Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Sep 1933, p. 1

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to Complete High School Job ment of $140,000 for New Trier Project Recommendation that the federal public works, administration include. the partially completed addition to New Trier Higb school 'in its pro- granm of-construction will be directed to, Federal Administrator Harold L. Ickes ecarly next.week by the Illinois division of that body. Should the federal governiment ap- prove of. the finiancing plan proposed the structure, on which construction was .halted in April, 1932, because of the virtual coliapse of the bond mar-- ket, may be conipleted, within th'ree or four months. It is possible.-that the work can begin almost'immedi- >atelv,1 high, school. officiais stated. The* work, under thé, originalI con- tracts.,*wjll conformn to tlhe -regula- tïoîîs set forth in the National Re- co%,erv act, it ivas expqlained. May Get $40MOO Grant Under the ternis of the recom- nîiended financing plan, the federalj publicý works administration would1 provide a total of approximately- $140,000, of which $40,00'would be in1 the natuire of a free grant. The bal-1 ance, or approximately $100,000,1 'W0114 represent that amount of high i school bonds to be absorbed by the govçrnment at 4 percent interest in- -stead of the 4112 percent interest which -the bonds yie.ld. The state group, of the federal, pub>lic ivorks administration will pro-* cee(l to Washington nexýt Sunday it Nvas.anntouincedl, to mnake formai rec- onîniendation to Admninstrator Ickes, the iNevw Trier project being amnong several to be presented for consider- ation and decision. ja Mes L.,Hougb-A teling of Xi.netka is secret arv ,of the state organization and Joshua D'Es- posito of> Wilmnçtte, the. engýineer.' Carter Il. Harrison is head of thel administration for the state of Ilii- of the addition completed some timne ago bouses' machine shops and the music dejiartment of the school. The constant, yearly enrollment in- crease at, the school-approximately one hundred students. annually- piakes imperativeC the eaily comiple- tion of the ne.%% structure, it is point- e(l out. The scliool has been func- tioning under extrenie difficulties duriiig the past few years due to clas.,rooin congestion. *A bond 'issue1 to permit con.struc- tion of the addition was approved by tle voters of thie scbhool dist.rict "SCV- erivears ago. * Must Seli ,Warrants. to OÔperate Schools Xihette's. public scbools -WiiI open next, -Monday with practicalir no cash on lîand to meet teacbers' pay rolîs or other operating expenses. The money on hand is insufficient to paY teachers' salaries for theli-st montb., accôrding to Henry E. CutIer, president ofý the, board of éducation. Mr. Cutler States that the board liopes to raise additional money througb the sale of 1933 tax anticipa-. tion warrants. DoNvntown baiîks bave not been disposed to purc.base the 1933 warrants, but it is said.- this situýýtion ma v be ,. relieved somewhat as a resuit of the payment of thie second instaliment of 1931 taxes. tbe deadline for %vhiclî was Septenîber 1. In Kenilworth the situation witb reference to the joseph Sears scbool is mtuch the sanie as in WTil- mette.' The scbool wilh open next, Mônday, but. only tbrougb the. sale o)f,.ta:x warrants d9es tbe huýard. of éducation hope to i-aise înonéy to keep ýthe sclîool open. Plan to Nab Sanitarium Payroll; Watch Is Loot Friday morning of last week two Assessor At a luiicheon ineeting beld in Chi- cago W'ednesda), .nooni the New Trier Citizens' -league adopted the report1 Of its conîmittee and. recommendedi to the lKew Trier township Boar-d of Auditrs tat H. S. 6asal,(24 Eider lane, Winnetka, be appointed. townsbip tax assesso r to fill the un- expired terin of. George R.,Harbàugh, resigned. The suggestion of the Citizenls' league was made in response, to the request of the Board of Auditors that it undertake such u4official service, and, as hias been. sta ted, lias. no authocritative legal chai-acter. A commiittee composed, of six nei- bers of the league interviewed seveni tentative candidates. for. the vacancy, and reached the conclusion that the qlualifications and experience, of Mfr. Mari-al eniinetvI, fit him to ýad- minister the important office to the best interests of the- taxpayersý aud- the taxing bodies.- Mr. Marshal libs' a wd x- périence in real' estate valuation and management, as wvell as ini engineer- ing construction ini both municipal and railwav fields, being a graduate construction engineer. Mr. 'Mar-shall moved' to \Vinnetka 111 1919, whiere hielias since resided, with tlîe exception of three years spent> in Glencoe, where lie occupied bis owli home at 847 Gi-ove street. He is à director and former presidetît of thie Indian HillI Improvenent associa- tion and a miember ýof :Winnetka Cornînuiîity House counicil. He lias a long and impressive record in con- nection with real estate appraisals,,ini- icating a tborough knowledge of values i. a scale ranging froni a mod- est home to the Iargest municipal and uitility projects. He lbas doue some lîoi construction work in Wýinnet- ka, Illinois 4 W. T. Werner 605 Main street, the contract for States mail betwi4 office ind tbe Chi( terin depot. 1.. i te local post thte total of xunds 0 & North Wes- plied for to $47'5,001 I.tracted for being ,d and mount c to a Il mette. lor V -Ai-ar K. Mestjian, chairman, Canvassing Committee. p r sui M:y iramnea friha to secure of tbe ex- have tbem ig upon the Group to Suggest Allot- 1 ýl j ,tya John N. VataderVries to Speak on, NRA at Noon Meeting Monday, September il1 1 With the coming of. autumun and the passing of- the lethargic days of- suff- mer,, the WiImette Chamber of Comi- mierce is bestirring-itself and making preparations for a busy :winter season. The clarion alarm that is to awvaken the rnembership to ýaggressive actioni will be sounded Monday,' September'11, when the first. regular meeting of the season will take. place1 at noon in Weeks' private dining room. That talent of an -unusual order. is to be requisitioned to.fil coming lira- grains is eyidenced by the fact that the speaker at this first meeting will b6 John N. VanderVries of Winnetka, secretary-manager of the Chicag o ofce of the United States Chanîber of Com- merce. Mr-. VanderVries will speak on the National Recovery Act, better known as the NRA, a subject with whic h he is tboroughly familiar. He is a ineiber of the advisory staff of Gen- eral Hugb S. Johnson, and bas been active in advising the formation of many industrial codes. He has a wide reputation as an expert on the National Recovery Act. and bis services are in contiinous demand as speaker bef are Chîicago civic organizations. If meinbers of the local Chamber of Commerce bave any questions as ta the act or its administration uponi whicb they desire information, Mr. Vander-, Vries will be glad to accommodate theiniet this meeting, it is explained. The programi as arranged is expected. to draw an attendance that will start the. season with vigor and giWve it an impetus' that will be feit throughout the year. Waterworks WilI Corne as Chistmas Present

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