or GLECUÇULNE5WS. Dm~.m 2ýcents a line. Advertisements rmn in al three pa.per. ~ ~WNJ3I~1 HAMç~ OE DOLLAR. Average of five words t, theU., No black face type umed. 29% dlse<>uut on al çaah advertim.- ments when brought to Our tôffce at 1232 Central Ave., Willmette, or 661 Lincoln Ave.. Winnetka. 10% diacouct on &Il advertisements runnfour consecutive lIses. ea iefrisertions- lafled advertînements will b. Le- WITLMETTE LIFE or alh three papers; Wedneàday 9 P. M. for WINNIETKA TALK and Tbursday 5 P. M. for' QLENCOBNMWB. Telephones: Wllmette 4300. Wlnnetka 3000. Oreenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 687. 3 LOST AND 1FOUND RUG STOLEN, CHINESE ORIèNTALý, curai pjnki medium. large suze. Any- one aeêlng this mug, or, knowing any- thlng about -It, kindly'communicate wlth B-±6, Box 40,'Wllmette. 3LTN7-ltt- LOST- BOY'S BICYCLE. NEW RED Crusader with chrominni wheel rim. Rwaid...Brown. 1173 Scott, Ave., Hubbard Wood. Winnetka 1080. 3LTN17-1tc L.os- - WHITE, LINEN TABLE- cloth and 7 napkins, between WiI- mette and: Wlnnetka, on E. Rallroad or Ridge, $un.. Àug. 20. Reward. Ph. Wlmette 5142. ILTN17-ltp LOST - LADIES' PANAMA RAT,' from auto, Sunday morning on Win- netka Ave. near New Trier Hlgh School. Phono Wilmiette 2821. LOST - LADIES'-WRIST WATCH IN Kenllworth. Reward. Retumn to 226 Warwick Rd., Kentllworth. 3Ll7-ltc OLD MAHOGANY AND- BLACK WALNUT FURNITURE FINE CHINA OIL PAINTINGS Breaking up housekeeping. Mrs. WiI- lard, 6074 Stony Island Ave., Hyde -Park 1720. 71,17Itp m00iis WE ýBUY S giNG;LE VOLUMEq:-S or entire librarles. Frank Rôsegreén's OLP BOOK< SHOP 1741 Sherman Ave.,Ph. Gr.eènleaf 9820 14-A-LTN17-Itp le BUILDING AND CONTRACTINQ Build Now for Less Before Costs Increase Wili build and finance your home along the North Shore on a conservative basis. COLLETTE SO1EURS-DRESSMAXERS Gowns--Wraps Suits-Coats Made to order--restyld---or altered 833 Elm .St. Winnetka 1011 22LTN11-4tp- ALTERATIONS, RELINING, *MEND- Ir'g and ail klnds of sewing at my home. Phone Wlnnetka 1167.. _________22L1 7-ltp SEWING BY DAY OR WEEK, IN MY home or yours. North shiore refer- ences. Cali Wilmette 2778, 22LTN17-Itp 30 INSTRUCTION PIANIST, PROF. EXPER., WILL AC- comp. vocalist, lnstrumentallst,, for practice, concert; reas. fee per hour;, also teach French, Itallan, harmony, piano. Glencoe 1134. 3OLTN1 6-4tp 34 ILAUNDRT EXPERT LAUNDRESS W A N T S laundry work to do ln own home. WilI call and delli'er. Phone Wilmetté 1351. .34LTN14-4tp 40 MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS WILL P4Y CASH F'OR GOOD MAKE grand piano. No upright, no dealer. Phone Glencoe 945 or write .496 Oak- daeAve., Glencoe. 40L'rNlS-4tp, 41 NURSING EXP. GRAD. NURSE, INFANT CAREÉ a specialty. Cali Miss White, New- eoistle 3812. For rets. cail Mrs. W. Hlouston, People's Agency, Park Ridge 867. 41LTN17-4tp 42 PAINTINS AND DECORATINS Paint, Paper 5 Rms,. l$34.50 SANITAS AND CANVASING WORIZ reas.' ltm.wannvnr ceapnea fl0ï*, Wlnnetka *2934. St an FOR SALE - RACCOON. COAT SIZ .14-16 yrs. Perfect ýcondition., M.uit sacrifice. Good buy for price.offered. Phone Wilmette 3622. 59LTN!7-ltp 4* LOANS LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confidential, service, legal rates.1 MOTOR LOAN CO. State Bank BIdg,, Evanst9fn. Gre. 3200 65LTrN36-tfc, se SITUAlrcTONWANTED-FE1rMALw COMPETENT HEI<-P, No Charge to Employer- Efficient Service for North Shore Hfomes We Investigate References WE ARE THE ORIGINAL, Pauiline's Ernpj. Aýgencies 421 Fonrth St., Wilmette Wiette 217.1, Wlnnetka 2662 ý 8TN14-tfc EXPE-R. PRACTICAL NURSE WANTS position. Conipanion, capable of tak- hWg full charge of home. Good cook. Free to travel. Refereflces. Cal Franklin Park 13-W, or write A-l9ý, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 68LTN17-ltp IST- CLASS SWEDISH- COOK, COOk- lng and let floor, permanent or temporary. Best north shore refers.' S10-$15 week. M. Sand, Lincoln 4691. 68LTN17-ltp WANTED - POSITION AS COOK, working housekeeper. English-Can- adian womnan, Protestant. WiI1 stay on place. 'Ph. University 3275. 68Ll7-ltp) EXPERIENCED WHITE W O M A N for general housework, good couIc. Stay or go home nights. Excellent references. Wilmette 3135. 68LTN1 7-ltp NURSERT GOVERNESS W A N T -S ivork ail or part time. Cood exp. building up delicate children. Win- netka 258, or write B-22, 11.0x 40, Wîllmette, 111. 68L17 -ltp. RSEKEEPER., COOK, FAIL OF aduits, by refined, well edue. young woman. . S.refs. $12. Ravenswood 5454., 15Z20 Sunnyside Ave. Miss COMPE'PENT COUPLES G0ermran, 32-35, 2% yrs. Winn. ref. Finnish, 30-33, 16 mos. Wil. ref.- German, 28-32, 1 yr, Wilmette ref. Norwegian, 36-37, 3 . yrs. Kenil. ref. Swedish, 29-33,A9 mos. Glencoe ref. German, 27-30, 3 yrs. Evanston ref. Swedish, 37-40, 2 yrs. Wlnn.. ref. Flnnlsh, 40, 1 yr.. Evanston, ref. 'Flnnish, 35-36, 1%. yrs. Glencoe ree.. German, 40-47, ?,% yrs. Wilmette ref. German, 31-32, 1 yr. Winnetka ref. We' do not: place linexperienced help. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elm.St. Wlnnetka 3399. EXPERIENCED HELP WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGE- GRADE domestic help. Ail nationalities. No charge to employer., References ln- vestigated. Under state supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agency 748 Elm- St. Winnetka 339!# 701TN17-ltc' NO CHARGE TO EMP)LOYER EFFI'- dient colored- domestic help a speclal- ty. References lnvestlgated. JOHN- SON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Ph*. Wllmette 4144. 70LTN15-4t(- COMPETENT COUPLES Referenees pèrsonally investigated PAULINE'S EMPL. AGENCY, 421 Fourth St. Wilmette 2171. 70LTN17-ltr COUPLE, WITH L I1'T T L E GIRL. would like quarters over garage i in ecchange for service-,. Pbx. Mr. Brown. lCenilworth 5511. 70L17-Itp COLORFD MAID OR EXPERIENCEKD colored couple, best North Shore ret9. Tel. Glencoe*.73. 70LTN15-4tp 71 HRELP WANI!E-FUCMALE 50i POSITIONS OPEN for cook, general maids, secondmalds. 'and nursemaids. Wages $10-412-4t5 week. We place experienced only PAULINE'S EMPL. AGENCY 421 FoÙrth St.' Vlmette27 WOMEN TO DEMONSTRATE1 COS- metics. Calllng on definite *appoint- ments. 'Capable women selected for out of town offices when qualifled. WiIJ train three inexperienced girls. Add«ýss B-29, Box 40, Wlmette. giv- ing name, address, and teleplione IME, HALL, lng.. Learned ormerly wlth Vill call., ree nioni. POno r igt rana; ais~ kguaranteed. 1e yrs. Hl. C. thoniaa, Park $3. UP- ýpair *.work way, N. Y. S699-Rt. LTN14-4tp bor Day. Good cook and .10 years last position. Good I1 W M. Address, B-24, Box, 40, work, nou wasning or netka. 1605. 'w 14A i n Er Lny and Pi, late. Dav, rsy2041. ýnlng. 'M 1 7Li?-