ini attendance for the expositiÔn. An - An elaborate program of entertain- address by Brig. Gen. Hugh S. John- ment has been arranged for the eve- son, administrator of the National ing, culminating in a special dis- Recoverv Act, îs the lure that is ex- play of fireworks. pected to draw thousands of ývîsitors __________ froin other states. NETINGRL IVS The annual bas been*called ETRANN EAIE off for this year, and, the hosts of Mrs. Victor'A.' Oison and daugh- unionismin illi begin to gather at the ters, Virginia -and1 Evangeline.. 2145 exposition early ini the;morning. The Chestnut street, who. spent the sum- program l)egins at i o'clock in the mier at Lake Nakomis, Penbine, Xis,. Court of the Hall of1 Science, with have been at home the past week en- an international broadcast of a.tPhouri tertaining Mrs. Olson's brother -and an(! al half u nder auspices of Sta-' family. Mr.% and M rs. Cullander and tion WCFL. the, Chicago Federation, two sons. The Cullanders, from of Labor -radio station. Green Bay, Xis., are here for. the At 2:30 an address by Fran k 1or- Fair. The Oisons will return to Pen-. rison, veter an secretary of the bine for Labor Day and ýover the Anierican .-Federation 'of Labor. de- wveek-end .will have as theirl>guests livered in ,Pittsb-urgh, will% be brought .Mr. and Mrs. JohnCarison, Bud Cul-, hY radio and broadcast over the ex- lanider, Martin. Granstrom, :and Mr. position's public address svstem for and ,M rs. Paul M.\iller, al of, Evans- haif an hour. tanl. Mr* OIsonbas been. spending as Joh n Fitzptik rsdn of t]e chtme as possible at Lake Na- Chicago Federation, 'wil.l preside at komis and will. jo in his fainily there the local prograin, and the assern- for Labor Day. blage will be welcerned bv- Rufu,ý C. Dawes, president of A Ceniturv of i\fr. and M,\rs. William Johnson of Progress. Reuben G. Sodeî-strom. 1303 Maple avenue, announce the president of the Illinois Federation ()f birth of a daughter, Barbara, on Labor, will also deliver an address. August 16 at St. Francis hospital. and ivill be followed by General John- Mrs, Johnson 'was formerly Miss son. Cavallo's band %vill pre ,sent mu- Ethel Laning of F.vanston. -- - - - - - - - - - - A school which recognezes b the individuatity of each 1 1 stud.nt--nd teoches j accordingly Tihe North Shore School of Concentration enrôlis. many duffere Cnt types of. students. There are those of-brilliant, minds who have been unable fully to develop 'their talents under the set,.shedules of, large public achlool classes. Th>ir poru er su aid as ability and amubi. tion will allow. We do not let them, speed up at the oxpense of nervous or bodily health, however. Nor let their minds "run away" on somne pot subject, at the expense of les. liked ones. W. f gi ve themn a weil roanded education. - For boys and Girlsa-Fo' 149 EIm Sr.M. Winne*Ia Iii dt best becomes your Aimer Coe t&Com.pauy ,PftESCRiPTiQN OPTICIANS 1645 ORRIN4GTON AVE.. EVAN4STON4 CHICAGO STORES,. 105 N. WASASH AVE. * 19 S. ýLA SALLE ST. PA TR ON.IZ E 70 EÉ. JACKSON BLVO. OUR.,ADVER TISERS k~9) iri lhon. Wi...ik.3777