mrds et thanka, obitu- ente' or other &fl!41r» la pblubhéd, wlll b. dn atl Just ilow there is going Up f rom an ex- citedand perbaps -unthinking contingent of Arnerican- citizesip a cry for the tife- blood of industry. The moti-ý' Savete vating idea seenis to be t6- Goe take a-way f roin i bi that hath, m7hetber or not it benie- its bini thaï bath flot. Before, giving wNay entirely to bysteria, wNould, it îiot be wvell to pause and, con- sider -what we are going to do after the "kili ?" Witb indu'stry bamn-strung. and haif or ývoly trangled , what of the fu- ture ? if.this deinand ýto "soak the rich" came f rom so me irresponsible group atone, it could..l)e passed over , vtbout comiment. But it, is dailv becomiing more prevalent aniong people who are apparently vield- -, ing to a formi of maâss psychotogy. Through the iindustrial and financial sys- tenms, it is charged, the ",commioin people" have heen robbed, and ino,%Nthe robbers iust l)e eonpelted to disgorge and the systemis imust be scrapped. We bold no brief for the captains of in- dustrvand finance. There is nlo doubt iiiuch of truth ini the charge that they'have profited too generously fromn their oppôr- tunities, levied uinjust, tribute,' practiced uinfair tactics, and that regulation in some degree is necessary to purge the systems of abuses -detrimnentai to public -,velfare. *Let us flot be too vociferous in' Our clamor for the severed head of industry. Better to ponder the fact that industry is the goose that bas laid for us the golden eggs of progress, achievement, prospçrity and national greatness. Would it flot be mnore. sens ible to give, the goose a chance, rather than to strangle it? The sentencing youthful mur- derers to. 100 years eacb in the penitenti- ary by a Cook county'criminal court judge Monday *coincided, with Criminal the killing fapoie Justice AlIy iman by robbers, - the eievenitb to.die this year at the b.,ands,* of outlaws.> The extreme severity of the penalty fixed ýby Judge Benjamin P. Epstein iii the case of the tbree youtbs gives a hope that the forces of la-wt and order are catching up 1wit'h,-the criminat element which the murder of the police officer tends to dispel. As'suming that the speed anid energY. nTow being shown in criniinal l)rosecuitiolsi is intended to be and ivill be a permianent policy, and that the sincerity and bonestyý of purpose of judges can be accepted as fact, there stili remain in the public inid doubts and fears as to bow nmuch real progress is inade in stanmpîig out çrime. The question uppe rm9st in theiniind of the average citizen watching the. trend of events is, "What wiil happen to the crimii- nat after sentence to penal servitude?"ý When the police bfficers bave apprebend- edhim, the prosecuting attorney present- ed the case -against himi, the.judge passed. sentence and the sheriff deiivered bim 'to the penitentiary,. society stili bias the bur- dies of t he pardoning board, tlhe parole board and the governor to negotiate, to Id coliimn with... The Word- Lord Staniding on the Feet of Hiawatba WVith apologies f0. Long felloit ýAl0totht' Short FeIlow Should you ask me who -the man is. WVho the clever, brainy mari is, Who bas ýput the ulnes in "Shore. Lities," Made a collui we are proud of,- Strikes his chest and says "1 did, sir, Put the fines into th4e'hr Lines'" Should you ask mne what his naine in, Howv le came here, what bistribe . s I woffld answer tbutsly, bretbren: 'Near the center of the village, Close by laundry and gas 'station, Dwells here ini a great brick wigwamn (WhTeî1 he isnt loafing elsewbere, Or gone huilting soiething somrewberc: WVhen bhe isnt on the war-patb, Chasing after nlews elusive, Or 'relieving trusting "contacts" 0Of their close-kept, precious secrets,: \\'lien hle isn't nihbliing olives 111. thec lunch-roonî 'çross the alley,. Or just raising liel-liti-gen'ral),, Mne whonî somne calYpp-hote 111 thins igwvam lives ,a line-man,. Aide of grin, of girth no wider. In this teepee roosts, a word-lord, Given mutch to heap hbig chatter;, Loaded to the muzzle is lie WViiî ix-cyIinider, coniversationi, Aida gift of gah aPpalling. And Nwhieii iiothing else is doing, ýOr the time hiangs, somnewhat beavy, -S-,truts lheprul throuigh the wigwam, * 'hrough the~ corridors atid sanctuins, 'I'rcads the stairs- witlh feetnmost spee .dy. -Cheerfulv cails H v-'edsr' %s. lie sies iess fleet reporters. Chasilig after News Almighty. lie it is who writes the -Shore ILiine. Cusses printers and proof-readers, Shouts and boliers ini bis f ury' ment, He who establishes a business, fur- nishes the capital, energy and ability necessary to make it prosper, takes ail of the responsibility and suffers the loss in case of. failure, is justly entitled to the re- wards of successý Only a mean and desp.ic-. the five Those Cuban boys are certainly regular cut-ups: whený they start out to have a good time., Pw1Z oUV a4 wit icb we occupy this great big ere we seekit her news and is known as ali papers, Word-Lord." -Maque.