61 18Davis Ste &1o Chuwdu iSte Just East of Poufttaim Squmare I Opposite M.ashmll Field'& MAX Virginla tye-ýpre- parded Inl our own Wbole, or Slleed RaUf ARMOUR'S, STAR «SIÇOO]KUM'8 FANCY LARGE TEDE Special7 for This Sale RO S dOzei 1'70 Cnt INm yourng beef: P9ehed la CartonsSeia GENqUIXE 1pIiixa ofeeLamb' Logo Lall redfrlb. l/2 tbis week-end Ibo. 141/20 Faney, pl.nmp, milk fed fireel *.gssetdyôùn, imealu *ted h . t... . ine ..IL 1 5 FRANKURTU Lage-Fresl-2 .23 >uicy ....- 1e23 F Rolle&. Young, tender, fine qUalÎy-t.s bolies, 71 no waste--Specli. 7 Fresh I'grod.t...... m,23c Calitoruita DRY PICKEI) anyBartlett BoIw Ea.ting Bolr ImmA » a M.V"0W* SP'ECIAL FreJ. ,California famey. Specimi of, and we cati assure its return li good conidition. The Health Center may be reached by telephoning WiI- mette 2402 .between the hours of 1 and 2 in the afternoon. *henextInfant Welfare clinic'will meet on Wednesday,, September. 6. 'T'his date. was changed because Dr. Mila Pierce b as, been on her vaca-, The board of, the Wilmette Healtb cent er Wants to express. appreciation to Miss- Betsy Shapker ;for ail t he good times she .has again gi ven our Health center cbildren. This i s the. fjfth season she bas. invited them to be one of -the classes in ber recrea- tion schoot . For twenty-five boys and girls it bas. meant better healtb and a chance to learn to swimu-boys and >girlS Who otberwise would -have had very. little beach sunsbine. So mnany have belped% to makethis èlass a success we want to thank tliem all. Jrst, the junior auxiliaryl of the Woman's club gave $15 for the morning milk for each child. The Optimist club and the Busilless and Professional Women's club and- ànumber of individuals contributeci to the taxi cab fund so that the same driver bas taken, the cbildren down and .called for tbem every day dur- ing tbe entire ten weeks. This driver did more than just taxi the children. He nevei- failed thern and lie took a genuine interest in each child. returned JUlCy, Tart &Z. 100t shelied tne Limas.. pt. bakt. l o - Mr. and- Mrs. George W. Keei, 100 Chuirch road, Winnetka, enter- tained meèmbers. of their even ing bridge. club last Tuesday. D e jeweleu Charles Rockeastle Spnning I'op Busy Bee.................... Curtis IntervalsJ Dolores Dressel $andplpers, ............ MacAlèen Ertj Bal Came ..... . M .-..askell Dorothy Wieland Medtation ..................... Curtis W altz .... ... .... Curtis Charles Rockcastle. Song :Wlthout Words...........Hneller lVild Rose................ . Schumann. Henrietta. Hayson Etude Bull:,Frog..........Cri Shadow DanceJ .1 1Dolirleg rse Leap Frog . . ..Dorothy Gaynor Blake Minuet ............. .......... Curtis Drty Wieland Avalanche......... .Hie Minuet In G ..... ........ach I1tallan Doil. ....... .ueller Henrietta Hayson Drowsy Moments .. .......... . .GreY ýMarch of the -Goblins .. Curtis Boat Song . Seebreck Dorothy Wieland PARENTS >COMING FOR VISIT* Mrs. James "WItherell, 128 Dupee place, is expeeting ber parents, Con-. gressnian John., W. Summers and Mrs. Summers from Washington, D. C., to visit ber in September. Col gr.çssman -.Summers represents the State of Was'àngton. The early. part of August' Mrs. Witberell en-, tertained bier atint and uncle, Mr. and. Mrs. F. H. McDonald, and their daughter, Elizabeth, wbo is a Gamma Pbi at the University of Illinois. The McDonalds are from the southerti part of tbe state. ON SUNDAY SCHEDULE Station Agent Earl E. Orner of the Chicago an'd North Western rail- way reminds the public that on next Monday, Labor Day, the regular Sunday train schedules wili be in effect. He also urges those contemn- plating trips out, of town to make reservations. early,: in order that -they.- may secu re the best accommodations. Miss Lucille Arnold of Denver bas been. visiting the Roy C. Osgood family, 423 Essex road, Kenilworth. She has been in the East and is now on her way home, stopping first 'to Icute ed* L . ... ... m l THE 1625 Lake Avenue RE STUDIO 1302. Wlm.ff. linoris o.. .es* T