Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jul 1933, p. 34

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rHe was presiuviit ut ±M<aX >effi Sup ply company, dealers in scrap iron and steel, and hiad been in busi- ness in Chicago for the past fifty years. His wife, one daughter andl two sons survive. RETKJRN FROM WISCONSIN Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Drake and son, Keith, 933 .ake avenue,- and Mr.. and Mrs. Lyman Drake, Jr., of Glencoe, returnied Sunday f rom a teîi days' out- in- at the senior Drakes' summer borne at the WVausaukee cluh iin Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wenban of 900 Lake avenue were also their guests.. Sue Elleai, Six-%ear old daughter of tbe Vernon I.oucks of 234 Sheridain ,road, Kenilwortla, il return froni the Evanston, hospital Saturday wbere she underwent a serious rnastoid oper-. ation. Four weeks ago she underwent an operation for the remnoval.of tonsils and adenoids. Betty Jante Breit, 4U2 Essex road, Kenilworth, is entertaining four guests who arrived last Friday for a week's stay. They are Mary Ellen Gartland, of Indianapolis; Kay Goeke -of Lima, Ohio; Charlotte Moore of Birmingham, Mich., and Vivien Graham of Chi- cago and Antiocb; Mr. and Mrs. John I.. Fuller and daughter, Ivy, and ber fiance of «Man- hattan, Kas., were dinner guests Satur- day of Mrs. George Pritchard, who makes ber home with the Marvin Jfarmns of 1021 Miamni road. The Fullers are visiting ini Chicago. B ert Moritz, .226 Warwick road. Kenilwortb. entertained afew fÉiends at a supper party last Sunday eve- ning. Mrs. T. E. Moritz bas ber brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. George Nueden..from Nev York as erguests.A -o- .Mr. and MNrs. E. A. Robsoti and son, Ned, of 1529 Forest avenue, and' Mr. and Mrs. James P. Reinhold and son. Jimmy, of 1005 Ashland avenue, have lexsed a cottage ai Lake Marie. 11,.. M iss Lolita Berting of Wiiiiette, yogingsoprano, iiI be the -soloist with tise Milwaukee Philharmonie orchestra Thursday eveing, A«- -gust 3. Miss Bortlig returned re- rently from ait extended tour of engagene.ntson the z!e s'e rii cQQt. TAKE COTTAGE FOR SUMMER Mrs. Horace M. Capron and daugbter, Constance. 560 Ridge ave- nue, Kenilworth, are spending the summer at Oakwood Beach club near Maàrinette, Wis,, where tbey have taken a cottage for the season. Mr. Capron and Mrs. Capron's niother, Mrs. L. H. Quinnell, will join thein for the ïnonth of .August. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Harris,, 832 Greenwood avenue are the par- ents of a'son boras Sunday, july 16, at the. St. Francis hospital. The Harrises have anotber son, Charles, 4 years oId. .Mrs. Harris and the baby are returning froin the bospital today. 0o- Miss Ruth'Chadwick of New 'York City and Donald, Barnes f rom. Far Rockaway,,N. Y., arrived'.last Friday and remained until* Sunday noon as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Engel of 210 Dupee place. They and their host and hostess attended A Century of Progress. , where she will s swith a friend. Befc she will go to Estes Park, and erest. ore returning Yellowstone éther lpoints Mrs. li-erbert Mes.ick and lier daugbter, Mariani, 331 Essex road Kenilwortb,-will spend the ,week-end V isit iing the Curtis Steens of, Win- netka at Lauderdale, Lakes. Ilkhorn XVis. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin j. L:evi of 700 Forest avenue, and ber son., David.. are returing to Wilmette the e arly ,part ofi' Aug.ust, from a visit with friends ii Montgomery, Ala. Mrs. Williamý Taylor., 631 Abbo.t.. ford road, Kenilworth, left last Sat- urday to spend, a few days with ber daugbter, Helen, and Mr. and Mrs. Clive Taylor, who ive in Barrinigton. Mrs.,Howard W. Hodgkins. 431 Ah- botsford road, KenilwoÈta, niotored to Oconomowoc, Wis., Wednesday to get* ber daugbter. Heleni, vho lias heei visiting Virginia Jones. Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott ýMcWa),nel anid faniily of Honolulu arrivedai Tes- day of last week to visit. Mr. M cWaynie's hrother-iin-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. Byron Nash of 1107 Romona road. 0o- Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Hale and cbildren of 1025 Mohawk road returnied last week from a trip to Peninsylvania and New York; where they visiÉed thieir grandchildreli. 0o "Chuck." son of '.\r. and Mrs. Charles Keller of 820 , Gre.enwood avenue, week-ended .wýitli bis grand- miother, Mrs. A.. Keller. -recently at Chiltonl. Wis. Mrs. Paul, Granniis ýof'Beverly Hlilîs, Cal.. lia,;heen the geust 'the pasýt two weeks of ber hrother-in-law 'and sis- ter. the Thiomas Coynes of 240 Melrose av'enute, Keniilwortb; july 17, at, 6:30 o'clock. A large attendance had gathered at' the Ma- sonic temple to witness tbe work of the officers. There were many vis- itors from various chapters, also guests from Los Angeles and- Sacra- mento,, Calif., Detroit, Midi., Wasb-ý. ington, D. 'C., and Butler, N. J. Our charter,, altar and jewels, were, draped in xnourning for Our departed member, Mrs.. Lillian D. Northam. who passed away JuIy 11, at the~ Presbyterian hospital, after undergo- ing two, emergenc y operations. On Friclay evening, July 28, thee ,will be a card party at the htOme.,of our, Matron ýand Patron, Mr. and Mrs. Josephi Converse, .1610 ýHigb- land avenu'e.ý There will be refresb«- ments and prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Young of 1732 Highland avenue, motore d to Seattle, Wasb., to visit their daugh.- ter, Mrs. Vera McBurney and fain- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Anker. Christyv of 1518 Wiimette avenue are visiting ini New York. S Mrs. Grace His is vacationing in Wisconsini Our next meeting will be beïd at the temple on August.21. at 7 :30. This being Our a nnual vacation. 1 must remind you of the salable arti- cle youare requested to, make dIur-ý ing your spare time for our sale ;his fal *which wilI enablé tus to raise money for our chapter, the articles to be brougbt to the chapter ilot lat- er than September 18. Mr. and Mrs. Converse exteîid to you their best. wisbes for a vety pleasant sumnmer vacation. ENTERTAINS AT TEA Miss Patsy Flentye, 919 Central avle- nue, enter tained at tea on Sutiday in honor of Mr.* and. Mrs., John Robert Murray and their guests of Saskatoon, Caànada,, wbo are bouse guests of Mr. Murray's parents, the. James C. Mur- rays in Kenilworth. Mrs. John Robert Murray is the former Coralee' Whitsett* of Wilniette. A lIXt of the Automobiles, Istructionl to Bidders and Bidding Blanks may be obtaifled, at the Village Manager's office. The Village 130avd reserves the right! to reject any and ail bids. C. M. OSBORN. Village Manager Port W~ashington, vv s.. ireturneo .1 rom a niotor trip through * Iowa, Minnesota, andi Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Malcoini Reis oi New-1n 11 York and Sasi Francisco, wlho arrived M.\rs. Alfred MeDou gal, 325,Abbots- Tesday, are the guests of .Mrs. Claude ford road. was, bostess at luncheon for- Burnbam, 536 Roslyn road, Kenilwortb. ber bridge club menibers last Tu4esday.1 luncneon andi bridge Wed wveek for eigbt guests. similar one last Friday. of this gave a ---= The. Misses Ruth and Helen Saunders of Andover, Mass., are visit- ing their- aunt, Mrs. WinslowGo- win of 1710, Central avenue.

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