RLALISTIC PERMANENT Here Is a ireallY beautiful wave __ 90,1t, nturai, tremendoubly flatt*rlng. . , with gorgeons- ringlet ends.. requires no ___ linger waî1iné aterward...$: 4 Transformsu uruiy ends Ato$ '0 fazcinaS ing ringiets. -Takes but -___ an Jhouesatimel .............. - look How MachBeauty You Can Buy for $1! A-N Y 3 FO-R "Smart.Set," Flager Wave, Çastile Sbaupoo, Trim, Arch, inse, ClIeana.Up Farial, MXnlcure ......... 'I * "JUNIr" HIENNA PACKt JFumg.er Wave Marcel $1 Dye inludinc Arching P *Hoir OI, -StîAmp@oopJPlisoidM.TT AIRcuT, 'Personafity" Finge, P JSIampoo and Smart-set 0 Wave .... . ....Finger aWve.. . FOR LOVELINESS, GET THE VANITY BOX HABIT! Heurs: 8:30 A. Mf. s. 1:30 P. M. Prompit SerVice Main St. Churcli St. Gre. 4M8 ~Gr.. 8M4 ONE 5x7 Silvertone Photograph in 8x,11 Folder- Sittingo must be made Dollar Day ONE.. These frames on display 81X10 Metal, Fr ame and pictu res are in ou.r window. J@Os.ph Di.T.1.fF- University 2178- 518 Davis. Street Wilmette -3250 19e -39ceo.49e f requentliy mark. the. 59c Cleaner OperatingU nder Sweatosýhop Conditions, President Roosevelt has called upon firms ini every brandi of industry to cô- operate in getting our nation back on its feet. Codes have been formulûted ta I14R 4Àreestablish business. Working heurs are being eut ta provide more employMent. Pav. Cash and Carry 8 5c 1215 Ave. , Iii. i i