young director, Anatol Litwak, took1 his players to Lugano, beauty spot of the Italian-Swiss frontier, and there photographed practically the wbole story against a natural back- ground. Popular music bas been, blended.with classic, tbe resit being an unusual film symphony. There is included, an, entire act frôm "La Boheme," a scene from: "Rigoletto," and the duet from "'La Wraviata."j Jan Kiepura,, who plays the lead-in this continental production, ie known in Europe as Kiepu ra of tbe Golden Nroice. He is a *star of the Vienna opera and' has appeared1-ifi-- an engagement with the Chi cago Opera- c.mpany. H-e, has a tenor voice .wbich places himni i the cateigory, with Gigli. The production-: is decidedlv inter- national in its personnel.. The direc-. to saRussian, the hiero'ne a Ger- .man;, there are several English comedians,, notably. Sonnie Hale.I TÉle American element is Carl Laemmle, who is sponsoring the pro- "duction in this countrv. BAHAI LECTURE The'subject "What Is the Timeý of the End?" will be interpreted by Dr. Ali Kuli Khan of Persia at the talk to be given in Foundation hall, Baha' 1 bouse of worsbip, Linden avenue and. Sheridan road, Wilmette, on Sunday afternoon, August 13, at 3 :30 o'ciock. Mrs. John W. Powers, 307 Cumiber- Amonig the citations which cornprised dhe lesson-sermon was the following f romi the'Bible: "But as it is written, JEye bath flot seen, nor ear heard, neith- er hiave entered into the beart of mani, the things which Giod bath prepared for- tbem that. love him. But God bath re-ý vealed them unto us by His S pirit: for the Spirit searcheth al things, yea, the: deep things of, ;od", (1 Cor.1 2:9, 10). The lesson-sermo .n also included .the following passages f rom. ,the Christian Science textbook, '*Science and Health with Key to the.Scriptures," by Mary Baker £ddy: .' The only excuse for.en- tertaining human opinions and rej ecting the Science of being is our mortal ig- norance, of Spirit,-ignorance' wbicb yields only to the understanding of divine, Science, the understanding. by which we enter into tbe kingdotn of Truth on. earth and learri that Spirit is infiniteand supreme"l (p. 280)i Birth Colàtrol Center Has Second' Anniversary The birth. control center in Evans- tont last Tuesday celebrated the- sec- ond anmi versarv, of its founding by the Illinois Birth Control league. Since 1924 the league bas given con- traceptive information to more than 12,O00 married wvomen in the Chicago area through its five medical centers, with staffs of wvonen pbysicians, A tiiarled increase in the number of patients lias been nioted by those in charge of the Evanston center; a t8 land avenue, Kenilworth,, Ieft Thurs- stated, since the center moved' to' day, August 3, with a party of f riends more central location at 845 Chicagc for 'a tour of Yellowstone Park. avenue. A womian physician is ii En route they i;%ill stop at Sheridan attendaiîce at the center every Tues- to visit Billy Powers, who is spending day atternoon between 1 anid the summerat Camp Red Cloud. oclock. ou q/se w 0F ~nofnoed 0F HUSSARD WOODS S1976. LINDEN AVENUE To clear thé. d.cks for new'feul merchandise WE OFFER- Oùr Remaining Summer. Stock FURTIHER R'EDUCTIONSý GARMENTS FOR. AIL OCCASIONS 1O0, 165 MANY SUITASLE FOR EARLY FALL CHICAGO TR" -NO TOLL9 6000 FOR TWENTY-THREE YEARS CHICAGO'S AND NORTH SHORE'S LARGEST AND OUTSTANDING CLEANERS I t' OUR CLEANING ABILITY