For the first time ini more than twô * years Janet Gaynor is "ail dressed Up" in "~Adorable," bier latest Fox film pro- duction in~ wbicb she is co-starred with Henry Garat,, charming young inter- * pational. favorite. The picture is to be presented at the Wilmette.tbeater Fni- day and Saturday of this week. Not since; "Sunny Side Up,," in which she played the. roie of 'a working girl whowas in trod.ucedý to exclusive Long Island Society, bias Miss Gaynor bad* a * role, with a wardrobe" that could, com- pare ýwith, the two dozçn elaborate costumes sbe wvears in bier ne.wv roman- tic comedy with music. She'bas cos- tumes for the street, for skating,, tea gowns, dinner gowns, bail gowns'and breath-taking niegligees, which a princess would envy.' In "Adorable," Miss Gaynor bias the role of a lovely girl who does the woo- ing .and thé winning of a handsome soldier of the guard;* Henry Garat's ýrole is said to give himù a, splendid c- casion for his American motion picture debut. In counection with the showing of "Adorable,"! the Wilmette theater also, will prèsentt hi Friday and Saturday, a comedy». *'The Pluniber and the L.ady." * Filin Broadway Play "I Loved You Wývedniesday," the Fox screen presentation of the success fui Broadway play of the same naine, with à cast of notable screen personalities, W.Ill have a one-day showing at tbc Wilmette on Sunday, September 3. ,Henry King, director of the sensation- ally populan "State Fair," is said to have duplicated bis success with this. film, ini which bis ail-star cast includes Warner l3axter., Elissa Landi, Miriam Jordan, Victor jory and Laura Hope Crews. The storY revolves around the glain- orous figuré of a ballet dancer in Paris- wbo, seeking to .heal the wounds ,left' -by an unfortunate love affair, goes te South America to launch.on a ýprof es- sional dancing carèier.- There she meets a handsome engineer who fails in love with her. Thein work separates tlhem, but they meet later in N.ew York, egch "Heroes. for Sale," "Strangers Re- turn" and "Storm at Daybneak" will be the tbree motion picture ôfferings at the Vansity theater in Evanston dur- ing the week starting Friday, Septem- ber 1. -Tbe first of these filmns, "Heroes for Sale," is to. be showù on Friday and Saturday, September Fl and 2. Rich-ý ard Bartbel mess, -veteran actor whose popularity continues witb h eri the' star, of this picture. Tbe story is. just one- bit of "bard" luck after another for Barthelmess. ln the war, instead of winning justly de- served medals, he gets the dope habit. His mothlen comm its suicide.. His wife is killed in a. riot, and Dick is unjustly jailed for it. Tbings get worse, and- well, the film unreels an interesting story. Barthelmess doès bis usual fine acting. On Sunday andi Monday, September, 3 and 4 (I<abor day) the Varsity \vil, present "Strangers Returni." The fac-t that Lionel Barrymore beads the cast of .tbis production should be, enough of an iniducement> for nortb shore1 theatergoers' to visit the Varsity on1 Sunday or> Monday. Miriam- Hopkinse and Franchot Toue also appear ini the picture. "Storm at Daybneak" will begin aF three-day sboNving at the Var-sity on( Tuesday, September 5. Kay Francis1 has tbe leading feminine role. Other. prncisto i~nush-Astr nldeWalteps Hunincipals te-Astrinld PWlten Holmes. efforts to rescue, the girl froin an ex- tremely delicate situation. Margaret Lindsay, former stage favorite wbo made a sensational bit on the screep- in. "Calvacade," plays the, leading feminine.role opposite Powell.ý Labor Day Matinee The management of the Wilmnettie has' announced thàt there will be a matinee performance of "Private De- tective 62" on Labor day.- A Harry Gribhon comedy will be shown as an Robent Matherson of Chicago left Iast Tuesday after a week's visit with his cousin, Jerrine Fromm, 1330 Maple avenue. Mrs. FE. A. Kuehnsted of .815 For- est avnue ' bas as ber guest this week ber, son and ber two gneat-gnand- children of Oconom'owoci Wis. -o Ruth Kilhourne from Virginia bas been visitïng her aunt and, uncle, Dr. and Mrs. Clifford S. Goodman. 1121 Lake avenue.. -o- The ..Tuesdav club wvill be enter- tained at luncheon, at the home of Mrs. Benj amin TI'. Roodhouse,' 427 Laurel avenue, Tuesday of, next week. Verus Ritten of Philadelph'Iia who' is the guest of Robent Simmons, 1141' Chestnut avenue, returned Monday front Green Bay, Wils. Mrs. Rulfus B.' Stolp and Miss Kathenine Stolp, 336 Warwick road, KenilwNorfth. returned Saturdav f rom a few days spent at Tomahawk, Ais. Jane Bigueil, 312 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, left this week to visit the C. L. Fredericks at their summer home at Delavan Lake, Wis. Evanston 89011 àus, Auag. 31-Last Day Toda JAMES CAGNEY in "MAYOR 0F HELL" Witli Madg. Evans Arthur Byron &60~ Box Ofile Closels Eves., 9:46 p. mi. Adulte 25c-Chllidrn 101e Lait Times Tonicht (Thurii.) "HELUL qELOW"9 FR1., SAT.. SEPT. 1-2 Janet Gayno-H.nry Garat "6ADORABLE"ýp "the. PIumbr.and,:the Lady"" Comendy,. . . Betty Boop Cartoon Sat. mat.-Last Chapter of- Sorial SUN. ONLYw-SEPT. 3 WanrBater-'Elissa tondi 661 LOVED YOU, WEGHEGAY" Comnedy-Travelogue-Carfoon News. MON., TUES... SEPT. 4-5 Holiday Mfie.. Labor.Day Vincent Lopez Act WED., THURS., SEPT. 6-7 Jas Klepuwa Star of "Be Min. Tonight" in, &,Farewefl bLove"9 or "City of Song". Charli. Chase Comedy-News FR1, SAT., SEPT. 8-9 bands and wives. rowell, as4atGis-. -1 ---------...».- -- - credited secret service openative, car- nesday and Thursday. ries on bis nefarious distasteful busi- "Professional Sweetheart," witb Gin- ness for want of a better job until he ger Rogers, Norman Foster, Zasu is ordered to f ramne a womnan with Pitts and Frank McHugb, has been whoni he f ails in lové'. Thereupon he booked for a two-day sbowing at the quits bis ,job,,Énd devotsbs il adW ettesatng Pridy, Speber 8. Dlii "Man off,,. Forest" by Zoe.Grey Indla Speaks" . .. . R. HaIlilburton "Baby Face" . . Barbara Stanwyck "W.arror's 'lIuiband". .Eliuà Lendi "Double Ham.e,' . .Ann Hardie1