mrs. Frank B. Wever of 357 Cumberland avenue, their.summer home stay with bis motbe ing their absence.. as lji ALiiiwl e. Mr. McDoul ier in Kenilwoi i dur- George W. Hodgkins of Washington, D. C., left Sunday.after spending three weeks -with bis brother and fairrily, the Howard W. Hodgkins of Kenilworth., Mrs. M. W. Godey of Washington, D. C., a sister of Mrs. Hodgkins, was alsd a recent gt. Mr. and'.Mrs. Maurice W. van Arsdale, 241 Cumberland avenue, Kenilwor@th, are expecting >Mr. Van Arsdale's sister MrÉs., M. R. Bebb fromn Muskogee, Okia., and tbeir children, Helen Sue and Sally ti week. John W. Powers, 307 Cumberland. aeuKenilworth, whobas been o a ten days' business trip through the çast, is expected home the endl of the week. DEER Delivered 1RCold Phone Wifinette 53 Wilmette Ice Comipany] Your ,favoerUrauds IMMEDIATIR DELIVERY PHONE WILMEITE 410, WINN., 2470.-27 Save 1k p er Ca» tdriviuatot 1440> Shridn Rd., -AUl Favoulte Dwands DEVERAGES DE LUXE CO. Phono Winnetka 76 FOX a., Exclusive Di Makers .1 020 Madison St., ce* 'r Wflmette and Evanstou ages for over 10 years