Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Aug 1933, p. 16

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for Scout Groups Will- Be Continued Last -vear President Hoover stimu- lated the inaugut-ation of the Teti Year program. of the Boy Scouts of* America' by presenting, the Presidentis Award to every' troop that reached a certain standard ini growvth and development. This served a very noble purpose and President Roosevelt, a tborough. believ- er in Scouting, is anxious to continue this President's Award, consequently it is planned that each year of fbie en Year programi shall be signalized by a formai. recognition of Sco so» and councils. For Scouts the-;lia=à, on the basis of their attainument of. four- year. tenure. For troops and. councils it shall be on the basis or progress in recruiting suficient new Scouts,. Par- ticularly 12-year olds, and in prolonging Scout experience- to four years. Plan t. 'Be Cumulative It is intended that this plan shall be cumulative over the years, culminating in some special mantier- atithe close of 1942. Eacb year. the >conditions for rec.- ognition will be stepped up in harmony with' the progress 1 of the "progratm," startingý this year at a level that it is believed a ma;ority of troops and coun- cils should be able to achieve. After completion of one fullI year (12 months) as a registered Scout, the nuniber of years of the Scout's tenure1 is to be indicated upon bis annual regis- tration certificate. Upon the attainment of the full four-year tenure (48 months) by a Scout there shahl be definite recog- nition of this as his accompflishment of' tbe first stage of bis progress through Scouting, by meanis of a suitable cere- miony conducted, by the troop or couný cil as, the councilfmai' approv'e. Upoti certificaion of the, Local coun-1 cil, the Ten-Year prograin award will be made to eacb unit which conducts an approved unit program with satis factory Scout units and counicils for recognition as provided be awarded, the President's Presented in the name of. ltranklinù D. Roosevelt. Scout Day at Fair North Shore, Area council, including the Waukegan district, was 'represented by over 400 Cuhs, Boy Scouts and Sea Séouts in1 the parade wvich marcbed dowvn the. Avenue of Flags last Friday when over 10,000 boys- from al over the country celebrated this National Boy Scout gathering at A Century, of Progress. The parade fi.nished at tbe Court of the Halo cience were a brie f but impreissive-program Was con- ducted whicb included the awarding. of EagIe ranks and Qpartermaster ranks, a brief talk by Dr. George J. Fisher, deputy chief Scout executive, and by Rufusî C. Dawes, president of A Cen- 0y oProgres s The high spot of the piWrampwas the awvard, Jamies.C.,Rus- seli I.ife Saving medal, to Scout John Ceiba of Diamond L.ake,* Ill., by Capt.- H. A. Weimer ofý the Combat Medal- nien's association. Thei closing,.cere-. mony-iincluded a parade of a Flag of Nations and the dramatic presentation of the Scoôut Law. Troop 33 of Lincoln scliool. Highland 'Park, played an important part nii the closinig ceremony with its presentatIon of ýthe meaning and significance of; the Boy Scout badge. Týhis National Boy Scout dàay -vas the first one of its kind ever conducted ini -Aýmericl and it is hoped that it nîlav be a precedent for future occasions. 1 Duning the afternoon and evening there was nearly a continuons perform- alnce of 'Scout stunts and activities com- hine wjt $e Scout denonstrations mil the water at. the floatiiîg theater. These performances were f rèe and thon- sands of people enjoyed the splendid %vork of the Scouts. N onth Shzore Scouts Win Hon ors at. Fair Five boys troin the North Shore Areacouncil, three Fagles and the,.cor- resp .onding. rank liu Sea Scouting, that of Quartermiaster, were presented with their rauks at the noon prograrn on Boy Scout d.a%. at A Century of Prog- i am Wright of Troop 16, an& jim t<ytle of Troop 33, IPark, for the, Eagle ranks. jNew Merit Badges j The National Council Court of Hon- or, Boy Scouts of America, bas just recently approved three new -Menit badges, namely, rowing, pigeo n raising, and mechanical drawing. The Rowing Merit badge sems to be the one ffiost in season although it did corne out just too late to be used at Camp Maý-Ka-Ja- Wan. However,ý it is.fhot too late to pass this badge.yet tbis summer:' Here are the requirements: STo obtain a Menit badge for rowing, a Scout muet have first fmet the Merit badge requirements for swimming, and muet,: 1 Row properly without assist- ance, but with counselor in sternsheets: (a) In, straight Une for iquarter of*a, mile, make turn to starboard In boat's Iength (pivot), and return to starting place; (b) make port in boat's length, row quarter of a mfile and hackwater in straight, line,>to stairting place. :2. (a) Launch and land a rowboat properly *-from and to shore; (b). bri.ng rowboat alonigsde pier'., poperly assist a pa1ssEis ger into boat, row 50 feet, pivot, corne back to pier anxd assist~ passenger safe- ly and properly from boat; (c) make rowboat fast to pier properly, using.i vlove hiteli, two. haîf hitches,, and bow- Une. 3. Alone in a rowboat, shove off from shore or pier; approach swimrner 'Sinulatingdste, and maneuver boat.i ini such i anner that swimmer may grass> and hold stern of boat while bé- ing tom.ed ashore. 4. Sketch roughly: (a) Trwo of the following types of boat eelected by bis counselor: flshernan's, dory, St. Lam-rence skiff, Mississippi river. johnboat. Ship's long boat, punt, and dinghy; (b) two of the following types of rowlovk selected by his couil- selor, and give reason why pin rov.- lock h, not desirable: tholepin, box rom- lock, ring rowlock, open ýtop rowlock.1 .t. B" gelleraliy familial. with rowinig and rowboats and be able to explain clearly (in pre.-ence of rounselor an'dothers if' pos-sible), how lit vwould handie a 0- boat if caughit in a -sudden storm or high ivind; the value of feathering oars; howv to valculate number of per- sons who mlay safely be carried in any give lifboatunder. oars,. using 1'. S. steamsqh1p inspetion formula; what > lights are ýrequired on a rowboat at night, 'with and without outboa rd.me tor; how to put rowboat up for win-5 ter and prepare it for, use in spiring. Requirt-iient.s for the pigeon rlising and i echanical dlrawîng as weil as thé provisionls ln the fî,uenanship and reptilt. sýtudy menit badges are founci in th'- September -Scouting magazine whfrh every Scout leader gets., idj at 'the fair and gave added ýcol6n Ialneady colorful. celebration. Made Available to Press Club Scouts The Gold Quili is an award made to registered Scouts in, good standing for acbieirement.'in journalismini recogni- tion of. having earned a total of one tbousand credit points, as evidenced by clippings.submitted at the time, applica- tion. for the. award is made. Clippilngs must indicate clearly date (if. publication and niame and post office, address of publication in Which nmaterial appeared. Ail work submnitted must be the peîf- sonal work of the applîcant. Trhe Scout must. be registered andl In good standing to bc eligible for points a-id for the Gold QuilI award. App::- cation for the award slall bc subnîiit- ted to, the, local council, or. if tiot un- der couticil to the -national office. Points arc awarded on the folloviîig basis: 1. For eacb 50 words of original script accel)te(l and published inau o the following pninted publicatiofis: Ait- thorized Scout publications; charieredl Boy Scout papers, cooperating Sémit publications: local school publ-icationts; farmi club. house organ or trade puhhi- cations ; pul)lications of. agencies pro- mot ing.Boy Scout work-5 points. 2. Poetry:. for each 50 wvords of original poetrvY pubILbed on tbe basis -stated Ili No, 1--10 points. 3. Cartoons and dra-w- ings: for each cartoon or drawing pub- lishedl on the basis stated in No. 1- 10 ho 150 points. 4, Original jîhot)-' grapbis : for each original 'phOto,,.iraph îjubished (on the. basis stated lunNo. 1 -l10to 100 points. 5. Magazinec Çovcr design or drawing <reproduitced i'111olle color)-l00 points. Magazine cover (le- sigu or drawing ( reproduccd Wintwo col(rs)-200 Points. 'Magazine CovCr (le- sign or drawing (more than t wo c- lors-) -300,'points. Published on iithe basis statedîi1 No. 1. 6. Headîjuies and attrac- tive lead huecs, published. on the basis tatedl iîiNo.1-5 to 50 poîints. In awarding ýthese points, con sidera- tion will be giVen to the variety ot the subjects treated and the (Iuality of the suhject matter, as wvell as to the literarv style of the \\ritiing r specti r ~L ate iEu nJii prOU Uontice on that day only. For further de- tlssee your Scoutmaster or cal the Scout beadquarters at Highland Park. Plan to attend.

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