"Y†††† †††††† †††††† Ka, ai mrJUf0"f- Peter 1 Jqhansen, long 1UidniLAiAC sens suggestion -and at considerable with better class real estate develop- personal sacrifice to him. ment along the north shore and par- Influenced Type of Homes ticulariY li the. south end of Indian Aniong other things it niay also be Hill section of Winnetka, where he stated that Mr.:Johansen was instru- maintained his office for seventeen, mental in establishing the character years, has .ioined the sales force of- of th* horne types, as well aspr- Robert White and* company, 39 South moting the first, building operations* LaSalle street, Chicago. He -will spe-: south of. Winnetka avenue and %vhich1 cialize ini Loop and central properties. t .ere, thus begun alonz, the cru.th ~ Ma-iing bis otiie .f rom the first. in Of Meadom, road. Theeasi no( the In(lian Hill*1* community, M r. (leveloJ)5 in the. light of the béautifu Johanseni's- status bas always been homes which 'Occupy tfiiýs sec.tion more than mierelv that of -a broker. wvere ve-ry. important as forerunnen Pionceering in that section of Wini- of the present highly restriced area iietka, nioi growvn to .be oiieý of the "Such matters are but, incidents niost l)aitiftl and desirable areas .hoivever, mi a broker's caer,"Mr on1 the shore.. M r. jolia iisen'aided and .1o01ansen declared, "wbich but fem I)articipate( ini bringing about thjis know anyithing about in the finisheié remarkal>le levelopm1enit. often at conmunit y,ý or, elseý have long for. personal sacrifice. gotteni." Coing i,ýto W\inn etka., Mr. johan- sen fouindthere the Indian H4ilI Golf! Dick Cooke, 35S Kenil _orth ave- course. and a recenitlv' constructed nule, Keniilwortb, left Thursdv f a ChiagoandNorh estetn railway week o ebg lnversity, at Bethb station. 'lie balance of the area Was lbePa. largely uil(lëieloped. Vista of Labbage ratches f7/ A rtoF/Ci400L 1.ookiîxg back to that earlier day at -i -L/W IN ÂMERICA indian 111.l Mr. johiansen savs: **fwitirvt, e l>aeel<Js, ACwar/HEN gar1-I'aiid corn pt<esthan stret*t CA CTMLlMENT li r~ci ts -he ie bet p'iIot<n PR E.TIC E Elcei*laje. w,4 a~connanding a- high as $30 per front foot. Sheridafi r<îa(, 1, 'ruiugh p)ernianent inipr"veinnt, Was just 1beingçvorriple ted, w.h.1e Souith of VIIo stCet inlding inntkaR O t racjcs, cnalrd<nytwo cothe--short i c i 0L- 4)eh~ f paveilient, 1a-ey Es -U A REAL. UNI vERSITY 0F ART road <(the teast 150 f(eet. of it) and lier- THREE UNITS IN ONE ling Janie. COMMERCIAL ART SCHOOL. INC "There wer(- a-s yet ni)storni sewers, vioGUE SCHOOL OF FASH ION LUi ami tl11t11.t fSun.set 1roafT, e ast, famn- RAY COL F AOP'.IIN ilai:kno)wn as Rzeni Parkwatyi, w A business-iie, piactiCal Institution specsliizi»g if still an are;t of marshy ground w,%here *-he profescnal requirerients. Commercial Art, Dres, the titI lu takds of the fainlly, lurecj hy Design and Stylir.g, .Advertising, Photography, Inter- wilId iris and garter ,;nalkes, wre a.pt or becorat;on, Failiion Illustration, Industrial Art. to go woo-g.4therýiig only to finalirY get Incorporate Design and other subjects pertainring te Iostalong> the lake szhore. Art and Advertising in Jndustry. 'WlId Life In llrtfusIoen** "Oe'0 t< ward. Sheridan road there E-aceDtsept. 18.15. Oct. 2.9 Were ýstilli *sonie raccoon, su, Chlcago's Outstànhllng Schooil knketc. and no few~ rabbits,- wood- 25 Tearfi In Same Ideai Location cock and pheasant. And there were Envlronment Ulisurpassed wooids, wh re n)w, east' of Esî, are l16 So. Mihigan BIvd.. Chiicago, D.pt. S Nev'Trier athletic field, Fuller Jane, Lkeview Bldg. Opposite Art Institut. splendlid homes and healutiful riparlani WILLIAM F. RAY, Pres. RUTH W/ADE RAY, As:.. In those eàrly days of bis opera- tions, Mr. Johansen not only gave attention to bis sales and renting, but L 'ne m A Aý L 1fliýý (le ýrs ýa. s, Ir, ýw ed begin 'esday, Swith on of lcoe,a REMODELING ALTERATIONS CREATOR 0F Mil n *FURS.. *SUITS * ,DRESSES . .Suite 706-707 2E.MONROE STREET rO T DEARBO'RN 8390 a CORNER WABASH, My Dear Madam: Ait hough ourrent conditions have ro- sulfed in a substanfial increase in the price oflabor and maferials. 1 arn oflering a' 25%/ reduction during the rnonth of Sept. This offer applies fo Fur Coats, Fur- Trirnmed Coafs, Suifs and Tailored Dresses; also fo resfyling and refiffing of fur and clofli garîents to the mosf modern-stylos.- Individual linos creatod for. figures in- clined fo b. stout or siender. Forstman's maforial usod exclusively. *FELICK, FURRIER AND LADIES',TAILOR: Reforences furnsh.d on request tnus a lew mnonths îater, establisned further the restrictions which natur- ally became attached to thé entire tract which then contained a part of the disorganized old Gross Point and a part of the political division of >New Trier towilshiP and Cook.- couity. There .was, no, corporate- >village .in tnicjcs LNo bulge in your poçkèt. Youl 1 lk* h.5f Magazin. FAPMtine Raior,Co., Dept. E, 130 par* Avenu, New okN.T 417 Linden Av. BLANN PHARMACY 400 Green By Ro.d