'Cnarge ofthme administration of the national industrial recovery act, President A. S. Van Deusen, Jr., of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce, appointed the following advisory committee representing the various. civic, firatcrnal and >business organ- izations, ini Minette to take'charge of -organizing. the Village along the lunes specified in. information receiv- ed from General Johnson: Wilmette Rotary Club-John F. Hoffmann, Jr. Qptimist, Club of Wilmette-A. C. Pearson, jr., Post No. 46, American Legion-'D. JL. Walther. Post No. 669, American Legion-J.ý J. Conrad. Wilmette Welfa.re board-Emilý Nord. XVoman's Club of. Wilnette-MNrs. A. E. Klunder. W%,oman's. Catholic'Club-Mrs.,Geo. H. Beaudin. Knigbt,ý of 'Colunmbus - George Lecluier. Woman's auxiliary, .Post Xo.. 46, American Legioni-M %rs. ýG.eorge Bass- 1er. M\romaîl's auxiliary, Post No. 669 American Legion-Mrs. Joseph J Scbmitz. Wilmette Civic league-G. T. Hell. muth. Business and. Professional Wm en s club-Mrs. Harry Smoot. Wilmette PhYsicians' club -Dr. Rufus B. Stolp. M'ilmette Dentists' association- Dr. D. W. Rapp. V'illage of Wilmette-Arthur Lee. MWilmette Cbamnber of Commerce- A. S. Van Deusen, Jr., (ex-officio). Van fleumn Explaiuis Plan- This commrittee wvas called.together at the Village hall Monday even .ing, and Mr. Van Deusen gave a complete explanation Of the- provisions of the plan and asked for the full support of the conimittee in working, them out. He stated that the immediate dutY was tn select a generai chair- ernment, school ot mines in the (ler- man city and bas traveled exten- sively. Mr. . Peters and ,Prof essor Aue are cousins and bad flot met since. Mr. Peters visited Germany foIrty. years ago. Tbursday evening of last .week.Mn. Petens drove into Chicago. to bring Professor Aue ta Wilmette, whene a, farnily, pantywas given in bis honor. He was taken for an automobile tour ofi the- north shore. While expressing biinself as cenjo ying the> beauties of the drive f rom the loop to Wiimette, he'became still more iavish in his praise wben the tour extended tao father stretches of the, nonth sbore. ,"'tý is the most ideally beautifufl spot that. I bave seen on my entire trip," said Professor. Aue, "andý if the time. ever cornes wben I am to. make my home ini America, it will certainly be established in this charmng com- niunity." He expressed astonishment at the large number of orriamental lighting standards, and was surprised to learn that they are actualiy used for lighting tbe streets. Professor Aue was one of a party of forty wbo came over on the steam- ship Deutscbland. He left Friday for- WVashington, D, C. Minister on Vacation Fille Pulpits in East The Rev. Oscar Thomas Oison, pas- tor of the Wilmette Parish Metliodist chunch, wbo is spending bis vacation in the east, is filling pulpits in a nunm- ber of cities. Last Sunday Dr. Oison preached at. bath the morning and evening services1 ofthe, EIm Park, Metbodist Episcopal church, Scranton, Pa. He will preacb this SundaýY, August 13, monning and1 evening, at Ail Souls Memorial. Metho-1 dîst Episcopai cburch, Bethlehem, N. H. Beginning witb the evening service.2 served as a Vilage trustee three years prior to becoming president. Accompanying the silver set was a handsomely engraved scroll bearing a resolution passed by the Village board and signed by the Village offi- ciais. The presentations were made by Hlarry. HarrisonI who succeeded Mr. Hawxhurst as bead of 'the Village governmeint. The gifts were con- tributed by Ienilworth cltizens througb popular subscription. Foliowing is, the text of. the resolu- tion: "BE IT RESOLVED, that the president and board of trustees of the Village .of Kenilwôrtb, acting, for' citizens as a whole and for them- selves, express their. most sincere gratitude to Ralpb. R. Hawxhurst for the unselfish, invaluable and constant, services which he.rendered as trustee and village president during the nine years, of his office., His leadership, capacity and açcomplisbznents have been aný inspiration- to tliose who have served with him. The Village of Kenilwortb extends its sincerest tbanks and good wisb 'es. "BE IT FIJRTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be spread uponi the records of the Village of Kenil- worth and that an inscribed copy thereof be duiy sent to Ralph R. Hawxhurst.", Postal Employees Take Their Annutil Vacations The followiing carriers working Qout of the Wilmette postoffice havei been absent the past two weeks on their annual vacation- F. C. Samuel- son, J. T '. Kalmes, J. J. Schmitz, Ar- thur Prochnow and Jacob McDaniel. Tbey will ail return ta their duties Friday. Carriers. leaving on vaactions this. week-end are: J. P. Steffens, Johni P. Wiltjer, Peter N. Scbopen, R.I E. Evans and George Steffens.t Miss Meta E. von Glahn, cierk, is N also leaving tbis week on ber annualc vacation. 1f1e 1 . i%11 1 M wsmae wun i ax Cl.lector San- born Hale; the appointment of a township assessor ta fill the vacanci caused by the resignation of Georgd R. Harbaugh was again postponed, and the matter of, appointinig,.a this-. tIe commiosioner was discussed.% Collector Hale, wbho recentîy fn- ished collecting the first instalîment ,of the 1931, taxes, bas turned over to New. Trier Township $6,6K045, which is the excess commission of one per- cent on the amount: colictedl over $800, as pres cribed by law."1 The .board, upon receipt of tIhe collectons 1.cbeck for the- foregoing amount, voted unanimously. ta, pay the collector four-tentbs .of one, per- cent, or $2,612.18 towards defraving the ex penses of the collection. Say. HarbIiughla Tarumgh6 At the meeting1 Monday evening, iwas reported that George IL. Har- baugh, former township, assessor, is definitely tbrough, and that there is' no passibility thàt he might again take up the duties of the assessor's office. The board, at its meeting in July, had postPoned the matter of appoint- ing a successor ta former Townshi.p Assessor Harbaugh until the August meeting, ini the hope that Mr. Han- baugh might be induced ta recon- sider his resignation. It was deemed necessary Monlay ta give additional time ta the consid- eration of bis, successor, and it was announced that the board would probably cali a sPeciai meeting with- ini a week or ten days ta make the appointment. No Cash'for Thistle Pqigming Regarding the appointment of a 'thistie commissioner for the town- ship, it was pointed out that while tbere is urgent need of sucb an offi- ciai, :there. is no money available ta pay him. Now is the season when flot only thisies, but ail noxious weeds as well, should be cut and b.urned, and citizens of the north shore, in gen- eral, are urged to clear their respec- tive properties of 'these weeds. t0 membersnîp on tne nominatu.ng tnern nave 515 ýed the' blanket Cod commiittee: and this assu the fui! co-operati( On Noananatimg Comuitt.. of the busir terests of Wilmett D. J. L. Walter, John F. Hoffmann, The duty Srthe local organizz Jr., Dr. D. W. Rapp, Mrs. joseph J. tion, Mr.' 1A en said, is ta brin S5chmitz and Mrs. A. E. Kiunden. the 'consut67 s~i notepvu While some local concerns are st ili as the fac. wb ch the ultimat awaitinig completion of the codes for..success o~rmwJill depend. apar-mi-s at o'reasonabiui rentals. To read tIîem is to, find the quickest route to your new home. %-. %-. ýcLuULLzclosea fis desk in the Village hall Tuesday and, with Mrs. Schultz, left on his annual vacation, After resting at home for a couple of days tiey planned ta, motor ta Platte- ville, Wis., for a' visit -with Mn Schultz',s sister. Jr