ship have received letters f rom the, office of the county tax assessor, no- ifigthem to appear before that officiai for a check-up on personal * property tax schedules. Some of these, citizens report that from their ex- * ' periences the doninating thought in. themind of the -county assessogr i§ to get the money,* rather than to see that a fair and just. assessmnent is made., They, are told,, it is allege'd, that Mew,1Trier township has neyer paid in taxes what it should pay. and 1that hidden personal property is to be brought,fromn under cover and- taxed at 'correct value. use Same OUd "Gag"" The old question as. to whether personal property. as represented ini household.goods should b e taxed. on its present Value or. upon the amount required to replace it bobs up ini most of thiese cases. The, co0unty assessor stili contends, that to assess on the cost of replacement is equitable, and that Îeens to be the plan' niow 'in effect. l'lie folloNving instances miglit be efflightening: No. 1-This householder has a smnall six-roomn house, meagerly fur-, ished. The furniture is old. That in the living roomi consists-of an,.ordi- lnary rug. settee and two easy chairs. There is a dining table, six chairs and an old fashioned sideboard in the' (ining room. The kitchen has a gas- stnve, table and a couple of chairs. The bedroorns are similarly furnished.ý The occupant scheduled $175. The onel'. or LV~.Iwonw. pieces. He schuîed at $250. T'he counity. assessor de- manded a valuation of $-1,350, but fin- alIy compromised at $300, an increase of $50. N o. &--This party owns a six-rodm house but was not oceuPy ing it, hav- ing rented it. He was -living in a 3- roomn apartment. The house becom- ing vacant, he decided. to move> into 'at. This necessitated the purchase of acot and a bed. He scheduled- $300, one-haîf of which was for an auto- mobile. This was dee too low by the county. assessor, and the matter is still pending. Authorize Some Changes ï.n. Waterworks Projeet. Village Manager C. M. Osboril wvas îustructed at.' the' meeting of the Village board, Tuesday night to authorize q'ev- eral changes in, specifications for the watrwoksnow being constructed. Most important of these was the order- ing of a eoncrete border thirtv inrhes wide around the roof deck, and to change the flashings. This to make a better construction job) and more fully protect the flashings. Other changes were ilectric wire conduits to the punips f rom outside to inside, lighting equipment for the comfort station and vapor proof lighit for the pump pit ini storage tank. These changes were. authorized. to allow tne carriers to work off the nine-day furloughs required by the governiment.9 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ware of Scarsdale, N. Y. arrive.dMonday for a visit with the Junior Robert Laws, 417 Warwick. road, Kenilworth. Boy! Tey re Great! Eroied Eeef, Tenderloin STEAK SANDWICH Served on toast with French Fried Potatoes and Siced T@matoes-only ... 0 WILMETTE CAFE 1181 WILMETTE AVE. Opposite Village Hall are 7: 7 A. M. to 7 P. mi. E.GGS, titl reL 9a SPRING CHICKENqS, lb. 28 POT ROAST, iS LEG OF LAME, 22 RIB ROAST 0F 25 BEEF. Let cutop b . 2 6th and 7th viLs, 22 ÉMKEBUTTS,2c O*b f#ttbttbtro FuUfy Aged B TAKE LAKE TRIP E. L. Ellis and son, Postmaster' joseph E. Shantz made application to the Village board Tues- day night to :prohibit the parking of autombiles in front 'of the Po *stoffice, thus .leaving .space, vac.ant so that patrons .of the office couk4ý drop mail into the letter box without leaving their cars. To make' this possible lie pro- posed to turn. the mail box in'f rot of the postoffice around, with the deposit' siot tow ard the street. The pr.oposal was not looked upon with. favor, but -it at Mackinac, B$uffalo, Detroit, Cleve- l*and and also spent some time at Niagara Falls. After her return, Mrs. Ellis entertained Mi ss "Elizabeth Kelly, %§cretary. of the Statler Hotel corporation, whom she met on the trip, at lunùcheon,, in town, Monday. Mrs. P. j . Kirwan, 1607 Elmwood avenue; will return in a few days from Springfield where she has been visit- ing relatives for several weeks. Mrs. Kirwan îwtent dAn.,xn taiin her son. w ~ Central- Wil mette Avenues Phonos: WiL 28-29 Rexail MILK of MAGNESIA 1TOOTH PASTE 25e Firstaid Adhesive Plaster (1lin. x S yds.) 25e Elkoys 'White Q. ORAG 5J~ Ph one 535 3 Sh il ioe Cleaner......I5 'Envelopes.......... RUBBER BATHING CAPS. ÀLL STYLES A T HALF PRtCE S 19C m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . or il