of better Wash DRESýSES Ci r' Values ùp to- $5.95 NOW 61 du J Eyelet embroideries. Piques.. twine and, other fabrics -al Iow. price. BATH TOWELS Extra quality, colored borders. 3fo Women'.,sKnit Lisle Vest Bn'dor Bodce top. --veue- 35c and 50c. 2Vests for 25c Kr inkle et this Summ er Girdies Hickory make ea. 59,c, These are made in two, widths% ail sizes. LIFEBUOY SOAP j,4 4bàrs25c Tre, Jur Body Powder gooaness OT nb FINE SHIRTS. Fine;.quahlty broadcl 'oth because: that, we find,l s most satisfactory for any season, and you wiII want ta get plenty to Iast for months. These shirts are tailored by the mnakers of Van Heusen collars ahd are pro- sbrunk. Men's Linen KNICK.ERS. $1 .45 pair, Velues to .$2.95. or in the cool shade oF vour porch. Every order is fiII.d under the watchfuI oye of one who knows our stock thoroughly., Four Deliveries. EveryÉDay- WORTýHE N S Dept.. Store-I 14648 WilUmte. Ave.-PhQne Wilmette 588-589, Mens Stor.--First, National Bank Sidg.-Phone Wilinette 2655 * 9c V neck and 'short u.:leeves Col.ors and whtf..ý Broadcloth. I N , .95