There iu nothing lUke Daeon and DAVENPORtm "KwI very reasonéîly. Fur hoistered. Hou.. i$M Cabinet work. Cane, THE FURI Aft CHAMR ure repairsi and up- ni ma. or v.pdrti. mi, hickoary speclAlitte.I JworIcs was. laid last Saturday afterr f noon, marking the first public works 7 u»der the Reconstruction Finance Corporation prograin to reach the point, in construction where the Iay- W ' ing of the Corner stone was essential to furtherm progress. ~ >Promptly at. 3 o'clock the pro- S cession,. headed by theý 202nd Field j.W! Artillery band uiader direction of Col. Charles C. Dawes,, commanding Fort Sheridan, moved fromn the. place ,of 2 5cformhation near the illage balf and Lake avenue, convoyed by-a motor- AFE cycle escort, and proceeded east to the lake front. In line of march AVE. were the Village president and board Fluof trustees, Village officiaIs., patriotic andciicorganizations, followed by a group of citizens-. Upon arrivai at, the waterworks site the parade dis- baned ndproceeded down the, b luff to the new building,ý now under roof. aàke Elaborate Plans It, was at ornce evide*it, that care-. fuI and çlaborate preparations had RSbeen made to accommodate a huge crowd. Chairs were provided on the RS fi rst floor for the band and many E tizens, white chairs were placed out- side the building proper for the com- C E fort of many more. The second floor - as arranged in balcony form, with omobiles a speakers' stand at the north, and chairs on the east and west sides, al overlooking the main entrance, where the corner stone soon to be lowered into place hung by its chain tackle. -Stars and stripes bunting and Old Glory decorations added color and brightness to the scene. A sound ampiifying systerrendered voices of the speakers distinctiy audible at al points. After a selection by the band, Arthur Lee, 925 Manor drive, an- nounced that the program would be-, gin with an invocation by the Rev.] - Willnette bas been so richly endowed - -pure air, healthful climate, a mnar- s. velous beach, magnificent trees and, an abundance of water. WeIconies Vi#atorS President C. P. Du'bbs followed with an address of welome in which heý expressed his pride in the build-' *inge of the waterworks, and told his audience that Wilmette's wateriess days would soon be over. He. first greeted theofficiai guests froni neigh- boring commrunities,. extending -to thém ant invitation. to.,corne to Wil- mette when' the thirst for a big drink of pure water is upon theni. Pre'sident Dubbs said:- OFirut let me extend a hearty wed- corne to the officiais and frlendls f rorm our neighboring towns. "We ?feel honored. by your presenc(e and are, gladl to bave ycdelebrate th!-, hiappy day with us-and any tinie you want a big drink, just to Wi1- mette. "'FellIoW.citizens nt Willmette! 'rhis Ma great day for me. ITt is a great day for. the Trustees. it is a.-igrëat day for every citizmen of Wilnette (oiily they don't ail know It yet). S "We rejolce that the day is almosý,-t here when every one in this village ean Set a stream of. water from his* garden hose that wîll -kniock a 1îqulrrel off the roof and wash the duet off (lie tréee tops.1 . - 11 1 -We rejolce that we wlll be able* to fil' a tub wlth water-7up.,tairs aftetr 4:00 P. M.-and- "'We rejoice in the security, of ade- quate fire protection. - "Last, but flot leaqt, we knom, ev ery perSon in this Village wlll enjoy o - ur wonderful roof garden. From a com- fortable seat you wlll see almost forty miles of the most beautiful shore-line, lai the world. Wrby, the fanious Rinconc la a "piker" compared wit~h our flôrth s'hore coast-line. -On su-miner evenings you can watcli the sunset dye the lake and sky every color In the spectrum, and, meit away j as the stars appear.r "You can see summer storme sbrewing In Michigan and llghtning turn 'the' wvater blue anýd green. S"You can See buildings and chJirney!ý 'as far as North Chicago. _ . ."You can watch, your children play on the- be ach, and, 1 might add, scenery Isn't. the only thing worth looklng at on our Wilxrnette beach..t "So again let me welcomne you one and all-and we proph)Iesy that Wilmette Is gotng "wet". before the next election. "¶'hank o. othor suthorized or Puchased at. THE PUBULIC 5CaILY ENVnw> TO ATTENDI TIRE CHUEGH SERVICES ANRD V987 TUB ERADEO 01 coninue to do so in protecting ner from the governmental enchroach- mients of the metropolis to the south. President Williami B. Moulton of, Winnetka was the next speaker, and ini a very happy vein' extended the Congratulations of bis, village. He stated that, while water -was beconi- ing.,decidedlyý unpopular as a, bever- age, he w.ould îiot be surprised to see "-Dubbs', Extra Special" bottled an(l solci ail along *the north shore. Glenview Needs Water President- E. E. B urnham. of Glen- view .was next introduced, and said that the congratulations of bis people were especially' sincere becauise Glen- view is sorely in iieed. of a water sup- ply, and doe.s not thisý plant logitally fil that ne.ed? J. 'W. Nemnoyer, construction en- gineer rel)resenting Pearse,. Greeley & Hansen,. waterworks enigineers-, was presýented and gave a-general ta*k on the plans.' referring also to sotne of the difficulties that'had to be over- corne. IL Building Cominissiolner Boynje H. Platt followed with a technical det- scription of the plant operation, des- ignating the locations ýof pu'mps, fil- tering beds, etc. The Village trustees were then in- troduced.. each speaking briefiV oit some phase of the wvater plant and its. effect upon the future of the village,. ,Village. attorney '\V. 1). Nance-also madle a short talk. Hear Attorney Attorney Weymouth Kirkland;- speaker of the clay', as next intro- duced. He hinted at rather thani described some of the legal difficii1ties attendant upon the building of the wvaterworks, and said that he feit confident pro-erty valués inte nieighiborhood woui4 .be enhanced and .not deprecîated. by' its construction., in this connection be touched upon ,the r esponsihility. pla.ced upon :the Village administration to. so design and locate .the plant that, it wouild harmoniz e with its surrounidings. Attention of the audience next cen- tered upon the main floor and the [inge square stone suspended at the entrance. Lt ivas announced that Mrs. .St.acv C.Bennett. 1321 Gein Served with ad deoicious Joli7. And ol WILMETTEC liai WILMETTIE opposite'.Village1 Everythng for Auto w, Wins lué