Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jul 1933, p. 32

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Rates- "centsa a.Une. Adycttisementa. ruai ln aIl three papers. Rate '-. INIMN XCHARGE UONU fDOLLAR. Average of five wordg tithélUne. No black face type ue&. 2% <iseonat on ail cash advertise- miente when brouglit te our office at 12s2 Central Ave. Wilynette, or 661 Lincoln Ave., Wlnnetka. 16% dlseeubt on ail advertïaeitents rmn four co6nassutily ensu". Daie for InlSertions-ami ed advertiemenis wiU b ceptd u tôTuëday9 P. M. for WIL]kfTTE LIIPE or ait three, papera; .Wednenday 9 p., M. for WINNETKA. TALK and Thuraday à P. M. for GLECOB*N EW8. Telephoneu: Wlmette 4300, Winnetka3000 Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 5687. LOST-FROm. ELDER LANE1 BEACH last SaturdaY, boy's red and white Rex bicycle. Oliged for any Informna- tion regarding same., Reward for re- turn. 'Phone' Winnietka 1735. 3LTlN12-Itp LOST1 IN VICINITY 0F OR IN ELDER j Lane Pairk-Platinumi bar pin set with I 3 diamonds and 4 ameéthysts. Reward. Finder caîl Mrs. Davies Lazear, 892j Oak St., Winnetkqi,'111. 3L12-lp LOST - CONKLIN FOUNTAIN PEN,j gray and red, between Wîlmette Ave. N. S. Station and Public ServiceSuli Sta., Phone Wilnxette 4673. 3LTN12-ltj YOUR OLD FURNITURE OLOCKS, BRICABRAC, OIL PAINT- INGS. ETCHINGS, ENGRA VINGaS, ETC., BouGUTr, SOLD OR RE- NZWED. TeRobot Shop. 1215 Wilmètte Ave. Ph. Wilmiette 3680 16LTN12-lt p) UJPHOLSTERING REPAIRIN(]ù REFî NDlR NG BEST WORKMANSHIP Special prîces for July. H. G. LINDWALL. 808 Oak, St. Wlnnetka 145 16L12-ltp SAM GOLDMAN JUNI< DEALER Paper 50c per 100 Ibs. Magazinle 60e per 100 Ibs. Wilmette 5417, Winn. 3623. 161,12- ltp Rats, Roaches, etc. PJ.UEDELHOFEN, EXTERMINAT- Igengineer. Ph. Wînnetka 591 or Northbrook 128. 16LTN25-tfç MOWERS SI*ARPENED-BICYCES, repalred,;, used.for sale. Machine work, welding. G. SODERBLOM e1 906 Linden, H. Wds. Winnetka 294 : 16LTN11l-4tp EXPERT AND FAST TYPEWRITING. College pnaners and busines etters 4t -PÀiN-riNrAND DECORtATirNO Paint, Paper 5 Rms. :$34i,50 SANITAS AND CANVASING WOIRK ftees.Rm. wallpa oicle ana&, 15; bithrm.'enimeled,fi5; kitelien palited, $5; ceilint ealcinxlned, il, up;' 5 RM. FLOORS WASHERD, CRUBBED' VARNISHEL, OR ýWAXND, $8; EX- TERIOR WOIUC - WINDOWS, 35e AND_ UP; PORCHES. $10. RErS. FREE ESTIMA-TM. MÂTUCRIALSi FURNISHBD.' CALL WILMETTE 1258.42LTN12-ltp 44 PT FOR SAL-PONY, IDEAL PEnTFOR small children, gentle. yet willing, miust be seen to be appreciated. 1260 Oak St., Winnetka. Phone WInn. 3533. 44LTN12-ltp~ 53 , EWýINQ MACHINE REPAIRINO IMPORTANT SEWENG MACHINE REPAIR SHOP Established m~ore than flfty years ago ln Evanston. la now located at 1008 Oakwood Aver., Wilmette. AIso re- pairing of ail Electrical home appli- ance-9. Tel. Uni. 2200 or Wil. 4368. L. E. Blunt. 53LTN40-tfe WANTED-$3,500 TO$5,500 1ST IMTGE., 5 yrs. or less, on prominent North Sh~ore business corner valued 5 tinies loan anld under long lease to large national corporation of A-1 financial rating. Can make nionthly prepay- mnents, or assign rents to) liquidate.. *No Brokers. Write A16 o 0 Wllmette, III. 65L.TN12-1tp LOANS -ON AUTOMOBILES Contidential sermclce, legal rates., MOTOR LOAN CO. State !Bank Bldg,. Evanston. Gre. 3200 65LTN36-tfc 6SU SITUATION WANTED-PFIMâAL. COMPEENT HELE German-American, 25 yrs., wants gen-i eral, 5-yr. local* ref. Swedish 25 yrs., warits general, 3-yr. gardening and lawn cutting. Clean- ing,. varnishing, painting, and 'polish- ing floors. MALCOLM & SONS, Wil- mýette 5381.69T 2-p COLORED CHAUFFEUR WILÉ DRIVE part time or whole time. Also house- work and gardening.- 12 years on N. -S. -Rf.Phone Douglas 2968., 69LTN12-Itp C HAUFFEUR-MECHANIC. EXPERI-J enced. AII-aIround handy mnan. Refer- ences., Phone Winnetka 1343. 69L12-ltp 70 ait.. WTO.-MALU AND FiLMAI.! NOTICE WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGH-GRADE- domestic help. aIl nationalities, no charge to employer, efficient service for North Shore homes., Reference.s in'Ve.,tigatèd, under state supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748, ElniSt. Winnetka 3399 70LTN1 2-lte, -i7-XPER t.WHITE COUPLE - WOMAN good cook and hiousekeeper; muan ehauffeur, ho usemani, gardener, or chauffeuir only. References. Cail Dor- chester 9587. 7OLTN12-ltlp COUPLE-WVHITE.-WOUýLD LIKE PO- sition. Wlfe, cook and general- house- work. Man,, chauffeur and garden work. N. S. Ref: Ph. Greenleaf 4607. 701LTN12-ltp) NOTICE W'E HAVE I5 COMNPETENT COUPLES on file, looking for positions with the finest working references fromi 2 to 6 years. Reinhart's Empi. Agyency .748 Ebj St. Winnetka 3399 701LTN2-ltc GER.NAN COtJPLE -EXPER., BES'r refs, Wife good cook, mnan drive car, and housework. Caîl Highland Park. 3636. 7OLT12-ltp 1HELP PwANTErD-FPmALUC OFFICE FEE REDUCED YOUR CONFIDENCE, IN ýTHIS OF- FICE HASý BEEN THE SUCCE SS, 0F OUR BUSINESS. IN, RETURN WE REDUCt YOUR OFFICEFEE. GOOD POSITIONS, $2.00 *Pauline's Emp. Agency OPP. "L"' TERMINAL, WILME'tTE. Llgbt houseke7eping prhv Tenth Street, Wilmette, 111 vllegeu. 731 82T7-f NICELY FURNISHED ]ROOM FOR emPioyed gentleman, Christian Science pref., in. E. aide homne near lake anld transp. Garage. Ph. Wilmette >3251. 82LTN12-ltp NI[CII> ROOM WI T H SLEEPING iorch, alo ingIe room.. Board If Wantd. CalI afternoons, 514 .Blroh stret, cr. Zni t., Wlnnetica. 8,2LTN12- 2tc 2 LARGE ROOMS ' NICELY FURN. IKitchen privileges if desired. For cou- Ipie or single. Reasonab le. East, Win- netka. Close to trans. Winnetka 3690. 82L12-ltp FURNISHED AND UÙNFURNISHED rooms. Kitchen'privilege f 1ird Near transportation. Plh. Glencoe 331. 82LTN12-ltp VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS WITH OR without private. bath,1 modern, near transportation and achools. Phone Winnetka 3844. 82LTNZ12-1tp l"ARGE, AIRY FRONT R0014, OR large room and sleeping porch, gar. space, near transp. East aide. Wil- mette 1253.1 82LTN12-ltp FURNISHED ROOM WIrH PRIV.ATE famlly ln Winnetka for single or- double, meals if desired. Phone Win- NICELY -FRNISHED ROOM, HOM-E privileges.. Garage available. Near transportation. Glencoe 976. NICELY PURNISHED, QUIET. COOL room, with bath and shower, for gen- tleman. Near transp., ln Wlnnetka. Phione Winnetlca 2010. 82LTN9-tfc- F-RNISHED ROOM WITH PRIVATE family, in Winnetka. PhoneWjnnet- GoOD FRXSIDSLEIGR $2.50 week. Phone K nlw olrth 4957. FUNISio.uu I-M. CONVfENIENTTO transportation. ýCal WIlmette 2764. 82LTN12-ltp; 1, COM1FORTABLE RM. FIOR REF, very reasonable. Phone Wilmette 1633., LARGE -ROO-M-FOR. RENT, Re:ASON- able. 1 block to transportation. Cal Glencoe, 17,15. 82LTN12-îtp LARCE-ROOM FOR RENT. ýREASON- Sable. 1 block from transportation. Cal] -Glencoe 1715. 82LT12-ltp UPILL1Nj, ULL, SI UP'j.6 ANTIQUJE WALLS WASHED, j EXPÊRIENCED AND RE I tarched, $2.50 up; roonis papered, $3 woman wi-shes day work of up; bathroom enameled, $5; kitchen i okin evlg .S celling and walls, $5; Window frames Wnntka 3690. painted 35. ets. and up. Materials,' ref-j EXPERIENCED WHITE woI erenees furnished. Caîl Lewis4, Win- cleaning zand day work.1 netka 2511., 42L12-ltp Phonie Winnetka 3558. *îpcoe185 glood~iU rut .eap. Vîctor uiikeiporcheIIs, hot 2-car gar., large lot, flear tr.ans.por-tation. $75. Om A-187, Box'40, Wllmet te, r scflools, and wner. Write 97LTN12-ltp LOisT AND' FouND * .à il; -LT12-Itp

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