Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Sep 1933, p. 24

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1718 Shermani Avenue, YOUR C HOICE 0F ANY METHOD A loose war.e A tight wave Anatural curi or ringlets N EW PRICES NOW IN. EFFECt Apermanent or Iack of one can I thrmake'or Mar a, beauKifuI face .. .a weII drissed woman. A permanent wh.n properly,,plan..... *specially wb.n given by expert oprtos à às e lyeply Ng an.ramite ae A. Compiete Beauty Service* Daniel Gens Hair Sho p 509 MAIN ST., Evanson Ail P hones~0 Oppsie vashre otl N, 6 62 WEDDU 'NG GIF TS. teniber. Today (Tbursday), at 5 o'clock, the College Club Players wili give Arnold 'Benniett's,, "The Step Mother," at the *Enchanted Island theater at *A. Century of Progress. This play, when giveni 'ii the spring by the -Plavers a t te clubi, met with such success.that itis being repeatcd byrequest. Next Tuesday is set apart for *a get-together luncheon. for comimittec memibers during which v-%arious-sub- jects of vital interest' %vill, be, dis-. cu ssed. Sunday scco l ooiS. gsotte Slur'nda Wsholmof t. hoaeutie'se churs.hiiiWimettendhoiareFdireced by ras. Phmnad iFoec Branson. adee ho.g h Guests aded wthrough nvtheg charm ng k gde with itsavting lteegeoksauringrPo elaxaton, atn" defut edges a tpseclde un- dear fr te eatd theirtur-t tuernthleir fate foretold ubya for tube ne teller.ittingfathen umrella ntaeniiiantherepart o the garen.h fuand hnsaneed bve ay Fvrethe Abfet luncheon a nd contract arched b)ridge to be -refreshed' by deè bridge is on the calendar for Wcd- icious little cookies and cakes and nesdaY, Septeniber 13.> tea serve(l ii the colorful «.fandarn house. TIie garden part - was weîl Teth bDistrict Club atidd Havinq Federation DaY JIn Taq Day Women's clubs of the Tenth dis- The Park Ridge Schqol forw Girls trict illceleb)rate Federation day at. ti ancaial neeto un theFair on Thursday, Septemnber.21., ber of north shore women,. will be in- Lunchéeon will be at. 12.30 o'clock i cluded in the general tag day MNon-l. the trustees' lounge, east wing of the day, September Il. This -wîll he the Hall àf Science. Réerviations maiv first year the school lus been able he ma'de with Mrs'. Truman F. to add its name to the list o-f benefi-, Creager, 30 West WVashington street, ciaries. he school will receive the Chicago. The nuniber is limited so conitents of. the boxes, at the two it has been requested that. reser a-1 Indian Hiili stations and at. Fred S. tfions be made as early as i)ossible. ~rhite's drùg store. on,Xintk ave- At 3 o'clock there vvill be 'a program;'ua-e sshrginso f'L1e ini the Illinois Host House underthe lie nu, aswelcllesshinn somf direction of state literature commit-do toncleins tee. - Fail Carni val To Mak Debus -NIembers of the No1ýrth Shore To Mae Deuts omnan's club anid thecir friends are The names of -Miss Nancy and Miss invited to attend a fall carnival at Marian Thomas have been added to Ithe home of Mrs. George A. Haurn- the îiqtn Ma- in the near future, when the Misses Supper wvill be served throtîghout the Thomas aiid' their mother, Mrs. Fred- eveninrg. This is onie ofI a serie s o f erick B. Thomas of 680 Wàlden road, parties' pilanned bv Mrs. Alfred A. WVinnetka, return f rom Oakhavenl, 1Kanberg of, Wihnette,, philan.thropy Ocean Spring*s, Miss., %where they chlai rman of the club. have beeni spending the stomnmer, ___________ Entertain Frind Debutantes at Luncheon I Mr. an d Mrs.' Henrv 'la.ylor, Jr.,I A number of the seasoni's debutantes, i were IMiss BraAnB 1astieni's 431 Essex road, Kenilworth, eniter- guests at luncheon and bridge Wed- Itained two tables of bridge on Friday nesday. Miss Bastien and her par- evening, September 1. On WednesdaY ents, the Alvin E. Bastiens, have been tbhev -i.rt2 n .4 nt n - C wortti, wiu aiso go to Ferry Hall ]ni Lake Forest. Clifford and Alfred Osgood, 423 Es- sex road, Kenilworth, are expected, home ilh e last of this week froni their summer in MIaine té see. A Century of ]Progi-ess, before returning to college. 0o- Helen Rathbone, 523 road, .Kenilwortb, Ieft on the University of Ilinois. Abbotsford Tuesday for -o- Elwood Mons, 157 Woodstock'ave- nue, Kenilwonrth, is leaving about Sep- tember 20, for Princeton. Loose vide wave brushed back f rom the forehead, curled ends. I y 4 I r 'f, "th sý.h9ô1 ý gil, 1$ '0 e 1 cuils wilh bewitch-

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