famous Indian mezzo-soprano. will he the soloist, and she and Mrs. George Cress of Chicago have wfitten the pageant. I t deals with the historv, past. present, and future, of 1 tic Americari Indiaii. In it are incor- porated selectionis from. the opera ý"Shanewis" by Charles Wake field Cadman, which was written «for Tsia- nina and deal.s*with ber life. She is distinguished by being the only per- 'son about whose life an opera, was writien which was presented during her ifetime, About fifty other Indianis ill assist. Tsianina in her performance. They are heing brougbt from their homes in the woods of northern Wisconsin, from- Oklahoma, and from. Taos. N4.1M. They will'present their-native ceremonial. dances, and set up their own tepees as thev. do at hiome. Hawthorn Farms, formerly, thg Samuel. Insull estate ' bas been lease( *by John C. Shaffer, through .,whes( courtesy the auxiliary is able to pre- sent the pageant in such a magnifi- cent nattural setting. The stage h.a, been huilt hetween bighi trees arn rising ground at the rear and a sunk- en swimiming pool at the fron1t,ý af- fording a charming and artistieck- ground appropriate tci the bîgh afr- tistry of the performance. Tsianina is weIl kîîown throîigliout the United States for ber promotion of. assistance for the America.n in- dian, an<l she has for several vear.s devoted ber artistic talents to this purvose. Mrs. Ralph , E. Heilman, president of the North Shore amiliary, savs that no effort will be spared to make the affair outstandiniz in everv re-. spect. Time will he given before the pageant begins for the guests tn nimake a general survey of tbe estate. The pageant- will-last .abount an hoiîr and a, haîf, and tea will be served immirediatelv afterwards. Ifrs.. Bar Cooper will act as bost-'. ess for the afternoon, assisted by Mrs. Herb.ert Bartling, Mrs. Oliver Blackbhurn, Mrs. Gordon Canning, Mrs. Charles Galloway, Mrs: J3ur- dette Gibson. Mrs. ViasTri1-n-. The Ienilworth junior .Go met on Wednesday, SeptemF the home of Mrs. Alfred L.3 Jr-, 623 Drexel avenue, Gleri visitcd the Ryerson gardens. maîmtain a lonic a 111Schoo! f 4) r boys and tw> Inspire them withi ideals of r i g h t living.- .Among the build- inigs 'art-- t lh o se iicturef(l here. the hclalnastecr\ cot- tage and one of the dormitories. The school is supported byvarious' grOUPS of people who are intéested in providing character education for, boys w-ho hecause of, circumnstaticesi such as broken homes, mwould otherivise be de- priver] of wholesomeandin. itelligent in- fluenice. At present bov, fronf 5 to 1.4 cears are admiitted. . Al grades. including the kindergarten, are taught hv competent instructrirs and the high- est standards are. nmaintaind in all'de- partnients. of the school. (;eorge W.Kilburn. formerl%, of The lias recentlv bheeîi elected -Invite. N. S. Women to jVisit Industrial League * The junior Welfare league, îeekiîxg *to introduce. to the women of the *nortb shbore the Christian Industrial, eagule, is inviting every wvoman wbo can finid time Monday, Septetnber 18, to lie its. guest for luncheon and a tour of the sbelter that day. The in- vitation is cÔuched in the folloiig wvords : "One of our young girls will arrange to c-ail for you in a car, take you there, and bring you home aga'il' The league does nlot ask vou for mon ey. It survives on. everything vou tbrow,ý away except garbage. "One hundred pounds of paper ,vi11 provide three mnen with meals and 1bcd for one day; sboes that vou dis- card may save a life; clothing thata clitters Up your closet. will bring sMiles'and happiness.to men, women.. and cbildren;- that . old broken, anda discarded furniture in yourbasenienti or at.tic, wili hel P to get another famn- ily united.and mnade self -support ing. "Won'.t you let themn show von how ir they keep bundreds of unemployed i men busy repairing what you tbrow- ý, .GUEST OF HONOR Mrs. Percy B. 'Eckhart, 206 Cun-, MEET berland avenue, Kenilwonth, entertained ,arden club at a luncheon Thunsday of last week iber 13, a t for Mrs. Alex Hannah and a few of McDougal, ber intimate friends. Among the guests acoe. They were Dr. Le Clair of Pasadena, who bas been visiting M4rs. Eckhart. Headmnaster, of the school. Invitations have heen mailed to the members .o(f the North' Shore-branch, and to other branches, w>o attend an informaI recep-" tion at the scbool on Sunday,. Septem- ber 17, hetween '3 :30 an d 5 :30, to meet t1e new hieadmraster.aiîd bis wif Îe. Officers of thée North' Shore hrancbi are:. Mrs. -Lansing B. Warner,. chair- .man, and M4rs. Charles J., Kostbade, Mrs. Clarence R. Leland, Mrs. George C. Channer, Mrs. Ezra Taylor, Mrs. Hiorace Capron, Mrs. Wilford DeBer- ard,: Mrs. Alfred Benson, M rs. J.,N Wollett. Mrs. Beverlv Williams, and. Miss, Marion L .Bearup. Will Give Tea Sunday for Miss Izeyi P 'helps MNr. and Mrs, Edwin P. Phelps;, 200 \VoorJ court, will efitertain in- formially at tea this Sunday from 4 o*clock uintil 6 for friends of Miss' Izeyl Phielps, of San Antonmio, Texas, formierly of \Vlilnîette. Mfi ss Phelps is with the Pres- Ibvterian Board of Home 'Missions and bas recently been transfered to San Antonio wbere sbe first began ber .vvork seven years ago. On Sun- day she wiil tell abou~t ber work among the Mexicali people in San Diego, Cal., and she will bring ivitb hier Mtexican costumes and curios whi.èh she acquired on ber trip to Mexico City last summer where she attended the teacher's speciàl terma ofsix weeks. at thic universitv. Mr. and Mrs. F.dwin Pbelps -are inviting .all friends of their- sister's *to "drap n" informally to seber on,,Su*ndaýv. M'iss Pbelps and ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Sebring Phelps, are moton- ng this week fromthe latters' ranch t nTexas to spend a few months inr a The gram., ,pud Tneta on Wednesday, er 20- Lunclheon will be t 1 oMcock. Miss Frances a well known soprano who is will Provide a musical pro-, 4 and 3. iTne runner-up won the wom- én 's Illinois public parks golf title :\tîgiit 17, and was runner-up in the Western Junior championship played at WVestmoreland earlier in, the sea- son. *Ini the husband-and-wife tourna- mnent pjayed at Sunset Ridg, Sunday, Nf r., and Mrs. B. T. Franik of Chica- go, won first prize for low net and, Mr., and Mrs. George' Dovenmuehle of Winnetkà won first low gross.. M\r. andMr.s. F. G. Beamsley of Ev- anston and, Mr. and Mrs. john. W . Champion:of Evanston tied for sec- ond low, net,. cut for it, and: the BReamsleys-were the winners. Sec- ond low gross was woný by Mr.ý and. .Nf rs.,C. P. Binner of Glencoe.. Tuesday the women at Sunset, Ridge . eld their gu.est' day, with prizes for members and. guests. A b)uffet luncheon was served. Tues- day of --n-ext -week they are having a "fast chance" Party, w.e n prizes wilh be given only, to women who have wvon none this season, giving them a fast chance to win. The closing bridge party of the season is sched- uled for Friday of this week. Plav wvill be pivot, witb special, prizes. A "Summer's End" party is the nre given the informaI'1 dinner dance to be held at the club Satuir- day evening of this week. The corn- nittee in charge 'has planned special out-door decorations. Except for the -!arvest home formai party, Septem- ber 30, this will be the flast Suinset Plidge dance this. season. Êlean-or Sherman Now -Golf Champion at Indian Hill Miss Eleanor Sherman of Win- etka won the championship fligbt Aayed at Indian Hill club Saturday. lefeating Mrs. Paul Chase.4 and 3. rhe .qualifying. round, was played Vedhesday, Miss Mary Arnîstrong vinning. the low medal- prize. with :a 4-. Mrs.> Henry Te ,nney won -the rst fitwith Mrs, Robert Ripley srunner-up and Mrs. Robert Young iiner of thie consolation prize. In he second routnd. U. À (A (1-4 gr'am will follow in the Illi-noisHost Flouse at 3 o'clock. Miss Louise Burkhard of 544 Ex- mnoor road, has had as her ho'use gent iss Mary Ratien of Detroit.