Miss Caroline Veeder, 635 Maple avenue, Winnetka, was luncheon hostess to a bridge foursome on Wednesday in bonor of Miss Ber- niice Jaegar, who is the bouse guest of Miss Charlotte EsmioncI of Wiù- netka. Caroline and Bernice attended Briarclifi'e together. Isobel Zimmerman, 219 Sixth street, is visiting..ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.. W. 'Van. Buskirk ,at. 1Daytona Beach, Fia. -Fromi there* she goes >to 'Nashville, Tenn., to enter :Ward Bel- mont school., 0o Mrs. Eveline Bannion of Tucson,i Ariz.. is the guest ,this: veek of lier cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Roger JeweIII 15Laurel avenue. She is leaving for lier home next week. Sylvia Bontecou, 836 Chestnut, ave- nue, entertained at> dinner Monday of last weel, in honor of Nancy Norman andf SaIIy Meadi of .Dayton, Ohio. who were visiting in Chicago. 0o Miss Rebecca rForesman of S-lip- peryRoc, *a.,is visiting the H. A.' Foresmans of 505 Essex road, Ken il- worth. Miss Peggy Guthrie of Easton, Pa., is also their guest. Margery, one of the Middendorf twins of Pbarr, 'Vexas, a former resi- dent of Kenilworth, bas a position in Chicago and is staying with friends there. The 1-allett Thornes, 93 Indian Hill road, Winnetka, wbo have leased their home, are spending the sum- mer in Ba.rington. -o- Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Kirtland, 420 'Washington avenue, are back after vacationing at, Egg Harbor, Wis., for. ten days. - The Norman' Kraft family..1350 Ashland avenue, spent a *eek at Green Bay, Wis.,. returning to Wil- mette Iast Monday. Mrs. L. A. Torrans of, New Yok to visit v. omo ALONG THEROAID.E., *It's a pleasant thriii. to stop and tele- phone home. Telling of your experiences àdds to the joy of 'your, vacation trip and- a telephone chat wilI O-nlv take a minute or so. Wherever your vacation trail leads, VMit the Bell System E&hibit, CoènmunioeUons Building, Century of P>%""ea