hPlace your order now to haeour courteous rep- resenitativeç cal] for goods listed bclow on 'Dollar Day. Plain .Z pairs for $ Ruffled. or Fltedlft 2 pairà forNVI Criss Crogss, $ 2 pairs for£ Fring ed, 2 pars ýfor$£ No eharge for erug- other ' olors, sanipies re- qulred lie per pair extra. ~Ludmrd JitIs.ut Ho.k' or Pin Hole and Perfeclly Square Single Cotton, i 3 Iaundered for DbUable Cotton, 3 laundered for Single Woolt Z lamndered for (URegulnr Prlee 81.00 lEach) (Begulr Pries 81.&0 Earh> Coiufowtes and Qufits Cotton Fille. Cotton g ..ve..... 2 for a Wool Filhd, I Cotton Cover , ca. INRA- gu VALUES e»qI .OUd That's exactly what we inean-the, greatest. of ail Dollare Day Values. We've. really outdone.ourselves to-make this event the best youve ever. seen. Eeyhn .f rom our own stocks, known ilirouihout Evanston &S the highest quality, to be haci. Corne, early. WHITE, SHIRTS Worth te 51.95 Fie igh -count wlt broadeioth shirts. Neckban M or collar attached. There'~ a rc. aise etlpf; ad soli A colors RAIN COATS. Worth to $5 These are, gol rubber4 coats we want to get out o01L Our stock. Siucs are 34, 36, $ 8, 40. Som@ Tren.nh coats, tee!!1 BEACH SHIRTS Worth $125 Besides the beach yon'Ili *Wear Uiese ufron tiheU houge. Mlade- by Makattan' from fine terry loth andO they have a crew neek. SWIM TRUNKS Worths t. $2.50 There aire knfltruuks la4 naVy bin'e anid gabardine, î Hawaiien trunke ln gréecni, bine, Whlte, ohocolate. se- M lert severai pair. GOLF HOSE-2 for TIES-3 for Worit til$ ach. Every one of thesetics are. hand talored. Vonean se- leet front a greit rariety of patterns ad .trIpe.s of ail sorts. i SPORT BELTS-2 for Worth t. $1.50 cach Every oeeoetthese fine,4 sport beits was masde by t that most lamons of ail beit makers - Hlkolk. AnA extraordinary buy. SWIM SUITS Worth, t. $3.95 You'R Sfinda partteularly âne assetaléut lu suieli < Bizes, Ail the newest uied. els. Soild colors ef bine, green, piaroon.- WOOL GOLF HOSE Worth t. $1.65 These Botby rlbbett wol golf hese were lrnported trou ni1giand and coenl biacik, bine, tan, tcrey and serne heather nixturtcs. ATH. SHIRTS-3 for STRAW HATS Worth. SI You'ii Stlihavep three weeks te wea.r yonr straw' hat. Thelà yen eau put it away until acxt. year aniIl .youli. be savlng picaty. i SWEATERS WVorth $135 These are sleeveleïq sweat-4 crs weven f roui pure wOoeiC tu a baby shaker stiteh. U Slect from bue, white or canar> * SOX-4 for Worth to S0c eacIi, You'ii never have another ehance 11kg Ibis to stork up your socek drawer. Dluek silks and patterned uIlks lu bine, green and brown. i SILK TIES-2. for Worth te $ 1.50 Mef re. are pure s 11k tics t ha t Will. deiight the eye ef any màan. , S110 coers, strîpes ' and paftierits. Get a dozen for wear this fait. ATH. SHORTS-3 for Wo.rth, I. 65c cacA LWINNETKA 300 ROC. PK. 60M The North Shore's exclusive castom laandry 1631 ,ORRINGTON. AVENUE ým