Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1933, p. 22

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naine and a8Migu of the iS !t*. ArtUiesUfor pub- lcation tmuet reaeh the fiItor by Tumea7 foon to Ineure appencie IntacurreII lame. Uamluttonu o odole1ncr, carda of thmns, obitu- arles, notices of entertatpméente or other affairs where an admittance charge 'la bhd, wtt! be eharged nt regular adverttstng a. Grade Separatio il aeLif e ILet Ha ten the Day! J One of those periodic ",wars on crime". with which w~e have. become buit tO f amiliar in, recent. years is now' ii i prog- .VXress in Cook county rr6 A lso and Illinois. At Ieast; Have a Duty i tis supposed to be in, progress. 'To. the ac-. companiment of blaring trumpt. fi ciais high and loiv have manned the: type- writers anîd are pounding -out reami upon ream of passiofiate declarations as to what they are going to do to organized criinials. These promises are (ished out by newspapers to an avid ýpublic Nwhichý hopes against hope that something -%vil1 corne of it this time, and that an effective check may be put upon the outlaw N-batuds; thatý have flourishied in recent years.. If the present -e-ffort is not to termin- ate in a "flop," as have so mnany before it, it must have both the support atid the co- operation 'of the law-abiding elemnents of our citizenship. In this the so-called décountry districts" of the county have a llainduty. I71f we elect 1aw~ enforcenient officiais. and forget about themi until the next canipaign we cannot expect the highest quality of service,,esp ecJally when. as so often happens, our confidence is mlis- place(l. Good officiais are better 'if sup- ported and commiended: lax officialsis ay be spurred to action by an. awakenied pub- It is high time that protection should be given to society înstead of the crim- inal. Delays in trials until witnesses dis- appear or faIl victims to loss of mernory; continuance's that carry trials f rom the end of one year to theend ýof another;ý punlishment of crimipals, must be re- v ised so that habituai offenders and con- firrned outlaws may be kept behlind bars, w%%here they belong. The most desperate andi pitiless. man-killer can so conduct hisiii confinement as to show a clear record 'of behavior to the ,parole, board,' and i's.usuallv iv.ise enoughto do it No1 h.enefit accrues to the public .by bis re-- lease.' That a àsmnall group of raie ut- laws should be permitted to continue to fout orga-nized governmenit is, unthink- able. Either organized outlaWrvy or o- ganizeéd.government1 must perish. It must. not be the latter. The ready response to President Roose- velt's inidustrial. recovery progran-a re-, sponse. that h'.as corne from the larg'est L~?'sDo centers and the smnallest Let' Do ommiutiities alike -c-idi- Our Best cates an earnest desire on the part of Amierican busi- ness to heip itself out of a sickbed and back to normal healtb. .The blanket code, which has for its ob-1 ject the shortening of working hours and the absorption of unemployment. ivas re- ceived by ail enlplovers in the New Trier villages last Saturday, and immediately steps were taken to put its provisions iuto operation. While the code is in some par- ticulars obscure in.meaning, leaviiig much uncertainty as to exact requirements. it is generally accepted i a spirit of patrioti > loyaltv that forecasts a genuine effort to adhere tô the program. In these circumstances it may Ihe stper-, fluous to direct attention to the fact that the'."mneat" of the proposition is contained in one object, the putting of more men.iland women to work. If this.be not achieved, the plan wilI fail. The simple shortening of hours to the maximum permitted in a torial domicile,.lHe was a colored mian, stupplying the motive power for a large truck trailer mounted on pneumatic tired wheels. So what could lhe be but a tech- nlocrat displacing amachin.e?,. r,. will really wag bis tail again Gin's just the type-le won't really miss lis despite *the publicity, canned dog f ood and automobile rides we've given him . . . But we're big enougli to live it down... We'll seek out some' far countryside and lol arounid in cool, alfalf a fields, during mellow Auigust sunisets and -forget about Gin and ail the_ terrible headlines %ve have written . . Ah, wondrous healing; oh, beautiful. oblivion: ow, those damn mosquitoes-. Xe'll forget. too, about the sad deflation of A Century-of Progres$ halloon which .,ve helieve Ben Herniie hoodooed hy associating it with th.c name of gas-man Winchcll. . .trk al)ove.for Winchell. 'but, balloons-never ..The twvo gases are too jealous.. Another cause for the. sudden deflation was the failuire of the throngs t'> shout -Viva NValvo" hefore: Lieutenant Ccmman- der Settle putlled thai fatal rope and found the great unknowvn at 14th and Canal But as Robert Browning said. *'XVe fall to risc -again" . .We guess Browning wvas a halloon expert, ail right, -because he wrote someth ing abut "love .ini a Gondola" . .. e*ll aiso forget about a malter of far greater importance than a balloon descent; we'1I forget that sonie boob described our, new . vhite flannel trousers hy. saying they looked ducky... This- insult was hurled on a tennis court whiere> only gentlemen are supposed to exercise ..Yep. Nve tried to wallop the offender on the head wiith our tennis racket, but we were too much of a gentlemnan to hit the mark... So, away to the far-flung fields of -alfalfy-; others may go, if they wishi, 1t Amalfi. MYTTJRY OF _MISSING GIN Gin, the office hound, has disappeared f rom ii. usual haunts, thereby creatlng a. mystery that la baffiing t4xe wits, If any, of the editorial staff. A couple of weeks ago his master, MiQUTB, dropped the tools of his trade and left, presumably on a Vaca- tion, des0nation unknown, but suspected. Whether Gin, pining for the companionship that has becomfe life ltself for hlm. la nursing a broken heart In some sequestered spot, or, wlth thât courage that ls ever present In any dog that la a dog, has struck the trail and, la atriving to catch up wlth MiQuE, none can tell. As a dog Gin Is 100 percent plus.. For making con- fidants of humans he is less than. no ýgood. MAQUE. )NWEML * as Wearied by innumerable labors (the most strenu- ous of which is the attempt to wish the Cubs into first place), we're singing oui' swoon song beforeý leaving for a vacation. Yep, it will be a well yearned rest. And af ter ail, a swoon song should be easy to write.. No music to bother with-just al Tests. -R. W.- N.

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