on the North Shore Doll-ars. andý Dollars. and Cents, Cents . . , . . ., JOR papr, itk,.p1lats, presswork and âIi hetangible things, \which g()o iinto a pr inting, çstimate.. But Dollars anid Cents do not tel1 the wholc stoi*y. Thcy inay for many, printers, but not for Lloyd Illister me. c. There arc rnany essentials, to our better printing servýice ýWhIch canniot bc priced iin actual Dollars and Cents. These are C1intanigible ...yct they mean much tothe buyer. cYIRSTr. cornets, Experience. Certain.1y its an important item, Yet it is niot reckoned inii any printi ng estirnate. ReaJly there is no charge for it. ~Ncither do our estirnates include such essenti.als 1232 e36 Cent.ral. Avenue Il Pr inters, and Publishers W.i./llmette, Illinois r Ili] Ill [Il fi 11 [111111 Ill 111:111111 il 1111111 il 111111111 lifil 1 illi il Ili il il itil Il illil i fil i il IIIII Ili i i lui liii 1 Ill 1 il 1 MI illiffliiiii il iiiiiiiiiijiiii i IIIII! moi ---- ---------- ...........