Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Sep 1933, p. 12

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fmercy, and to walk burnbly with thy SELL HIGH'LAND PARK HOMEj God?" (Micah 6:8). Florence Detiner bas purchasedý Among the citations whic.h coin- title to the property located at 555 prised thie lesson-sermion was the Bob-O-Link road, Highland Park. followi ng from the Bible: "Know ye 'Murray & terry were the agents for- tha, tthe odlei.o:i is he the property.: T. S. Dougberty,209 that bath made. us, and, not we our- Soùth LaSalle street, carried out, the selves. we are lis peopfle,* and the legal details for the' purchaser 'Baird sepo ispsue9ntrit i & Warner, mIc., 'representing the gates witli thaànksgiving, and. intohi purchaser, and Murray & Terry, act- courts witlî praise: b)ethankf'ul unto Ïng for tbe seller, were thé brokers., him, -and, bless his- nanie" (Psalms 100:3, 4). The lesson-se rion also included 'th, King quabs following passages froni the. Christian For anquts, inne Paries, Science te4~book, "Science. and Health aamdCavaescnt'.Menu. ?th Kev. to the Seriptures," Iw- Marv Baker- Eddy: "M.\aii. made in Hisý like-e n1ess,ý possesses and, reflects, God's do- mninioni over ail the earth" (p. 516). WHEELING. FARMS From Farina to (Jono&mer C. F. BauIIIng,ý Prop. Phones (7 miles lé Wamst O>f- 0W-I Qlencoe) BUTTER, BGGS and ]POULTET DRESSED to OUDER Dean ,Vail, Jr.. 150 Abington ave- nue, Kenilworth. lias hacI tWo boys as his guests, XVhster Sa,îdford. f roi New York atid Ralph Cissel of Wvash- iiigtôn., D. C. They wl-ee ith hiim a wveek attendinig A Cenîtury of Progress. O1RIGOLD Dessert or Soup Spoons, Mediumi Forks, Fruit KnIves, Individual Butter Spreaders Dlue to foreclosure, will sacrifice 3,000 Pieces -fgenuinc Dirigold ware while they las.t, at zî- each. Only Dirlgold owners can appreciate the value offered at this price. Cail, write or phone. PjREFERENUINVESTMENTS 176: W. Jackson BiVd. am. Â-2108 1 HlABrimon 5681 *FURS SUT ..0DRESSES . Sgite 706-107 271~ F.- MONRO À t'rRF"T *COATS andi Mi of the tiovernmient association, are .acting as co-chairmnen of arrangements for the welcomning of nèw students. According to- Miss M. Frances, Mclry.registrar, the numnber of inquiries and. application. blanks, re-" ceived would indicate an enrollment approxinîately the saie as that of last' year. Miss Caroline Kimbail on New, Trier Teaching Staff Miss Caroline Kimbal of Glencoe is to be 'a nmber of the faculty of New' Trier Highi schoo . this year.. Slîe is taking the place of Miss Emielyn Xaltz in the social science departnient Miss XV'aitï does not plan to. teach this year. Miss Kimbal Is, a graduate, of ýSith college and eceive(l lier Nlaster's degree ii h!s-> tory fr 1oni \"orthý%vestérn 'university, She *taùglit for several years at the FaulIkner school i Chic ago. MIrs. Dudflev Taylor aîîd son, Iaîdon, 244 C'uninor road, -Keiil%,worth, have re- turned fromn Poxers Lake, \Vis. The formier's son-ini-law an(l daughter, Mr. and Nlrs. Kenî Dyke, formerlv. of New~ Vork, are no\%- \witli hier aind il1liet iini Chicago pernianeîîtly. Mrs. Taylor and Lanidon) havere.éenitl returned from'1 a in;otor trip toM.Na,5saCt!sett.s. .ojjers. Instruction in ail types of the dance, including clas- silcal ballet, character, tapc acrobatie and ladies' lim- bering and tap'classes. Terrn of 10 weeks-$6.50 CLASSES RE-OPEN * ON SEPT. 18TH 000,000 out of'Illinois'. allotmntn of $17,500,,000 of federal. funds for high- way construction under the indus- trial recovery act. More than sixty of the approved projects. are in Cook countv, includ- ing varioas- sections. of Highiway 57, known on the north,- shore as the Skokie Valley route. "Construction on this' vast. pro- gramn of work, vill be started prompt- ly,". Mr. .Kingery, said, "ýand whenl operations have reached thieir maxi- mni, perhaps by, next spring, 4,000 men, should be directly emnplov\ed on this federal road. work. 'Ahnost as mn1any. more, nien, %vill be indirectly employed' in the preparation and' delivcry of inaterials," lie (leclared. The approved: projects on Route 57 follow: On Cicero avenue, C, & N. WV. sub\%ay to Guinîîson. 1)er construc- t joli On1 Cicero, Elston t1o Vil o lico- st ruetîoti. On Cicero, Elston to l)evim, i(- eiiing. On Cicero, bridge over îiorth. branch o'f Chicago river. On Cicero, Clîlcago, to JackSOn, reconstruction. On Cicero, Irving Park t.o Norti,, recon struc tion. C. & N. W.su)a in' Ni'es Cen-, ter, cons-truictioni. C. N. S. & MN. Subwav Ii i Nes Ceniter,"conistrtuctitoîî. Lake C0Iuntv une ito Esinavenue, lai"nd(scap ng. Cook coutt linîe to Hlighla nd Park, landscaping. Wihnette Coast Guard Patrol Area Extended Situce the burning of, the oid coast guard station at the- mouth 1 of. the Chicago river, members o(f.,thiecoast guardcrew at 'Wilmette luarbor have been answering calis' as far south as the are& of the Nay ier, Capt. 'M. A. Jacobson'of the NVilmette station, states. The area south of- the pier is being taken care of hy. tle Jack- son park coast gluard crew. Dorothy Deacon, 35 Cumberland .1ve- nue, Kenilworth, returned. last Friday f rom a.Canadian camp near T1oronto, 0o- *FELICK, FURRIER AND LADIES' TAILOR References furish.d on r.quest FHenry 's & Mariha's Beauty Salion,, L47~CHESTNUT ST. PH. WINNETKA 119, 'J 1*

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