Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1933, p. 1

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.Przaay ana ôarura Are Wilmette L TAXES MAY BE PAIDLOCALLY Residents Have'Until Aug. 19 for Paying 2nd Installment to Townèhip, Collector A -plan bas been %vorked eut by County Treasurer joseph Ê. McDon- ough, whereby taxpayers Who have net: already delne se, May .pay thte second, instalîment'of their 1931 taxes'te their r 1espective township collectors. The Suburban Area, and Country Towns Association of Cook County, in its announicement this wveek, says: "The only thing that remains is for; the taxpayers te demon strate t.heir ap-m preciation by ceming forward te pay their taxes before August 19,, the last day on whichi the taxes cati be collected lecally. Funds Needed for Ser»vices "-By doing this they will expedite the distribution of the funds se badly nJeded by the local taxing bodies, ini erder te carry on the services that arp, ilow heing rendered ini the local cern-. m-tinities." *Collecter Sanhorni Hale rectived a telegramn Tuesday meorning informing hlmi there wvould he a meeting of town- ship: collectors at Maywoed, Wèdnes- *day evening of this week, ivhen further instructions would. he' g.iven relative te collection of the second instaîlment cf the 19.3.1 taxes.' More Information Soom Until after this meeting, Collecter- Hale said he w ould be unable te state, when he would'have thé books oli te give furtber details. In NecW. Trier tovnship , many' tax- payers met their 1931 tax bills iný full last spring. Many oerWho paid oil.v the flrst instalîment, anticipating the books would net be returned to Collecter Hale for the second install- Ment collection, have alreadv made titis and 'hien, fishs and ason as. There is a pla ce 'foir each tbing. somewbere. I f. you have anything to discard, ay we have it?' Mrs. A. L. Grinnell, chairman. NOte:! Economy shop fis conducted by'the Womfan's Clut> of.Wllmette., Village Picnic. Declared Success;, Weather Ideal The Village picnic, held last Satur- day after noon ini Washington park, was a huge success frorn the stand- point 'of a hilarious gcod. time, according to those who qualified as expert witnesses by. being present. The weather was perfect, the attend- auice likewise, -and the program inter- esting down, to, the- last detail.. The athletic evenits,1 occupied rnost of the afternoon. The picnic dinner- was at 6 o'clock, and the evening program was carried out as planned. AIl of the geverning boards of the village and t heir ernployées were partici- pants in the outing. Purse Snatcher Gets Box of ýCandy But No Purse Ralph C.* Clark, 620 Forest avenue, called the police last Sunday evening and reported that bis daughter had been stopped at Washington avenue and Fourth street by a younig man wbho attempted te 'snatch her purse.ý In this he was unsuccessful, but he did secure a box cf candy which, Mis.s Clark was carrving. lier screams for help frigbtened thie purse snatcher. Thé Pol ice could find ne trace cf him. Welfare Board'to .. Affiliate With CookCo. Bureauù At a meeéting'of the Wilmette Wel- fare board. Monday night at the Vil- lage hall definite steps were, taken toward affiliation with the Cook County Uepoyet Welf are bureau. Conferences with M., C. Moss, head of -the county organi:a- tien, have been held with.this end in view, and the meeting MondaWas called for the purpose 0 discussion of the matter and a* final decision as to what ýaction tbe* local bearddesired to take:. Wbile reluctant to give up the unemp1offlent relief work ini the Village, the welfare board recog- nized the impossibility of secùring any part of the funds . collected Ioeally through opération of the two percent state sales tax, to which Wilmette citizens are daily contri- buting. Under the régulations none of these funds are available to local charity boards, beingdistributed &~- clusively through. the county orgatn- izations. Cominttee Appointed After a full discussion President C.C. Schultz was authorized te ap- point a cornmittee to complete negotiations and to address to Mr. Moss an officiai letter of application for affiliation. Mr. Schultz appointed te that comimittee David C. Leach, 1417, Forest avenue, Mrs. Harry *E. Smoot, 731 Park avenue, and Mrs. John C. Blaylock, social worker in charge of the local Welfare,.board. The letter of application was formu- lated and dispatched Tuesday morn- ing, and it is expected, that.- arrange- ments will_ be coxnpleted se that the cemmfittee can report. not, later than Monday of next week.athi rn While it is not known a hstm just how rnuch of the local charity work will have to bc, surrendered to the ceunty organization, the' Wil- PRE - INFLATION. VALUE.S.OFFERED Event Marks Opportuaity for Shopers to. Buy et Low. Price. Friday and Saturday August .11 and 12! Mark those days on your icaleùdai, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmiette Reèsident, for- they are red létter :days for thrifty shopeers.I Underline them well, se y'eou'll seè- them the first thing on Friday or Sâturday morn- ing. Wby?- Because these two days are the final Dollar days- cf 193à, which. means that they, may perhaps be the,ý Iast outstanding shopping opportun- ity cf the year. Yes, perhaps for years to corne I Dollar days 1 They corne at a very opportune tirne when activity in nearly every industrial. field i. bring- ing daily advancing prices. They ar- rive, it niight be said, at a psycholog- ical moment. Purchases made beforé inflation, industrial codes, added com- Modity taxes, and the wbole-hearted reception cf President Roosevelt's N. R. A. appeal, place merchants-in a position to offer merchandise at this time that may neyer be secured at such low. prices again. Now la Tie ta uy That is the way progressive Wil- mette merchants look at it. And tbey urge you te buy now. They were working upon plans fer Wilmette Dollar days weeks ago. Many were S .tecking their storerooms witb pur- chases made in anticipation of Dollar days, taking advantage cf the low prices prevailing sonie weeksago. Now, as a result', they are ready te pass on, te the shoppers cf Wil- mette, savings which weeks ago would have marked the merchandise offered a lç.F..-VI utu W Wfl *M j have been returned for the posting joseph Schmidt cf the Wi cf naines on the honor roll. This is police metercycle squad, is tra probably due te the trernendous vol- beat in strange environments, urne cf compliance certificates being ing been released for the usual received at the national "Capital, Mr. surmer vacation. .Hle pro Shantz. says. They will aIl corne *bewéver, to keep off cf motor through in due time, he adds.- during bis absence f rom.duty. Publie Forum ........ 4 Recreatiosi Page.....3 ~Socéty Pages ...2424 this, pernaps, greateset o ah (Continued on Page à>3)

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