Of SUMMER. DRESE Plain. CoQors, Prints and Combination Don't wau... gef yours Whi le --e have the size. Ohly 50 of th.s. dressés fo selllat ibis very Iow Prime. WearOneof Summors Clovoesic Wear ~and Coolost 17 e. ~~ik1 1 IuI SHIRTS T IE S . . . . . . . HOME FRQCKS Prints Piques' Plan colors. Gay andi pretty. -J CHIFFON HOSE -or Servie W.ighf if, you prefer. Full fashioned, ail silk. .6 9c Pair moite me.mosf -of tfMi oppoi- tunifyl1 If wonsf occur àgain., WO'RTHýEN!,S D.pf. Stome- 14648 Wilmeff. Av..-Pholie Wimeffe 588-589 Mens SIore-FIi d.Neflonal Baok Bd çi-phonWImfs25 .$1.25 56C $1 .65 -'il' i 25C Duck Eacl