TOMATO Richelieu c o-I d jpâcked and un- seasoned. 3 IPTS. 23c COFFEE, Richoliou.. Thée finet bend we have to offor. LB. ý33c SALMON... Fine Chinook .... 2 (½z LBS.) 29c VIN EGAR........ Budlong's C1e....O.I3C PICKLES .... Budlong's Gherkins.... EA. l OC OX TONGUE... wilsons 12-oz ........ EA. 59C CORNED BEEF .,.Wiison's 112-oz ....EA. 18C G AEJUICE .. . Me.ier's Concord .....oT. 25c POTATO CHIPS.. .Fresh, Crisp.. 2 PKG. 25c SALAD DRESSING .Kraft Boled.. PT. 1l7c ~KRAFT CHEE£ Velveeta or American. ý2 lb. cartonis. nd advan- Jui 4,14to 27: PEAS Californie Telephones 3 LueS. 25c BEANS *Green, stringless *2QTis. 19c, Crisp outdoor grown 1EMQ'NS *An unusual, price DO.25c APPLES New Duchesse 4 LBS19 c AVOCADO-S Jumbo Floridas of our purc tages. pleasure.. They went to New York and Washington and1 returned by way of Charleston, W. Va., and the Blue Ridge mounitains.: John Adkins. has returned to' San Diego, Cal., after a three weeks' visit with- his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Adkins of 1112 Central, avenue. one of the mioving spirits in~ the "L"' terminal group of business people, reports that many expressions of ap- preciation have corne to the organiza- tion. Shé states also that icreased use is beinig made. of. the service as the public »learns that it is,, available. Mrs. Della, Ray, 14408 Edgewood. lane;ý Hubbard 'Woods, reports that the innovation is fully appreciated by residents of Xinnetka, Glencoe and ,other northshor towns digta sle lias personally received messages of commendationf from iany neigh- bors and friends whio find the'parking space mos t convenient when -taking the elevàted down town or to, A Cen.- tury Of Progress. It relieves congestion on the strcets and provides a place ini whiclî cars, nmay be parked with assurance that tlîcey will be found undamnaged xw'len, the ovners cali for thern. Wilm ette Boy Wins Prize in Fair Safety 'Contest Boys and guisini the, eleven anmd tNelve, years age division wvlo wVnx prizes iii the, Cenitury.ôf P ogres Safetv Conrtest for ischoolchdrî wvere a.tniounceed this week by the conte-st judges. Edward Cerveni, 2134 Schiller street, XVilmhette, wàas one o!i the inniiers. H1-e is a pupil at th'( H-ighfcrest school. E1,ach ýstudent who suibritted' oi e of the winning sets of rules for safe& tv on the streets is tu receive a spe- ai ,oti\eiiir ticket of admission to th e fair grolunds and to cither. oh! *< ...earbIo1 n or the Chinese Temn- pie of JeFiol.. Ail prizes w,ýere:aw&arded by the Yel- loi% Cab- conipatîy ini an effort to start schiool'children thinking along, flnes of safety' and thus disCouraîeý accidents on- the street S dur ing -the time of the World's Fair when'the' City is crowded witlî visiting m otor- Onie thousahd and twenty prize winners are being selected- out of a total of 66,892 sets of rules that were submitted by students in nearly 500 public and parochial .schoôls iin Cook county, according to Mai. Lroy S. J. Ervine of the World's Fair traffic de- partmueiit Those in the older age groups have not yet been finallv se- CHMIPS Standard size cartons.,, ece17cý Standard [Corton 2 FOR 17C I or hall. rTRAJ. AMP TWEL7tII.. WIL~