~Ne?&. ve -Parish pu] district su Moore, D. ndaY in tRev. The nmsic for the 11 a'clock worshlp "ervice- neît '.Sunday mo.mnig will.be as. Organ Prelude:"Dk Thyself', 0 My.,Soul" .............:Brahms' "The Feurth Beatitude"'.,..resar!-Fi*anck The Anth.eniby the Qîartet: 'The Path pf Pray er"........Volis .Orgaîî Postlude ..Teccatta ........ Reiff The Fou rt h Quarter ly confer ene Will behi ensday evçening, Septemiber 20, at 8 'clock at the church. AIl presi- dents cof the varieu93 organizatiens are requested te have their reports ready. for' this se5s(ion of> the Quarterly' con- ference. AWIneîîbers and friends of the church aire cordiaîlly invited ha attend. The Rtock River annual conference will mieet in the Ottawa Street chitrchi, Joliet, October 3. The lay delegate to the annuâl conference will bu seleeted. WVednesd(ay, uvenaing, September 20. Thé Church schocol resunmed its ss sions last Sunday mernIng ùu 9:30. More than. three hundred xxere in at- ten'dîîrree. It is hoped that 'by niexu Mumm- day mornlng ail members cf the ,;(hool will be-.back in their respective deparUt, ments. There are classes fer 'alI ages. The C horus choir wili resumne its, re- heirsals' this e vening, Thursday, under the direction of Miss *Marle Bni. Al nienibers are urged te be present promptly at 8 a'clock. The Wonant'.- Foreign AMissionary socîety ieets teday, Thursday, Septemi- ber 14, at 2 o'clock in the-AWoiiiani',s *roonm. Annual reports will be given and *the installation of the ncw officers wi'll take place. The Wontan's Home 'Missienary sc- clety will hold its first meeting of the ,ycar Thursday, September 21, at 2 p'clock in the Woman's room. A very iiteresting l)rogram. la being arranged. The Wlesluyasn -Service Guild will 1hold it>s Septeniber meeting Truesday eveing, Septeinber 19, at 8 o'clock. Annoaunce- 'niCu't a "te place of -meeting will, appear lii the bulletin on Sunday morning. 'S.Jo hn's Lutheran Wilinè.tte and Park avenues, Wilmcitte lermian W. AMeyer, AM. A., pastor 406 Prairie avenue Telephone 1396 Church telepheone 5379 SERVICES Fiurteenmth Sîuday' after Trin1ty Ra.ly Ba~y '9:1.5 a. mn.-Flrst serlvice and sermion. q :30a. n. aSndychool and' Bible St. John%' has hiad as guest preacher the Rev. H. Reuter, pastor of Redeem- er Evangelical Lutheran church of Bir- mingham. Ala., and tirst vice-presldent of the Southern district of the .Mlssourl Synod. Mr. Reuter was both a class- mate Rnd a roommate of the Rev. H. W. 'Meyer at.'college. It iis expected that the parents of Sunday Sechool eilîdren' wiIl attend -.the forenoon service next, Sunday, and that ail niemnbers of the congregation wilt be present also. The pastor wiIl deli'ver a sermon appropriate to the occ asion. *The choir-willI sing. Duri n the month of October Iastor Meyer plans to deliver a serles of ser- nmons :on ýquestions- on matters >of re- ligion that are agitatlng -the miinds of many-people., An announrefiient con- erning these services and tersri* thentes willI be publishied in these vol- umnls at a later tinie. Iis no<w just ten yea rs sijîce the Lutheran church building at the eornier of Park and Wilmette av*enuie.wa.s huilt and dedicated to the servriee of God. This' eyent will be fittingrlycçelebirated at -somne Uime later in the year. ClaSes for th, Christian eduvation of chjldreil will be resumned ln a few weeks. Parents Nvho wi-Sh te enroîl their cblîdren now niay do so by 'conferrlng with the pastor. Thé, pastor ivili bet glad t, aiea and explain these classes to suc >h as are lnterested. These el""" ate open and. free to ail children be- twe.en the age ef six and sixteen. Aduits whb are intcrested ln unitîng wlth our church, and who wish to hiave information on. its .history and its doc- trinal position are aIse asked to -confer wlth the 'pastor who is always at his Study in the mnorlng from 8 te '12. Bapbtist Church Wilmette and Forest avenues Rev. George D. Allison, pastor. "A Chu rch That Cares', Sunday at 11, Dr. Allison begins bis new series ef sermons, "UJnder the Blue Eag-qle, or Religlous Aspects of the Na- tional Re'overy Program.", A 'cordial invitation is c-xtended te ail intercsted. The chorus choir and the. congregational 9inging a d te the ,inspiration.etoth wrshp the work of MadamneGilderoy Scott and Migss Lydia Koch is, ap- The 'public lectures ou n-1 Mtd o urpato 1en, or wili 'ess on ve a ur e theme, i-res- Those who WOUld like te join our church mnembership) at this trne are re- quested te informi the paster befo-.re Sunday. The miusical1 progr 1am at the rncrning worhip eric wlIbe as follows:, Pre- lude, ."Moment Musical," Rachimainitioff, Atithem, "Festival Te Deum," Buck, the Choir;, Soio, "Open 'the , Gaýtes cf the 'reniile,"l Knapp, Mr. l'dcward Otis; Postludé, "Jubilate Dec," Silver. Miss Erma Rounds is pianist and (irector.. The Sunday school wilI muet at the new church at 9 :30 o'clock.. There ivili be a general session of thanksgiving and conseeration, led by, Ralih. H. Rice, superintendent. Later the deliartuients. wIll be a-ssignedl.o, their d.,reqntud loor spae lu the a8sentibly'lhall. The Adult Bb eas ilméeut with the general session cf the Sunday schoôol at 9 :30 o'elock. T7he Wnan's 8tiéity wiIlIhold it. al (ta.% meeting on 'Tuesdzi, Supteniber 19, au the new ehurch.,. The -women are iii- Nited, and te bring théir own lUnches. Coffee ~wil'1 be 'served. AIl the 'wonien tre' ce-rdiaIIý invijted. The playe-r meu±ling IWil lupdstpone eue week because of ,o1k necessary in the as.-einbly hall. echoir Will rehea'rse njt thu e jj c-hu cfrd;aY evening at 7 'lok Englisk Lutheran Wlmette A[lotis,e ior o s SI NDÀ'Y SERtVIC'ES' Sunday scool.. -~ 4 .m Service 'twof hi . l; n. Beginning udy etîîu'17, Nve- shail begin our fail-wtýiltir q hdm eof ,services with sunday s{hool at :4 a. lit and mornng w(>rsbip ;a11 Il a. ni. Our two ser-vices eaulh Sundfauy iorning during the suinnmer imonths provud 1 be, verèly sýuccussfuî and w' shkiih hlave hhem ._jaan nexu stinmer. The Junior Luthuet Ieaigué w-l11 111(,4t Sunday evening ah«5 :'30 a'cl)ck,. ,Il Younlg pe6ple of higil uolaigu Ilre welcomne. Our confi,'nîation. eassa ilI h r2af' wilpresent ~a arn A meeting cf the eC Guild will precede musical progr itive board et reception. On' accotant cf the Woi-an'-s Guild reception, the Northwest circle, whl'ch meets on the 'fourth Friday of each month, 'has postponed its meeting to Friday, September 29. Reheairsaîls begin thisweek for baoth the Boys' an(] Girl,-;' Junior choiras and for the Senior chnir. The Girls' choir wîil] rehearse ait 3,:3 0 on Thursday and 10Y:311 on Saturday thie Boy.,'*choir ah 4 on Thursday and Il. on Sattarday.Tli gives a-choicé of reheairsal dates, a.,; attendance is-required at enly ene ru- hearsal a wveek. The Senior choir will miieut.Thursd.ty evening at 7.:15. Ms Emni ly Roberts, the, director (if music, ,%vill bu glad to ineet new-'applîcaîntis ati any of these rehearsal peri<)ds. Ho-ward Hindley. çubnîaster, Nvi Il nmeet, inembers ef Cub Pack No. 63 on the (,.hurch recreation' field Saturdaîy imcm- ing at 9 :30 o'cleck. Boys 9, 10 and il Years ýo! age are eligible. for this prta- Scout organization.. Kenilworth Union K-1îil-orthmavîenîue'and 'NVarî'ck ld IiileÊbert1. Willlett, pnînite. l'lie Services (,f- thu Siif(i sth<ola-îd the wlÎrh 1'1 bu resunmed ionSunda 1y, l), 'T'e O(aîtus cf Tomorrro," The~ 1't*Sîidaysulool ~il]l meut at 9:4;5 ,i. ut Thv 1rima 1) ulbilent, includ- ilig 1wé-school, kindergaîrtun and gradus I ami > 2, met in the gyninasiuin. Thi- Al tnior, deplatielt, includlng grades 3,' Sunio)r departuimnt, inchuiing grades 6, 7, aînd N lhrotîgh the high schicoi, ineet ln the chürc-h. John Prehn Dies Friday at His Daughter's Home, johin Prehun, 73 vears. old, died Iast I-riday- at the hone (of, his daughuér, MNrs. Charles. Beringer, 225 -Catalpa. place. Mr. Beringer was bonui in Ger- nmany ini. 1860., He liad l)een in this country* about. sixty years, and. for the past 'eight 'years hiad resided withi lus daiglier ii Wilmette. Besides the dauizhter. 'lie is survived hv his Christian Day s( doeeu fot have a 'iassfor the lry i the iuUa Kt and High isehool departmients of the Lalyh te nerst v rst Presbyterian Church school wiîl meet at 9 :30 o-)clock. A daugh.ter, Virzinia, was bernit Ion, a field in whlch Th éhnr eatn wlme a eh has alway" been Nlnth street and Greenleaf avenue h ~hnr dprmn llme tMr. and Mrs. William Heagney of James T. Venekiasen, 10:45 and continue' threugh the church HvnC~ba h vntnhs ally that branch of minîster heur, aaa ua t h vntnhs h known as the Syn- pital August 31. Thjs is their second of 'North America, We are te enter our new church buildý The Cozy Corner circle wlll hold its child 'and daughter. Mrs. Heagney is g1egations mantain ing at Ninth st1'eet and Greenleaf ave- opefig meeting of the year Thursday, tefre ignaWolnduh 018. Whlle St. John's nue ncxt Sunday, holding aIl our serv- Septeinher 21, at 2 p. m., 'at the homethfomrVgia oda,-au - F School, lu does have, ices there from now on. iti with -of Ms., Adolph Andersch, 1359 Ash- ter of the LeRoy Woodlands of 336, r1ta q tlont1 of gratitude that we make this annoaunce- landavenue, Mr6,-. A.R.' Sohuber, rs. -Leicester' rod, enilworth. . 08