Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jul 1933, p. 8

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Domestics Siz.d '95, Phone Wilmette 12( Liood 1<00<1 1w cool Coer ot Delicioualy FPned One-HaIf %ChicloCen Wondertnl,.Ilavor. Served wIth re- freslng, PIneappie Julce Cocktail, eholce of Vegetabie and Beverage. Enjoy this delightful O dInner tonigjit.......so WILMETTE CAPE liai WILMETTE AVE. Opposite Vilage Hall FRESHLY ORESSEO CAMP CREEK DuckilingSI LB.J 7 1Iwa't to thank Mr. Renneckar for his article iin the Public Forum of July 20. 1933. As a formier member of the WViliniette Board of Trustees hie is in a position to know the facts, and bis article was at least an at-. tempt to gî .ve us sorne. M r.* Renneck- ar stated,"that the real reason that' Wilniette is liot nowv us ing .the am')u nt- of wa ter est irated iii'the Vater Bul- letin of 1931.is. bècause the residents' west of the C.: and N. W. tracks can- not get it durilvz theé(dry sunîimer months." He further stated. "vr resident ini the above section wanted and woôuld have been perfectlv happy to pav for 'more water but they -had i choice because Evanston could flot stipply the demanid." Also he ,said "This water shortage stili exists in, the Western area and will exist until MVilmette's water plant is operating." I lelieve every one lias héen .in. agreement that.there is a wvater short- agie' on the xvesf side, but,. there is. some dtfrerence of opinion as to ;whvtether. the~ cause of this shortage is. as *Mr. Renneckar statèd "because Evanston. could flot supply the de- rnand" or our own inability to distrib- ute enoughi water to mieet the de-, niand. Some of the eviden.ce that bias bieen prodttced supports the latter. 1 hiave before mie an. article writ- ten b ' M. W. Lauier iii December, 1931,.;In which lie states a- followsý * 'îat the supply is ample and that whiat \Vilmette 'needs is iniprove-' nients in facilities to receive andi dis- tribute that adequate suppl\. Is evi- dencéd by the. fact that during one 24-hour period when meter readings were takéri.vue received froin Evans- ton 419,310 cubic feet of water. This reading tvas taken on one of the hot.- test dav of the vear 1931, on July 28, 1931 from 4 p. -ni. of that day to 4 p. mn. of Julv 229. This wvas a rate of supply equal to over 152 million cii- bic feet, per year or nearly three tinies the average rate of use, andý while undérthe handicap of inadeý- quate connections with Evanstonand deficit mains." .This indicates tliat Evanston can .supply ail the water we.may need for pressure on the. second floor of bis 'iieve.s to bc a fair statement so lar home, but he failed to state, (if he as it applies to the area west of SI."( knew) that theéelevatçd storage tank te*einth street or Seventeenth street, was empty on Deceinber 4, 1931. This rather than to the entire area west of tank was drained on November 10, the. C. and N. W. tracks. 1931, for the ostensible purpose of hetae ntt icthwrite painting, it. t remnained emipty during ýobjects is the following: ail the remaining pre-election period, Eeyrsdn nteaoesc and at .thi s ,writing, -December 29, i viîtdadwol aebe )r 193, i stli mpt."fcctly happy to pay for more water This. empty tank may explain some. but the l 1 n locebcue vnç of the shortage at that time.y * hd o sholic ca. 'I'se On page. 14 of, this same Water italics are 'Mine. Buletn o 131,reerrd o b M ..The -facts do not support Mr. Ren - Renneckar, water consumptibn for the year from'February 1,, 1930, to Jan- neckar' s., stateinent. that Eý*vanston)t uary**31, 1931, is given' as 66,700,000 could îiot supply, the deinanci. There is cubic feet. In an article by Mr. Lauter a: conclusive test asto.whetiher Ev.-. in the Public Forum of June 29,193, anston could supply the demnd.-ý it is stated, "Since 1930 consumptior The test is whether pressure was lihas steadily decreased, being 62,200,000 rnaintained at the Evanlstoni pump-ý culbic feet in.,1932 and for 1933 con- ing station' during, the water1 short- sumptidn has further declined' and ages'iii the *western part of Wilnîette. points to amaximumn consumption of The .writer. has examWnéTdthe E'vans- 62 Imillion cubic feet and will prob- ton pumnping plant pressure. charts, bcb less." and it is evident. that pressures wvere if Evanston was able ýto furnish niaintained at -the customary levels, 66,700,000 cubic feet of water in 1930, lot on.ily througho'ut the drouoht ini it ioId seeni that Evanston's ability 1930, but as wvell dtrring subsequen t to supply at least the sai ne amnount of periods when there wvas wvater short- vvater since that tine. hiad there beeila ge on -the Ridge. There was no cvi- a demand for it, should not be.qué's- detice at the Evanston pumping sta- tioned. Apparently, inasmuch as -wie tion, of. any demiand that the plant used over four milon cubic feet less! could flot ,satisfy. The ,Ewanston ini 1932 than wve did in 1930'our (le- piumping,.planit delivered:at undimin- mand wvas for less w%ýater.,,Nowv com- îslied: pressure ail the water that wvas pare the estimated consumiption for takil nbyV the X'V'ilmette pumping andi 1932 of 97,104,000 cubic feet with the dl'strihutiii- svstein, anid it continues actual consumption of about 62,200,09ý0 to do so.- cubic feet. 1 arn stili of the opinion it is not true, then, tlîatreins that my staternent relative to the. n'- 0on th(ý Ridge hiad 11 lo hoce "eas flated estimate- of water conisunp - Evaniston could îîot suppfly thee(lu- supply the demand is not. Further evidence that it wvas Wil- miette's inability to distribute an a-- ple. supply of water. rather than Eýv- anston's inaàbilitv, to furnis. it, is the fact 'that' in 1930 our Vilflage author- ities asked f(or the approval of a $100,- 000.00 bond issue, the purpose of. m-hich ivas to miake. somne chianges'in our water systemi in order to over- corne this water shortage. Tbis $100,- 000.00 bond issue was voted by the The poor supply ini the Ridgcd- trict ini 1930 Nvas due mnainly to ani open by-pass around the \incu booster pumps that preveited the puips frrndelivcring hir1 l c apacity to, our. water Mains.' The,, churiîed -the wvater 'rounid and 'round instead of delivering it. 'rhis defect was discovered-thle.iollowinlg sprînlg. Lt. was whollyv thé fault of the Villagc, wbich owns and op1)erates' the detec- tive check valve which caused the trouble. Aside; fromn the defect nieiitionc'l(, age was in 19301,ai, j! dKV Eitor, LiLETrLE: nigs nd There is a stateinent iii Mr. Ren- neckar's letter ini your issue Of Ju!y le: 20 'which shàuld not be allowed to pass without correction. Mr. Renneckar describes his. exper- lence. with water shortage on bis premises on the-Ridge 'in 1930. There« is no doubt .in the:writer's mimd -that 1 is, turc of more tflaî ten tinmes the amnount necessary to correct the wa- ter shortage on the Ridige and pro- vide liberally for the future, hiad the subject bern given intelligent and un- biased consideration.. Your very truly, (Signed) Donald, H. Maxwell, 1414 Forest avenue. b - e*ieSS

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