içnown ali overthe United MateIs. Althougb the Day sehool bas been in existence but three years it is rapid- ]y establisbing for itself an enviable record, thé- attendance jumping by leaps and bounids each. year. This year, for the firstý time, -little boys will be admf *itted ýto.the primary de- partment.* Classes. from the first grade on tbrougb tbe high sàchool years are in charge of the ýReligious and special subjects are taugbt, by Iay teachers. The school is oficially recognized by the State Departilient of Public Instruction; it 'is accredited by the Universitv of Illinois, and is a mnember ôf the North Central associ- ation of Colleges and Secondary schools. A station of the North Shore line is on the. grouinds of the.school itself, insuring the.,safe arrivai of even'the smallest child. A balanced bot din- net- is served at noon at no extra cost to. the pupil. Special attention is given to ab ltic nder the direction of a coach,i who is a graduate o-f the -University of Wisconsin. There are basketball and tennis courts and forty-five acres, of play space. The GIee club is 'under thé direction ofý Arthur Granquist. The convent is 110w open for, iti-- spection and new pupils are being enrolled this week. Arthur Newton of Chicago. and David I-annah of Sani Gabriel, Ca., fornierly of KeniIlvorth, were the week-end guests of the Alexander Newtons, 306 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth. Arthur is a nephew of Mr. Newton, and David of Mrs. Newton. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Judson Large, 1942 Thornwvood avenue, entertained at din- nerý Saturday in honor of, Mr., and Mrs. George Woechter and son, Judson, of Pella, Iowa, Wbo are visiting Mr. Large's niother at. the Homestead in Evanlston. Miss Irma Keehn, GI a portrait at the Al.- show .ini tbe corridors coe ;artis.t, bas. BieIry, 111 and Used Mrs. William Holmes., 835'Linden avenue, has as ber guests for ten days ber mother, Mrs. Thomas jeffries of London, Ontario,, and ber sister, Mrs. -W. . Stewart:of Detroit. just prFeviously Mrs. Holmes and Blle and Nancy spent a 1wéek in Detroit witb Mrs. Stewart. Before gjoing to Detroit Mr-. and Mrs. Ifoînes and tbe cbildren. were .at: Camp -McKinley, Boulder Junction, Wis., for ten days. Mr. and, Mrs. F. M. Lane and daugbi- ter,,Wilma, of Dayton, Ohio, wbo have been, spendinig the past two weeks witb Mr. and Mrs. P. Bontecue,,836 Chest- nu t avenue, wilI. be. here until after Labor day. Kenneth and Sylvia Bonte- cue left Thursday of, last 'week for Lake Geneva, . Wis,, where,they will visit the Carl Zippricks of ýWilinette. who ba-ve taken' a cottage for the montb of August. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Kile of Ivesdale,, Ill.., were here for the week-end to se tbeir daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Al.lan E. Bulley, 333 Ricbmond road, Kenilwvortb. Tbey brougbt back wîth them littie joan Bulley wbo bad heen istig er grandparents for two, iveeks. -o- Mrs. Charles C. Brown of Los Angeles came to Wilmette last Fni- day to spend a rnonth witb her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Brown, 809 Lake ave- nue, and to visit A Century of Prog- ress. 0 o Mrs. Morgan Padeford, the former Louise Hawkes of Wilmette, bas been visiting the C. C. Carnahans, 700 Cen- tral avenue. Mrs. Padeford is a niece of Mrs. Carnahan.. She bas recently returned f romn Europe'and is, going to Pomona, Cal. 0o Pbilip Wheehvright of ity, Douglas Sinmpson 'Y. and Helene Edeypf New -York of, Homer. New York sts of Mrs. r sons, 536 ONUR Stock of dem eau rater,, Jshow. reqmn sa.mples .and execortive.driveu Nash cars muat go. nt once--every car imust be sold. We've tagged thetà with: priçes uihat Iiteisly WilI take you off your feet. And you're geting a Nash that carrnes a f ull nw car gitarantee. Some of these ýfine c 1ars have been,'ued> li jhtly, but they neyer have bs.n titled, At their astonishingly.low plr i ccs yo. sipycamnot off erd go dr ive, your .ld car. i Stock But you mue t n ow-e mis.! There are just. a f.w of tii.. bargains available. A"m myI bc snapped np quickly. Iiiý many cases, leur pissent car wiII makàe the, diw !Psy- ment-I8 montha te -psy. Increased cotte. à Ibr a," commodities waii- incresse prices on ail cars this 11.I Th N. R. A. code wil prswut us f rm ivngyou ur pomit when it gjo.. into effect shostly, Lot us, give you the, val.. thaili of your life. Dont wakt-ome an et oncte. EVANSTON NASH CO* D. K. VOOEDING, President 1735 Benson Ave., Eva nsf on, Cor. Clark St. 11/2 Blocks N, of Davis "V' Stofion 6 0o Mr. and Mrs. Byron Knapp and their daughter, Carol, of Evansfôn, formerly of Wilmettc, will rcturn within the necxt" fortnigbt from their summùer hoie in Pentwater, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. J. L.1 field, N.i Y., are theg son and family, the J. 1025 Mohawkc road. 0o- Mrs. A. Rodcnkirk. street, visited fniends last -week-en d. Mark Hales, 309 Sxteenh lA* your local C. & N. W. Ticket Agnt 309. Sxteenh.t Wi.. msotor coach couapon. in Milwauke CHIAG &NORTH WESTU4Iv To THE WORLDtS FAIR'