Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Aug 1933, p. 37

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'..wVV.iUsOa L8uDurtsJUIa~ ~ktIForest, September 12 and 13. it wa*s an- nounced this week by, Charles S. "Chuclc" GarIand, Official refree of the matches and who secured thetn for the club. Parker and Frank X. Shields, New,' York, pulled the sensation of the iia- tional doubles at Brookline Monday by defeating the defending cham- pions. Ellworthý Vines,, and Keitli GIadbill.. They wilI go into the finals today against »he winners of the L.ott-Stoefen vs. Quist-Turnhull semi- finals doubles of yesterday. Parker is: the same -age, as Me- Gratb. Duùe l bis meteor.ic rise to faîne this year and'last he is're- garded as coming Americani Davis Cup team timber. Bath he. and Shields are admittedly seriaus threats for tbe national doubles crown today,. National Junior Champion Parker won -the. National Junior cha mpioiiship last year. and has vic- tories over severalleading American ýplayers. Among these are five wins over George I<ott ini seven meetngs McGrath (pronounced*McGraw) is the No. 2 Australian singles player. Re first jumped into tennis promi- nence' in the Australiani champion- sbips at Adelaide last year when' he beat bath E. F. Moon and Dunlop., During the 1931-32 matches with japan he trimmed hoth Haranda andI Nunoi. and ini the American tour of Australia of 1932-33. McGrath start- ed strongiy by taking a set from \Vines. beating Gledbill three timesý and Allision once. He capped these performances by defeating Vines ini the Australian cbampionships at Mel- bourne, thus clearing the way for Jack Crawford's ultimate victary.. McGratb is famous for bis brilliant backhand, played with two hands' It is bis best scoring stroke. Grasp- ing bis racquet like a basebaîl bat he, seemfs to be able to do wbat he likes . with the. bail from, a drive. volley or smashý to any form of ground stfoke. Garland also announccçd today that Frank Shields may aiso play in~ thé Onwentsia club matches. He bas been invited. A social hour will follow.. The mem- bers and the mothers of ail school cbildren are urged' ta attend. George Steiner, 2121 Lake avenue, assisted W. E. Stoffer of La Porte, Imd., navigate "The Proste" in t .he re- gatta held last Sunday at Pine lake. He î'eturned to Wilmfette Sunday evening accompanied I)y Mrs. Steiner and their daugbters, Ruth and jean, Miss Trixie BiederwolIf, and Ralph Clark of Wili- netka who spent thepast week at Pine Miss Esta'rindali and 'Miss Dorothy jensen of Los Angeles wèire guests the first of last week of the ýR. E. Pattigon Klines,, 1311> Greenwood avenue.- The- latter part of the week the Klines en. tertained Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Atkinsôn cof Topeka, Kan., and Miss Margretta Gates of Kansas Cityý. 0o- Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Mead, 320 Ox- ford ro ad, Kenilwortb,: left Tuesday for a few'days' visit witb Mrs. Mead's para- ents at Janesviile, Wis. They .,will bring back witb theni their children, Bill and Nancy, who have been with their grandparents. Mlr. and Mrs. Alex Meilke of Lit- tle Chute, Wis. have be'en the guests for a nionth of the C. A. Kellers, 820 Greenwood avenue. Also recent guests wvere Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Tid- marsh oif Manitowoc. Wis and their two. daughiters. Jeonie and janice. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Virgil and their son of Tulsa, Okia., are guests of the Herbert V. Mesicks, 331 Essex road, Kenilworth, for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cuesta of Tampa, FIa., havel also been recent guests of the 'Mes- ficks. Elizabeth Aiger, 154 Warwick lane, Kenlilwortb, wbo bas, been spendinig thei summer with ber parents at their home in Pentwater,. Mich., bas returned' from a tbree weeks' visit with friends, in Duluth, Minn. 0o Mrs. Katherine MdceiÉhan 2ndt wnere M~r. Hlutson was JEuropean to 1bac- co administrator for the United States Department' of Agriculture. Hie bas now been assigned a position lu Washington, D. C. Mrs. Radrder and Mrs. Hutson have been friends for many. years. Betty june 1Sç-hrei, 327 Cumnor.road, Kenilwortb, bas returned from a three weeks ' visit -witb relatives at. Cisna Park, 111 * Mrs. William:-Schrei bas as ber guest ber sister, Mrs. W. T. Huber, of Cincinnati wbo came to spend a few days at the fair.. Miss Emma Haugher of Chicago bas also been a recent guest of :the Scbreis. -o Mr. and Mrs. Albert N., Page, 901 Asbland. avenue,: returned Wednesday afilast *week f rom a pleasure and busi- ness trip, They visited Irelatives,af Mr. Page in Austin, Minu., and *motared 1ta Huron, S. D., through the 'Bad Lands, thue Black Huis and Rapid City, The Tuesday club, aof.whch -Mis. Charles Reese is a member will meet at ber home, 720 Linden avenue, Wed- nesday, September 6. The meeting date bas beet, postponed one day.because Of Labor Day week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John Nuveen, Jr., and their two children of 520 Warwick road, Kenilworth, returned Monday from Sylvan Beach, Mich. Tbey had been visiting Mr. Nuveenl's parents for severai weeks. Mrs. Newcomb W. Diehi, 726 Hin- man avenue, Evanstan, entertained ber nortb shore bridge club at lunch- eau. Mrs. Judson Large. of Wil- mette and Mrs. Donald S. -Elrod of Winnetka are members. Mrs. 'John 1Ellis af Chicago enter- tained at a lunchean at the University club lastMonday in honar af Mrs. Frank Clarke, of Quebec City who is visitingithe E. M. Antrims. 0o Mr. and Mrs. N. P..- Zech and their sans, Raymond-and Arthur, 918 For- Mrs. J. E. Day and daughter -of Day: enport, Iowa, occupied their homie dur- ing their absence. Mrs. Day is Mrs. Brahidt's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Eckchart, 206 Cuîüberland aveinue, Kenilworth, andl theit daughter, Elizabeth, Who -have been spefifing the swnmner traveling iu Eu- ropé sailed Monday, Augustl21 on the Grijsholm from Cherbourg. Elizàbeib will'visit- at Lake Placid before goifng to Vassar w.here she will enter her junior year. Mrs. Alexanderý Joslilu, 240 Essex, roai, .Keniilworth, will be hostess to the Kenilwortb Home and Garden club. Mohday,, September 11.'There" will be a Ëarden show of wild flowers, seed pods, and grasses. Prizes Will be award- ed. Mrs. David.DeCamp, Mr$. Herbert Newport, an d Mrs. Henry Taylor are the committee members incharge. Mr. and 'mrs. B. Rudolph of, Detroit and Miss Della Clark of Rochester, X. Y., were guests last week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hart, 1211 Asti- land avenue. Mrs. H. Bush of Quebec, C-anada, and Walter Baundafide and Frank Burrough of Neenah, Wis., are visiting the Harts. *-- Sally Stearus of Hinsdale spent the week-end with Harriet Webster of 1601 Tenth street. The girls were room- mates at Connecticut college in New Ifandon, Con n. Miss Webster leaves in about ten days to resume ber studies there. Mrs. Harry Thayer of Colorado Springs, Colo.,,is the guest of hér sis-ter and f amily, the J. N. Woolletts, 99 Indian Hill road. Mrs. Thayer will ac- conlpany Mr. and Mrs. Woollett and their children today ta Elcbo, Wis., for a fortnigbt's vacation. Almon, Sheldon and Carl Harris and their friend, Ben Roif of Pena- cock, N. H., are visiting the H. C. Car- rails, 1041 Ashiaud avenue. lTe three Harris brothers are . nephews of Mr. cent guests of the R. I-. Nasans,, 12003 0crrtt parents, Mr. and Mrs. E~dgar A.. Stev- companied by Bob Hiertel of Wiitnetka Greewoodavene. ean carrtt,621 Kenilwonth,. bas ens, 330 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, left Saturday for a three weeks' ot- 0 had Helen Burdette af Peonia visiting for a ft)w days. iug in Yellowstone Park. Mr. and Mrs. Roy M.- Kirtland, 420. ber for a week. . .---- 0- ' Washington avenue, are matoring ta o--Mts. Daisy S. Tay!pr and ber twa Miss Virginia Gage of West Hart- -New York City this week-end. Mr. John Dixon af Madison, Wis., is vis- sons of Whieaton, Ill., have been guests fard., Conn., bas been a guest of the Kirtland bas been called east on busi- iting Jack Nason,9 733 Cummings. ave- of Mrs. Taylor's parets,:the Robert S. J. 'B. Olwins, 82D Lakc avenhue,..for nés.nue, eilwrh o awe.Sihs, 324 Cumnor, road, Kenilworth. çeveral. days.

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