Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1933, p. 26

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ber 27, at the Wýoman's Club of W/il' mette, Gre=zleaf. avenue and Tent] street. Tables will be arranged in the largg auditorium, for those who wishi to applj themselves seriously to the more ahý struse games of cards wbile'the loungi ýwill be prepared for those wi hingt play bunco, work j ig-saw puzzles oi meicly. indulge ini ightsome conversa- tion. There %wilI .be an attractive prizc for each table. The. prize. for those who converse will be given to the one wbo proves most entertaining. ýRefresh. ments will be served as-usual. This will be an opportunity to pass a pleasant afternioon and té entertair a party of friends at a very mioderate cost. At the same time *aid will be given to an enterprise which is part -of the community hlf e of: Wilrnette, which has distributed thousands of dollars in charitable, projects and which belps, people in need to help themselveŽ. Tickets may he had at the Econômy shop, 1135 Greenileaf avenue, by calling Mrs., John SegswOrth, Wilmette 24, the chairman in charge, or from any member of her large committee which comprises ail the Economy shop work- ers. A partial list of this comimitteefol- Iows: Mrs., I. R. Adkins, Mrs. John P., Balîman. Mres., Henrv E. Cutler, 'Mrs. J. McL. Camelon, -M'brs. \Williamn Dur-à gin, Mrs. A. L. Griinnell, Mrs.. H. N. Gantzel, Mrs. Otis S. Goochi, Mrs. Willis H. Hutson, Mrs. Howard Koehni Mrs. J. H. Kiel, Mrs. A. E. Kluindeiý, Mrs. John J. Milis, Mrs. Robert F. Kolb, Mrs. \Valter Gore Mjtc-hýý'llNlrs. E. Earl McDow, Mliss Mary A. Pope, Mrs. J. Benton Schiaub, Mirs. Arthur C. Schwarm, M rs. George E.. West, Mrs. George F. %W'right, Mrs. Johni F. .Weedon. Mrs. Orville G. Dail> has ,.charge of the -tables." Anne Marie Wilson .to Join September Brides The wedding of Miss'Anne 'Marie. Wilson and Claude William Mors Jr., will be solem'nized quiet] -v at the home of the br.ide's parents, MNr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Wilson, 507 Lake ave- nue, Wilmette, Friday evening, Sep- tpmhpt.22. business session as wIeii à large at- tendance is urged. On Friday, Mrs. George Die trich of 1034 Pine stret, Winnétka, will 'be hostess to ber bridge, club. .ivtario rage, iss ebecca Fitch, Miss Betty Mulford, and Miss jean TenBroeck of Wilmette, Miss Betty Luther of Evanston., Niss Elsie Wat. kins of Highland Park, and Miss Alice Jacq'ues of Chicago. Miss Mul- ford isý hostess chairman for Septem. ber. 'Elmira, college has twvo days during this month on- which alunae wvill serve as hostesses at the Women's 'College board booth. M4rs. Ral ph M . Smith of Wilmette and Mirs. Sarah T. Luce of Chicago wilL be on- dutv S eptember 20. On September 2, ilostes 'ses were Mrs. Gordon Bu- chanan of Highland Park and âMrs. Marshall-immons Wedding Taking, Place in Wilmete The marriag .e of Miss Dorothy Mar- shahl, daugliter of - the. Benjamin, H. ýMars'halls, andcad Wright SiMm nions, çoti of Mrs.- George W.Simmhons Of St. Louis, wvilI take ra aturday a1ternoon, September 30. *The ceremony- wilI be performed at ,4:30 o'clock in the Mars hall studio in Wilmnette and will be attended by only relatives and a srnall group 'Of f riends. The offlY wedding attendants will 'be. the hride's sister, Mrs. Richard H. Fleingi, the former Betty Marshiall, and James Pope. 'Mr. Simmons and MNr. Pope have heen residing in one of the cottages on the Onweintsia grouincs in Lake Forest. Mrs. Samnuel Walter White of Ev- anston "-as hostess~ at a tea Wednies- day afternoon for, Wellesle.v colleg£"e undergradulates and their mothers. Mfrs.,\White' is chairman of the Mother's auxihiary. Thte Wilinettece;nter of t/he In- fanitWclfa.re socictv. refr-eshed q!fer -,a Lrlt ersrst, Uwt/-tr ucwzed rigor antlci/'atcs the launch-, i y of a new scaso4'o s zerk at its o/pening Pmeeting Monda v. ep n- ber 18, at 2 o'clock, at te Woeian's club). Vrs. Con rad T. FrYkuiqet is Mrs, Sta%,er -Nouling is chair man of. hostesses. On b ler coinimittee are 'Mrs. 0. M. Bercaw, Nfrs. Rov Best. Mrs. J. M. Hale, Mrs. Edward Hil- dreth, 'Mrs. A. F. Hooper, M-\rs. C. Seymour Jones, and Nfrs. B. Stalling. Thursday of this week, Mrs. Harry A. Finney W'ill hold a mneeting of the sewirig commîttee at the Woman's 'Club. Elizabeth Nellegar to Wed Saturday Morning' On Saturday, September 16, at i:30 o'clock in the morning, Miss Elizabeth Nellegar, daugbiter of r and Mrs. George M. Coale of ý322 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth,- will become the bride of Charles Robert O'Boyle, son'of Nfr. and Mrs. Frank C. Q'Boyle, of Evanston, at the, Church of the Holv Comforter in Kenilworth, in the r, erpn 1, Dorothy, daughter of Mr:- and Mrs. Louis G. Raggio, 610 Abbotsford road, Kenilwortb, entertained at a bridge tea Saturday,. i ITo Be Fali. Bride Mrs. C. P. Berg, is again to heacà the activities of this organiza'tion. The other officers are: Mrs. WXalter U' Clark, first vice-president; 'Mrs. John F. Weedon, second vice-president; .Mrs. E. L. Scheidenhelm, recording secretary; Mrs. Charles Van Deuirsen, çorresponding secretary; 'Mrs'. C. G. SMieaurerg-..nonae rexc trs. beargdas ominatd:brsexCc-D Euierbord aas f .o.lolMrs MeC.1) Eayer: Mrs. nane P; Coell, -lrse; Hfsray n kinney, emers-at-labre Mrp;s..nkWJlSceridenhelm, meb- sip,; Mrs. JohnerF. Mitelln, pnt- igt ;Ms. JohnE. eedon, l)arint-n custodian; Mes. Charles N. H4urîhu1t. Plant, F'lower, and.,Fruit guild; M rs. J. Benton Schaub, civic inm.prove-. ment; Mrs. Frank Haines, telephlle; Miss Ida Noursè. telephone N\Irk. David Cooke, garden problemis. Mrs. Berg bas chosenr as chairmiien of s pecial committee, Mrs. Gordlot \loMers, Elliott Y:ouniglerg. rs Charles E. Wells, and Mes. Pal WVagner. Mrs. Wilson is in charge of the Gar-den Club of Tîiniois Gardeii and FloWer show. Mrs. Xoingherg will direct activities of the :public Garden market. Mrs. Wagner will taecare of club subseriptions to, Gardenilori.es. Mrs. -Wells is to plan and suipervisethe.ëIub flower shows.. M.,rs. .Frank Scbheidenhelm, M.Nr.s. A. E. Gebert, and M.\rs. Don \Vilev.are Mary J'atherine Gleason .Announces Bridai Part y Miss .Mary Katherine Gleason of \Vilmette, who is to be married Oc- tober 7, to John Taylor Snite of Highland Park, announces that her wvedding. party wvill include Miss MNary jane Ricb of Wilmiette, u aid of honor, and as brdemads i ss -Patsy Boylston ýofl1mette, a, cous- in; M\iss Betty .Ketcbamn of Keniil- worth; Miss .Naxine Gleason.-of H-ighland Park, another c ousin, and Mdrs. Albert O., Snîteo.f Deerfield. Mr. Sniites* groonimn will be is )rother, Albert O. Snite, bis 'best man, and Hollis Gleason, a brother of he bride-elect; Lindsay Beaton of E vanston, and Hugh .Seviarth and Roger Taylor of Highland Park, shers. MisBoylston is entertaining at a t r t I i thte engageent of their daui.q/rte, Ian ice E. Fis/er, to John H. But- terzvcck of Galesiurg, Ill. The ivi7dding wiil take Place fate> in t he Celebrating Bitthdag Eleanor Hoeseli is to be. hostess at a dinner for sixteen *Friday eve- ning of this week at her home, 123 Broadway, in celebrationi of ber birthday.

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