Rates- 25ents a lîne. A-'dvertisements m rn in 'aIl three papers.' ,aes- -ýt3 CHARGE ONE DOLLAR. Average of five wordis to the line. No black face type used. 20% discount on 'aIl cash advertise- ment-Q when brought to Our office at 12392 Central Avec., Wilmette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 110% discount on ,ail advertisements run. tour, coR'seCUtive issues. Deadli,*e f or Insertions Classified advertisements w~il e c WILMETTrE LIFE oer ail three papers WeVý-dne.sday - P.., M for WJ%,-NNETKA TALIZand, rhursday 5 P. m., for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephone.-: 'Wiimétte. 4?00, Winnetka 2000 <Winnetka "500 after 6 P. M> Greenleaf 4300 oir Sheldrake 5687. i - - ______ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JII 5 re plnqot all ectracal bome appli. ances. Tel. Uni. 2200 or WII. 4368, I E. Blunt. 53LTN40-tfc ICHILD'S 'CLOTHES F O R SALE, coat-v and dres-ýses, al in gord condi. tiron. '-;irl>' 871v.0 Phone Wilmette blaek fuir trimmed. Size 14. I - 3 LOST AND POUND IMSCLISRUTO odto. snbe hn WA-1 REWVARD for RECOVERY IAO Ld SN AT YOUR HM et 6~ 59LTN19-tp Moerm methods, for children. Best FOÛR SAL-!LADE RUN R RU -MEIU ARECHNEE N. Shore refs. Katherine Wlnifred Per oxfords, tan, size 6AAAA.' Al- Oriental, pink.1 blue border.. Taken Mcilnerny, 20 ig~y vntn most new. PoeWnek 98 from my home by emPloyed lhelp. If Davis 2444. 3 __________________ bought by anyone wilI pay full. va*ue, _______________________ no questions. Address B-37, ýBdx 40.'- N1-t BB E.AL COAT, SIZE 14, GOOD Wllmtte.3LTN19-lc8 LA UNORY a ew y reasonable. Phone W! LoST-13LACK AND WHITE FOX! E-x P E R I E N CE LUNDRS et 9.*9Tî-l terrier puppy,, Satuirday. Aeward if WIShes wot'k to do at homfie. Reason- ai LAN& returned to 307 Woodstock Ave., Ke:n-; able. ' Sill call a nd deliver. Clothes îlworth. LT1-p dre utside. Ph. Wilmette 2623. LOAN ON AUTOMOBILES 34LTN19-lte f Confldentil,îservice, leC&I! rates. SERVIE C 'RTANs, LANKTS, MOTOR LOAN C . s USNESAND OTHEzR LAUNDRy WORK'- iRevive your ILAWN .witI ANA&LYZED Very reasonable. Will Cali and deliver. Sts.te Bank IBld., Evanstom. Ore. 3600 HUMUS] 886 wiI'Ow Rd., Wlnnetka 1924. 6SLTN36-ttç Ieo1d. and delliered i aiw qu>ty. - 4LtNlS-4tp --- EspeelalIy put up In~ 100-lb. sacks for *sSITUATION WApTUS-UMALB s5maI! lawn owners. Also black soi!UMSIA NSU8 TCOMPETENT HELP Mforton Grove 1832, Urban Hottman, grand piano. No upright, no dernler. No Charge to Employer Church and Golf Rd. 16LTN16-Otpl, Phone Glencoe 945 or write 496 Oak- . emcent Service for North Shore Homhes Rats, Roaches, Etc.alAv.Glco.0L9ît WE ARE' THE ORIGINAL P. . UEDELHOFEN, EXTERMI.NÂT- 4 NURSINQ Pauline's Enlp. Agenvies igengineer. Ph. Winnetka 591 or EXP. ÎRD '11Y1119, ]INFANT CARýE 421 Fourth St., Wilinette Wilmtte386. 1LTN7-t,~à specialty. Cali Miss white, New- Wilmette 2171, Wlnnetka 2661 CARPEINTER AND CABINET MlAK. castle 3812. For rets. cal Mr&s. w ST1-t er; alterations, stom window, r pair Houston, People's Agency, Park RIdge COLLEGE GIRL WITH 2 YEARS work large or emaI!. Free estimate. 867. 4lLTN17..4tp training in interlor decorating would Prices rea-sonable. E. Anderson, l ilke work in~ an interior decoratlng7 Phone Wilmette 3379. 16=TN9-4te 41t PAINrINQ AND ORCOURATINS 'hop to learu the business tç rorn a Paint, b M f practical standpoint, Address B-3b, - Highest prices paid for paperand maga.. SANNITAS AND_ CANVASING WORK HIGH SCHOOL GRAXUATE WNS zines. Wilmetteý 5417, Winnet1ka. 3623. reasRni. wallpaPer . cleaned, 50c, get>eral office'position or stenographic 16LT19-Ip bahrm.enamneled, $5 ; kitchen Paint-' work. Rets. Ph. Wilmette 1253. HAR DWOOD - OAK - F'OR PIRE£-' -d, $5; ceiling. caIceimined, $1 up; 5; 68LTNîS.2Itp PLACES, 2 FEET LONÇG, $10 A P.M. FLOORS WASHED, SCRUBBED, GOES YrG WMN CORD. DELIVERED. ALSO BLACI VAR-I LED %OR EA-ED, $s; EX DIRT $5, 3 YARDS. WINNETICA TERIOR .WORýK-WINDO)W5, 35c 1 cc family,; graduate of Art college; 2108. 16LT18I-4tc AD P PRCHES $10j. REFS. mrusic; German. Good refs. Ph. CENTrUR'Y QIL BURNER SERVICE j, FREE ESTIIMATES. MATERIALS:Knloh.55 ST1-t. ALL BURNERS AT ALL HOURS FURNISHED. CALL WILMETTE EXPERIE-NCED INFTS NURSE, E POSTER, NISTLE Phone 'Wil. 5405' ..42LTN19-ltp hospital trained. LeJst North Shre 16LTN71-4t'p . , and doQto.r'àý referen 1ces. Phone Mil- 16T1SIpCEILINGS CAL S PiMette 5910. 6SLTN19-ltp 190 LCK REPAIRINQ A NT1 Q U E 'WA L L S: WASHED, EXPERIENCýrED WHITE GIRL- CLOcK ý cPERT, CRIMELý, starchéd $22.50 up: rmi. paptred $2.50 wishes second work or coo)rking 'and antique clock repairing. Land uP; 1kitchen, painied. $5 up;' bathrm. 4cletaning, by day, hour, or week. Rets. trade In Europe. (Forrneriy' wlth enanied $5; tlo>ors refinished by rna- Call Winnetka 16SI. 6SLTN91-ltp TI - yad' Field'a.) Wjl»call! Free jchine or by harid. 'VerY nreâMnabh1e . N'rr-t'f 1 f mornings for saiary, or in f-xchange 1 fr room)r and board. P'h<nfe morningi P ,XVl. 254?. , 'T1-t SFIRST-CLASS CHAUFFEUR. AMERI- can, married, wishes Position. Ias. e- place 3 years, Be-lt N. S. ref. Cail W annetka 3132. 69LT.N19..ltp !q 7 SI.WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE Z- NOTICE i'WE HAVE IN THE. PAST MONTH- e Platéed 47 couples and 53 rnaids. W(- S can recipmmend a!! our help as being Co.)mpetent. Ask your neighbors'about uS; We have a private lnterviewing r I rOom for your convenlence. *Reinhart's Emli.' Agency 748. Elm St. Winnetka 3399 COUPLES FOR, HIGHLY TRA.INED HELP CALI. Wilmette 2171 or Wi.nnetkÂ' 2662 WE HAVE WHAT WEý ADVERTISE P.auline'sEi-np. Agencv 421 Foc.urth St. Wihnette EFFICIENT COLORED HELP A SPECIATY. MAID, AD- ventist, also other rnalds, Iiousernen. chauff -eurs, catereas, 'Janîtora, couples.> References Investigated. Ph. Wilmette JOHNSONS EMPLI. AGENC-y 70LTN18-4tp EXPERIENcED HELP WE 'SPECIALIZE IN HIGH-GRAu>E domesçti c help, ail nationalities. No charge to employer. ReferenceQ in,- v'estigated. Under state supervision. Reinhart's Empi. Agencv 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3-39 -------------------- 7OLTN19-te QENERAL HOUSEWOP.K. COOt.RE cuple, first class cook and butler, Re-a S. *Salary. ExPerienced. Not afraid of work. Ph. Greenleat,, 1142. 70TN9-t EXPERIEN"CED COLORED. CHAUF- f.-ur, alsci experienced colored coup,~ .a chauffeur, housemran';,wife, gel,. hsw.Refs. ph, DAVIS -8124. EXP. COL ORED COUPLWF C',ok and housework; man-chauffeur and, butler. Wl!wo.rk separate. A br,e .âaverage .. ,Good N. S. rets. Ph. G len ' e 9 'Çý1. '70L 19-îtp ý7OLQRD CUL WITH NORTH shr)r reterence, five years with oneb famlily. Phone University 3113. per- uour;- b, arumony, FOR ~.' 4 'm MON HCON- table ratea. Thorou nutka 479. Moutt 319--tp SCHOOLBOYS of Free. Exnp. >fle: Wel. 4146t. ýoperating with k. 5 monthi old. Wilhnette. 1875ï. 44LTN19- tp XA-15§52. 67,9It z~,~w~>< Vages $6.-Mu- lik-t children. Phone Wint. 198 ater 10 :30) A. M% . 7iI9-ltp WMHTE MAI D. F 0 R GENERAL hou-Sework. Ebxper. Cook, help wlth chfdren, ironing. Ref. requlred. $12, ghne W nnetka 2 ,90. 7LTNî7î-ltc ANTED - TWrO EXPERT MANÏÎj cure girls. Phone Winnetka 119.. 71LTN19-i te