Parking Space Wi1,nette 150MlJI Prompt Deliiiery WE CAN HELP YOU EAT WELL, WISELYANDECONOMICALLY JUMBO SHRIMP Ail ready. to serve in the faoi manrier-cocktails, salads, sari wiches or ent.rees ........J fo5917 ite md "It onély cost m e ninety-three cents." Words to that eflect are bywords 'among housewives when they Mention menus. Living well and economically is an art. 'Keep your food budget down by buying bore. We have the; best food for your table àt surprisinglv low prices-dolivery îneluded. APLINARIS W T1 Drink, a glas fu1 with PINTS ail m.eals- aî'd befoe i9 retiring. Dz21 BREF POT ROAST Dolichous with well as suashl- çdý potatoes.. noodles, as. LAKE SUPERIOR WHITE, F1811 So good when baked or broiled. lbo 27e STEAKS -0F Di p in cornmeal and egg, then f ry in deep fat. COOILCU Large 24-oz. botties-The best IDRY GINGER ALE with sandwiches- I~~~~ -R O RRfor 250 mm O TPlus depouit doz. 85C GEBNUILNI Calves' Llvew A tasty luncheon or breakfast dish. Large or small, take your choice et SLICED Plu «APPLE Pineapple, sliced tomoto and creamed cheese - served wîth French Dressing on crisp lettuce- There's a colorful and refreshing saIad'2I/Z tins- 8 sices .... 4 fors9c BREF, lb 9e p plete wsrnhout plenty ýol them-U 12.oz~. jar 27e Delici ously ripe and sweet, large square basket....> CANTALOUPES 49e Gv«n or waxBrni Either, variety or ini vegetable salad. especially good .with Pet roast 2 qhe Ise WILMETTE 402 Uindon Av*. WINNETICA 718 Sm Si. Winaitka 81 LAKE VIEW 3959 Broadway lieS Jarvis. Av. ROge~'s PàWk SUS, ROUND IOur eut ih lways tender, igo matter h o w l it's prepared. b. 2110 Nor-