io atives in The Girl Scout Day Camip vil have its last session toinorro-w ,('Fr- 'day>. Those wvho have been 'attend-. ing this cainp hav.e leen hta.ving an excedîngv hppv nd profitable tine. .The camp.,bas been nramed "Camp Heyt-Day," and lîow truly this naine expresses the-spirit of the camp!. On Friday of last iveek, thé camp- ers. iere the guests, of the Evanston, Girl, Scouts at Romany trail, where thev, followed a clelightfuî. trail ai by the hostesses. On Tuesda v of this, weck, the ,couîîcil and committee mnibers were guests at Camp Hey- Day. and in , thé evening1 the, par- ents of maàny of the girls participated in the, camnpfire 'service.. Girls wbo had' attcnded 'at least two days of thec camp ivere, presented witb a camp emblem. Tomnorrow '(Frida) campers will l-eave the Methodist church at 9:30 ani ill retuirn about .4:30. 'Girls. wvho bave been unable to attend previousIv are iiited to fil out an aipplication blank and go iwith the group tomnorrow.N COING TO PARIS Miss Edith Tidienaof 1025 Linden. avenue. left last W.\ednesday for New York am ' 1. i sailing on, Friday on the Isle de» France for Paris to spend some t'ie, Later shie will join ber sister, Miss Mildred Tideman, in Berne, Switzerland. Miss Mildred is working at thue American Embassy in Berne. Last Sunday Miss Evelyn Hardinge of XVlmette %vas hostess at a fare-well tea for Mitss-Tideman.' Dorotl1'v aiid( Barbara Hlolivay, 122'?7 -ýlmwood avenue, are at Camp Na- wakwa, SolitliHaven. Mich. 'Their sister, Kaî,hrvn. ii, as becu spenldin'g the' molith oif îl'Witlt friend-, at Star lak('. Baldwîn. NIlicli.. and w~ill,'he lhome: the early part of Aiigtst. 11rf and M rs. Albert Salvi of, 1352 Ashland avenute have as their guests, The C. J. Johnsons of 1215 Twenty- third street have as their bouse guests tb'is week Mrs. Martin Yauch of Houghton, Mich.; Mrs.: Johnson's father anid rother' Mr'.-and Mrs. Peter Gardner and ber brother, Wer- ner Gardner, ail of Manistee, Mich., and Edward Hanson of.,Manistee. Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas E., Halîdor- son, 1720 Central ýavenue, are' enter- taining, relatives froin tbe west- this week. Ibeir:guests are Mr. andMrs.- C. T.' Hallîdorson and Harold Hall- dorson of Denver, Colo., and John Baird of Boulder. Miss Katherine Panushka, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J.,W. Panushka, 929 Tbirteenth street, retur ned on Tbursday of last week from a visit of several rnontbs 'witb ber brother.. andsister-in'Zlaw, -Mr. and Mrs. John Panushka of Glendale. Cali 0o Miss Annette Kelly, 933 Centra.lj avenue, is the house guest for twoà weeks of Mrs. Abel, \Vinburn at Rex Térrace in northeril Michigan, the summer place :of Mrs. NVnbuirn'ý parents, the Benjamin 1, Millers of Glencoe. The Rev. and Mý-rs. James. W. Bak- er of Kaw City, Okla., are visiting their son 's' family, the Newman F. Bakers, 619 Fifth street. Mr. Baker '15 pastor of the Metbodist cburch in Kaw City. Roy C. Osgood, 423 Essex road, Kenilwortb, is leaving the end of this week to jofli bis farnilv at their summer borne in Iincolnville, Maine. Gilbert and Robert are aled there..led Mr. and Mrs. Clyde P. Ross, Shir- ley, and Carleton, of Kenilwortb, are at LauderdaleLakes, Wis., as gucsts at the summier horné of Antes RubI of Rockford. The R. Cý Rolfings are moving on August 1, from 629 Elmwood avenue to theslndiîan Hi"i estates. Tbey will rent. the J Goldberg borne. at 2408 Elmwood avenue. Their other bouse bas ýbeen, purchased by Benjamin P. Otle of Cicago, wbo5Movigi next «Week with bis family. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Barratt of Buffalo, N. Y., *ho bave .corne to Chicago for the World's Fair, are the oseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson V. 'Joyce, 1011 Chestnut avenue. Mrs. Joyce 's sister, Mrs. Ge-orge' Patterson of Toronto, Canada, is also a guiest. Thbe -W'nnetka and Kenilworth women.wbo have a duplicate bridge club miet last Monday witb Mrs.. Ru- fus B., Stolp of 336 Warwick road, Kenîlw.crth. Mliss àlarjorie flecht, 1042 Green- wood avenue, is entertaining. a bouse guest, ber Milwaukee Downe.r sern-in-_ 'ry% school friend, Miss Helen Otto. .Vade wlth Waukesba Sprlug' water I Fox Hlead Beer-light or dark IGinger Aie Carbonated Water I Waukesha Sprig Wa.ter *..West Beer NOW Miss Kathryn Benson and her houseguest, Peggy NoIly, spent a few days this week in Milwaukee. DeliveredIE CoId Phié Wihnette 53 WiI*nete Ice Company Yen, Favorite Rrau dr IMMEDIATE DELIVrERy PHONE wILME1TE 410 WINN. 2470 . 2471 Save 10C per Cà" by driving to 1440 Sheri'denRd.,> No Man's'.Land NORTH SHORE HOME DEIVERY Sam Mapula Favorite Dramds Phone Winnotka 76 1 .11 J" - I SUBURBAN BEVERAGE CO., INC. Mortn Gove2070, 02 5 per CASE ý for, à 1 1. .1 illi,